blob: 94c738e37b7981722746249b453425d1563529ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/typographer/lazy_glyph_atlas.h"
#include "impeller/base/validation.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/text_render_context.h"
#include <utility>
namespace impeller {
LazyGlyphAtlas::LazyGlyphAtlas() = default;
LazyGlyphAtlas::~LazyGlyphAtlas() = default;
void LazyGlyphAtlas::AddTextFrame(const TextFrame& frame, Scalar scale) {
if (frame.GetAtlasType() == GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap) {
frame.CollectUniqueFontGlyphPairs(alpha_set_, scale);
} else {
frame.CollectUniqueFontGlyphPairs(color_set_, scale);
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> LazyGlyphAtlas::CreateOrGetGlyphAtlas(
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlasContext> atlas_context,
std::shared_ptr<Context> context) const {
auto atlas_it = atlas_map_.find(type);
if (atlas_it != atlas_map_.end()) {
return atlas_it->second;
auto text_context = TextRenderContext::Create(std::move(context));
if (!text_context || !text_context->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
auto& set = type == GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap ? alpha_set_ : color_set_;
auto atlas =
text_context->CreateGlyphAtlas(type, std::move(atlas_context), set);
if (!atlas || !atlas->IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not create valid atlas.";
return nullptr;
atlas_map_[type] = atlas;
return atlas;
} // namespace impeller