blob: 056dfa71b7322021920f9f36e61e0b242798af0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of engine;
/// Surfaces that were retained this frame.
/// Surfaces should be added to this list directly. Instead, if a surface needs
/// to be retained call [_retainSurface].
List<PersistedSurface> get debugRetainedSurfaces => _retainedSurfaces;
List<PersistedSurface> _retainedSurfaces = <PersistedSurface>[];
/// Maps every surface currently active on the screen to debug statistics.
Map<PersistedSurface, _DebugSurfaceStats> _surfaceStats =
<PersistedSurface, _DebugSurfaceStats>{};
List<Map<PersistedSurface, _DebugSurfaceStats>> _surfaceStatsTimeline =
<Map<PersistedSurface, _DebugSurfaceStats>>[];
/// Returns debug statistics for the given [surface].
_DebugSurfaceStats _surfaceStatsFor(PersistedSurface surface) {
if (!_debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
throw Exception(
'_surfaceStatsFor is only available when _debugExplainSurfaceStats is set to true.');
return _surfaceStats.putIfAbsent(surface, () => _DebugSurfaceStats(surface));
/// Compositor information collected for one frame useful for assessing the
/// efficiency of constructing the frame.
/// This information is only available in debug mode.
/// For stats pertaining to a single surface the numeric counter fields are
/// typically either 0 or 1. For aggregated stats, the numbers can be >1.
class _DebugSurfaceStats {
/// The surface these stats are for, or `null` if these are aggregated stats.
final PersistedSurface? surface;
/// How many times a surface was retained from a previously rendered frame.
int retainSurfaceCount = 0;
/// How many times a surface reused an HTML element from a previously rendered
/// surface.
int reuseElementCount = 0;
/// If a surface is a [PersistedPicture], how many times it painted.
int paintCount = 0;
/// If a surface is a [PersistedPicture], how many pixels it painted.
int paintPixelCount = 0;
/// If a surface is a [PersistedPicture], how many times it reused a
/// previously allocated `<canvas>` element when it painted.
int reuseCanvasCount = 0;
/// If a surface is a [PersistedPicture], how many times it allocated a new
/// bitmap canvas.
int allocateBitmapCanvasCount = 0;
/// If a surface is a [PersistedPicture], how many pixels it allocated for
/// the bitmap.
/// For aggregated stats, this is the total sum of all pixels across all
/// canvases.
int allocatedBitmapSizeInPixels = 0;
/// The number of HTML DOM nodes a surface allocated.
/// For aggregated stats, this is the total sum of all DOM nodes across all
/// surfaces.
int allocatedDomNodeCount = 0;
/// Adds all counters of [oneSurfaceStats] into this object.
void aggregate(_DebugSurfaceStats oneSurfaceStats) {
retainSurfaceCount += oneSurfaceStats.retainSurfaceCount;
reuseElementCount += oneSurfaceStats.reuseElementCount;
paintCount += oneSurfaceStats.paintCount;
paintPixelCount += oneSurfaceStats.paintPixelCount;
reuseCanvasCount += oneSurfaceStats.reuseCanvasCount;
allocateBitmapCanvasCount += oneSurfaceStats.allocateBitmapCanvasCount;
allocatedBitmapSizeInPixels += oneSurfaceStats.allocatedBitmapSizeInPixels;
allocatedDomNodeCount += oneSurfaceStats.allocatedDomNodeCount;
html.CanvasRenderingContext2D? _debugSurfaceStatsOverlayCtx;
void _debugRepaintSurfaceStatsOverlay(PersistedScene scene) {
final int overlayWidth = html.window.innerWidth!;
const int rowHeight = 30;
const int rowCount = 4;
const int overlayHeight = rowHeight * rowCount;
const int strokeWidth = 2;
while (_surfaceStatsTimeline.length > (overlayWidth / strokeWidth)) {
if (_debugSurfaceStatsOverlayCtx == null) {
final html.CanvasElement _debugSurfaceStatsOverlay = html.CanvasElement(
width: overlayWidth,
height: overlayHeight,
..position = 'fixed'
..left = '0' = '0'
..zIndex = '1000'
..opacity = '0.8';
_debugSurfaceStatsOverlayCtx = _debugSurfaceStatsOverlay.context2D;
..fillStyle = 'black'
..rect(0, 0, overlayWidth, overlayHeight)
final double physicalScreenWidth =
html.window.innerWidth! * EnginePlatformDispatcher.browserDevicePixelRatio;
final double physicalScreenHeight =
html.window.innerHeight! * EnginePlatformDispatcher.browserDevicePixelRatio;
final double physicsScreenPixelCount =
physicalScreenWidth * physicalScreenHeight;
final int totalDomNodeCount = scene.rootElement!.querySelectorAll('*').length;
for (int i = 0; i < _surfaceStatsTimeline.length; i++) {
final Map<PersistedSurface, _DebugSurfaceStats> statsMap =
final _DebugSurfaceStats totals = _DebugSurfaceStats(null);
int pixelCount = 0;
for (_DebugSurfaceStats oneSurfaceStats in statsMap.values) {
if (oneSurfaceStats.surface is PersistedPicture) {
final PersistedPicture picture = oneSurfaceStats.surface as PersistedPicture;
pixelCount += picture.bitmapPixelCount;
final double repaintRate = totals.paintPixelCount / pixelCount;
final double domAllocationRate =
totals.allocatedDomNodeCount / totalDomNodeCount;
final double bitmapAllocationRate =
totals.allocatedBitmapSizeInPixels / physicsScreenPixelCount;
final double surfaceRetainRate =
totals.retainSurfaceCount / _surfaceStatsTimeline[i].length;
// Repaints
..lineWidth = strokeWidth
..strokeStyle = 'red'
..moveTo(strokeWidth * i, rowHeight)
..lineTo(strokeWidth * i, rowHeight * (1 - repaintRate))
// DOM allocations
..lineWidth = strokeWidth
..strokeStyle = 'red'
..moveTo(strokeWidth * i, 2 * rowHeight)
..lineTo(strokeWidth * i, rowHeight * (2 - domAllocationRate))
// Bitmap allocations
..lineWidth = strokeWidth
..strokeStyle = 'red'
..moveTo(strokeWidth * i, 3 * rowHeight)
..lineTo(strokeWidth * i, rowHeight * (3 - bitmapAllocationRate))
// Surface retentions
..lineWidth = strokeWidth
..strokeStyle = 'green'
..moveTo(strokeWidth * i, 4 * rowHeight)
..lineTo(strokeWidth * i, rowHeight * (4 - surfaceRetainRate))
..font = 'normal normal 14px sans-serif'
..fillStyle = 'white'
..fillText('Repaint rate', 5, rowHeight - 5)
..fillText('DOM alloc rate', 5, 2 * rowHeight - 5)
..fillText('Bitmap alloc rate', 5, 3 * rowHeight - 5)
..fillText('Retain rate', 5, 4 * rowHeight - 5);
for (int i = 1; i <= rowCount; i++) {
..lineWidth = 1
..strokeStyle = 'blue'
..moveTo(0, overlayHeight - rowHeight * i)
..lineTo(overlayWidth, overlayHeight - rowHeight * i)
/// Prints debug statistics for the current frame to the console.
void _debugPrintSurfaceStats(PersistedScene scene, int frameNumber) {
int pictureCount = 0;
int paintCount = 0;
int bitmapCanvasCount = 0;
int bitmapReuseCount = 0;
int bitmapAllocationCount = 0;
int bitmapPaintCount = 0;
int bitmapPixelsAllocated = 0;
int domCanvasCount = 0;
int domPaintCount = 0;
int surfaceRetainCount = 0;
int elementReuseCount = 0;
int totalAllocatedDomNodeCount = 0;
void countReusesRecursively(PersistedSurface surface) {
final _DebugSurfaceStats stats = _surfaceStatsFor(surface);
assert(stats != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
surfaceRetainCount += stats.retainSurfaceCount;
elementReuseCount += stats.reuseElementCount;
totalAllocatedDomNodeCount += stats.allocatedDomNodeCount;
if (surface is PersistedPicture) {
pictureCount += 1;
paintCount += stats.paintCount;
if (surface._canvas is DomCanvas) {
domPaintCount += stats.paintCount;
if (surface._canvas is BitmapCanvas) {
bitmapPaintCount += stats.paintCount;
bitmapReuseCount += stats.reuseCanvasCount;
bitmapAllocationCount += stats.allocateBitmapCanvasCount;
bitmapPixelsAllocated += stats.allocatedBitmapSizeInPixels;
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer();
'---------------------- FRAME #$frameNumber -------------------------')
..writeln('Surfaces retained: $surfaceRetainCount')
..writeln('Elements reused: $elementReuseCount')
..writeln('Elements allocated: $totalAllocatedDomNodeCount')
..writeln('Pictures: $pictureCount')
..writeln(' Painted: $paintCount')
..writeln(' Skipped painting: ${pictureCount - paintCount}')
..writeln('DOM canvases:')
..writeln(' Painted: $domPaintCount')
..writeln(' Skipped painting: ${domCanvasCount - domPaintCount}')
..writeln('Bitmap canvases: $bitmapCanvasCount')
..writeln(' Painted: $bitmapPaintCount')
..writeln(' Skipped painting: ${bitmapCanvasCount - bitmapPaintCount}')
..writeln(' Reused: $bitmapReuseCount')
..writeln(' Allocated: $bitmapAllocationCount')
..writeln(' Allocated pixels: $bitmapPixelsAllocated')
..writeln(' Available for reuse: ${_recycledCanvases.length}');
// A microtask will fire after the DOM is flushed, letting us probe into
// actual <canvas> tags.
scheduleMicrotask(() {
final List<html.Element> canvasElements =
final StringBuffer canvasInfo = StringBuffer();
final int pixelCount = canvasElements
.map<int>((html.CanvasElement e) {
final int pixels = e.width! * e.height!;
canvasInfo.writeln(' - ${e.width!} x ${e.height!} = $pixels pixels');
return pixels;
}).fold(0, (int total, int pixels) => total + pixels);
final double physicalScreenWidth =
html.window.innerWidth! * EnginePlatformDispatcher.browserDevicePixelRatio;
final double physicalScreenHeight =
html.window.innerHeight! * EnginePlatformDispatcher.browserDevicePixelRatio;
final double physicsScreenPixelCount =
physicalScreenWidth * physicalScreenHeight;
final double screenPixelRatio = pixelCount / physicsScreenPixelCount;
final String screenDescription =
'1 screen is $physicalScreenWidth x $physicalScreenHeight = $physicsScreenPixelCount pixels';
final String canvasPixelDescription =
'$pixelCount (${screenPixelRatio.toStringAsFixed(2)} x screens';
..writeln(' Elements: ${canvasElements.length}')
..writeln(' Pixels: $canvasPixelDescription; $screenDescription)')
final bool screenPixelRatioTooHigh =
screenPixelRatio > _kScreenPixelRatioWarningThreshold;
if (screenPixelRatioTooHigh) {
'WARNING: pixel/screen ratio too high (${screenPixelRatio.toStringAsFixed(2)}x)');