blob: f775f06acc99d7e4a83bff159135c56d41177658 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of engine;
/// After a keydown is received, this is the duration we wait for a repeat event
/// before we decide to synthesize a keyup event.
/// On Linux and Windows, the typical ranges for keyboard repeat delay go up to
/// 1000ms. On Mac, the range goes up to 2000ms.
const Duration _keydownCancelDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 1000);
/// Provides keyboard bindings, such as the `flutter/keyevent` channel.
class Keyboard {
/// Initializes the [Keyboard] singleton.
/// Use the [instance] getter to get the singleton after calling this method.
static void initialize() {
_instance ??= Keyboard._();
/// The [Keyboard] singleton.
static Keyboard? get instance => _instance;
static Keyboard? _instance;
/// A mapping of [KeyboardEvent.code] to [Timer].
/// The timer is for when to synthesize a keyup for the [KeyboardEvent.code]
/// if no repeat events were received.
final Map<String, Timer> _keydownTimers = <String, Timer>{};
html.EventListener? _keydownListener;
html.EventListener? _keyupListener;
Keyboard._() {
_keydownListener = (html.Event event) {
html.window.addEventListener('keydown', _keydownListener);
_keyupListener = (html.Event event) {
html.window.addEventListener('keyup', _keyupListener);
registerHotRestartListener(() {
/// Uninitializes the [Keyboard] singleton.
/// After calling this method this object becomes unusable and [instance]
/// becomes `null`. Call [initialize] again to initialize a new singleton.
void dispose() {
html.window.removeEventListener('keydown', _keydownListener);
html.window.removeEventListener('keyup', _keyupListener);
for (final String key in _keydownTimers.keys) {
_keydownListener = null;
_keyupListener = null;
_instance = null;
static const JSONMessageCodec _messageCodec = JSONMessageCodec();
/// Contains meta state from the latest event.
/// Initializing with `0x0` which means no meta keys are pressed.
int _lastMetaState = 0x0;
void _handleHtmlEvent(html.Event event) {
if (event is! html.KeyboardEvent) {
final html.KeyboardEvent keyboardEvent = event;
final String timerKey = keyboardEvent.code!;
// Don't handle synthesizing a keyup event for modifier keys
if (!_isModifierKey(event)) {
// When the user enters a browser/system shortcut (e.g. `cmd+alt+i`) the
// browser doesn't send a keyup for it. This puts the framework in a
// corrupt state because it thinks the key was never released.
// To avoid this, we rely on the fact that browsers send repeat events
// while the key is held down by the user. If we don't receive a repeat
// event within a specific duration ([_keydownCancelDuration]) we assume
// the user has released the key and we synthesize a keyup event.
// Only keys affected by modifiers, require synthesizing
// because the browser always sends a keyup event otherwise
if (event.type == 'keydown' && _isAffectedByModifiers(event)) {
_keydownTimers[timerKey] = Timer(_keydownCancelDuration, () {
} else {
_lastMetaState = _getMetaState(event);
if (event.type == 'keydown') {
// For lock modifiers _getMetaState won't report a metaState at keydown.
// See
if (event.key == 'CapsLock') {
_lastMetaState |= modifierCapsLock;
} else if (event.code == 'NumLock') {
_lastMetaState |= modifierNumLock;
} else if (event.key == 'ScrollLock') {
_lastMetaState |= modifierScrollLock;
final Map<String, dynamic> eventData = <String, dynamic>{
'type': event.type,
'keymap': 'web',
'code': keyboardEvent.code,
'key': keyboardEvent.key,
'metaState': _lastMetaState,
_messageCodec.encodeMessage(eventData), (ByteData? data) {
if (data == null) {
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonResponse = _messageCodec.decodeMessage(data);
if (jsonResponse['handled'] as bool) {
// If the framework handled it, then don't propagate it any further.
void _synthesizeKeyup(html.KeyboardEvent event) {
final Map<String, dynamic> eventData = <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'keyup',
'keymap': 'web',
'code': event.code,
'key': event.key,
'metaState': _lastMetaState,
_messageCodec.encodeMessage(eventData), _noopCallback);
const int _modifierNone = 0x00;
const int _modifierShift = 0x01;
const int _modifierAlt = 0x02;
const int _modifierControl = 0x04;
const int _modifierMeta = 0x08;
const int modifierNumLock = 0x10;
const int modifierCapsLock = 0x20;
const int modifierScrollLock = 0x40;
/// Creates a bitmask representing the meta state of the [event].
int _getMetaState(html.KeyboardEvent event) {
int metaState = _modifierNone;
if (event.getModifierState('Shift')) {
metaState |= _modifierShift;
if (event.getModifierState('Alt') || event.getModifierState('AltGraph')) {
metaState |= _modifierAlt;
if (event.getModifierState('Control')) {
metaState |= _modifierControl;
if (event.getModifierState('Meta')) {
metaState |= _modifierMeta;
// See for why we don't
// set the ones below based on persistent state.
// if (event.getModifierState("CapsLock")) {
// metaState |= modifierCapsLock;
// }
// if (event.getModifierState("NumLock")) {
// metaState |= modifierNumLock;
// }
// if (event.getModifierState("ScrollLock")) {
// metaState |= modifierScrollLock;
// }
return metaState;
/// Returns true if the [event] was caused by a modifier key.
/// Modifier keys are shift, alt, ctrl and meta/cmd/win. These are the keys used
/// to perform keyboard shortcuts (e.g. `cmd+c`, `cmd+l`).
bool _isModifierKey(html.KeyboardEvent event) {
final String key = event.key!;
return key == 'Meta' || key == 'Shift' || key == 'Alt' || key == 'Control';
/// Returns true if the [event] is been affects by any of the modifiers key
/// This is a strong indication that this key is been used for a shortcut
bool _isAffectedByModifiers(html.KeyboardEvent event) {
return event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey;
void _noopCallback(ByteData? data) {}