blob: b3bdb624ade32775dd5821e1e5891bb4811961ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../dom.dart';
import 'canvas_paragraph.dart';
import 'layout_fragmenter.dart';
import 'line_breaker.dart';
import 'measurement.dart';
import 'paragraph.dart';
import 'ruler.dart';
import 'text_direction.dart';
/// Performs layout on a [CanvasParagraph].
/// It uses a [DomCanvasElement] to measure text.
class TextLayoutService {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph;
final DomCanvasRenderingContext2D context =
// *** Results of layout *** //
// Look at the Paragraph class for documentation of the following properties.
double width = -1.0;
double height = 0.0;
ParagraphLine? longestLine;
double minIntrinsicWidth = 0.0;
double maxIntrinsicWidth = 0.0;
double alphabeticBaseline = -1.0;
double ideographicBaseline = -1.0;
bool didExceedMaxLines = false;
final List<ParagraphLine> lines = <ParagraphLine>[];
/// The bounds that contain the text painted inside this paragraph.
ui.Rect get paintBounds => _paintBounds;
ui.Rect _paintBounds =;
late final Spanometer spanometer = Spanometer(paragraph, context);
late final LayoutFragmenter layoutFragmenter =
LayoutFragmenter(paragraph.plainText, paragraph.spans);
/// Performs the layout on a paragraph given the [constraints].
/// The function starts by resetting all layout-related properties. Then it
/// starts looping through the paragraph to calculate all layout metrics.
/// It uses a [Spanometer] to perform measurements within spans of the
/// paragraph. It also uses [LineBuilders] to generate [ParagraphLine]s as
/// it iterates through the paragraph.
/// The main loop keeps going until:
/// 1. The end of the paragraph is reached (i.e. LineBreakType.endOfText).
/// 2. Enough lines have been computed to satisfy [maxLines].
/// 3. An ellipsis is appended because of an overflow.
void performLayout(ui.ParagraphConstraints constraints) {
// Reset results from previous layout.
width = constraints.width;
height = 0.0;
longestLine = null;
minIntrinsicWidth = 0.0;
maxIntrinsicWidth = 0.0;
didExceedMaxLines = false;
LineBuilder currentLine =
LineBuilder.first(paragraph, spanometer, maxWidth: constraints.width);
final List<LayoutFragment> fragments =
for (int i = 0; i < fragments.length; i++) {
final LayoutFragment fragment = fragments[i];
while (currentLine.isOverflowing) {
if (currentLine.canHaveEllipsis) {
didExceedMaxLines = true;
break outerLoop;
if (currentLine.isBreakable) {
} else {
// The line can't be legally broken, so the last fragment (that caused
// the line to overflow) needs to be force-broken.
i += currentLine.appendZeroWidthFragments(fragments, startFrom: i + 1);
currentLine = currentLine.nextLine();
if (currentLine.isHardBreak) {
currentLine = currentLine.nextLine();
final int? maxLines = paragraph.paragraphStyle.maxLines;
if (maxLines != null && lines.length > maxLines) {
didExceedMaxLines = true;
lines.removeRange(maxLines, lines.length);
// ***************************************************************** //
// ***************************************************************** //
double boundsLeft = double.infinity;
double boundsRight = double.negativeInfinity;
for (final ParagraphLine line in lines) {
height += line.height;
if (alphabeticBaseline == -1.0) {
alphabeticBaseline = line.baseline;
ideographicBaseline = alphabeticBaseline * baselineRatioHack;
final double longestLineWidth = longestLine?.width ?? 0.0;
if (longestLineWidth < line.width) {
longestLine = line;
final double left = line.left;
if (left < boundsLeft) {
boundsLeft = left;
final double right = left + line.width;
if (right > boundsRight) {
boundsRight = right;
_paintBounds = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
// **************************** //
// **************************** //
// We have to perform justification alignment first so that we can position
// fragments correctly later.
if (lines.isNotEmpty) {
final bool shouldJustifyParagraph = width.isFinite &&
paragraph.paragraphStyle.textAlign == ui.TextAlign.justify;
if (shouldJustifyParagraph) {
// Don't apply justification to the last line.
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
for (final LayoutFragment fragment in lines[i].fragments) {
fragment.justifyTo(paragraphWidth: width);
// ******************************** //
// ******************************** //
// TODO(mdebbar): Handle maxLines
double runningMinIntrinsicWidth = 0;
double runningMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
for (final LayoutFragment fragment in fragments) {
runningMinIntrinsicWidth += fragment.widthExcludingTrailingSpaces;
// Max intrinsic width includes the width of trailing spaces.
runningMaxIntrinsicWidth += fragment.widthIncludingTrailingSpaces;
switch (fragment.type) {
case LineBreakType.prohibited:
case LineBreakType.opportunity:
minIntrinsicWidth = math.max(minIntrinsicWidth, runningMinIntrinsicWidth);
runningMinIntrinsicWidth = 0;
case LineBreakType.mandatory:
case LineBreakType.endOfText:
minIntrinsicWidth = math.max(minIntrinsicWidth, runningMinIntrinsicWidth);
maxIntrinsicWidth = math.max(maxIntrinsicWidth, runningMaxIntrinsicWidth);
runningMinIntrinsicWidth = 0;
runningMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
ui.TextDirection get _paragraphDirection =>
/// Positions the fragments taking into account their directions and the
/// paragraph's direction.
void _positionLineFragments(ParagraphLine line) {
ui.TextDirection previousDirection = _paragraphDirection;
double startOffset = 0.0;
int? sandwichStart;
int sequenceStart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= line.fragments.length; i++) {
if (i < line.fragments.length) {
final LayoutFragment fragment = line.fragments[i];
if (fragment.fragmentFlow == FragmentFlow.previous) {
sandwichStart = null;
if (fragment.fragmentFlow == FragmentFlow.sandwich) {
sandwichStart ??= i;
assert(fragment.fragmentFlow == FragmentFlow.ltr ||
fragment.fragmentFlow == FragmentFlow.rtl);
final ui.TextDirection currentDirection =
fragment.fragmentFlow == FragmentFlow.ltr
? ui.TextDirection.ltr
: ui.TextDirection.rtl;
if (currentDirection == previousDirection) {
sandwichStart = null;
// We've reached a fragment that'll flip the text direction. Let's
// position the sequence that we've been traversing.
if (sandwichStart == null) {
// Position fragments in range [sequenceStart:i)
startOffset += _positionFragmentRange(
line: line,
start: sequenceStart,
end: i,
direction: previousDirection,
startOffset: startOffset,
} else {
// Position fragments in range [sequenceStart:sandwichStart)
startOffset += _positionFragmentRange(
line: line,
start: sequenceStart,
end: sandwichStart,
direction: previousDirection,
startOffset: startOffset,
// Position fragments in range [sandwichStart:i)
startOffset += _positionFragmentRange(
line: line,
start: sandwichStart,
end: i,
direction: _paragraphDirection,
startOffset: startOffset,
sequenceStart = i;
sandwichStart = null;
if (i < line.fragments.length){
previousDirection = line.fragments[i].textDirection!;
double _positionFragmentRange({
required ParagraphLine line,
required int start,
required int end,
required ui.TextDirection direction,
required double startOffset,
}) {
assert(start <= end);
double cumulativeWidth = 0.0;
// The bodies of the two for loops below must remain identical. The only
// difference is the looping direction. One goes from start to end, while
// the other goes from end to start.
if (direction == _paragraphDirection) {
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
cumulativeWidth +=
_positionOneFragment(line, i, startOffset + cumulativeWidth, direction);
} else {
for (int i = end - 1; i >= start; i--) {
cumulativeWidth +=
_positionOneFragment(line, i, startOffset + cumulativeWidth, direction);
return cumulativeWidth;
double _positionOneFragment(
ParagraphLine line,
int i,
double startOffset,
ui.TextDirection direction,
) {
final LayoutFragment fragment = line.fragments[i];
fragment.setPosition(startOffset: startOffset, textDirection: direction);
return fragment.widthIncludingTrailingSpaces;
List<ui.TextBox> getBoxesForPlaceholders() {
final List<ui.TextBox> boxes = <ui.TextBox>[];
for (final ParagraphLine line in lines) {
for (final LayoutFragment fragment in line.fragments) {
if (fragment.isPlaceholder) {
return boxes;
List<ui.TextBox> getBoxesForRange(
int start,
int end,
ui.BoxHeightStyle boxHeightStyle,
ui.BoxWidthStyle boxWidthStyle,
) {
// Zero-length ranges and invalid ranges return an empty list.
if (start >= end || start < 0 || end < 0) {
return <ui.TextBox>[];
final int length = paragraph.toPlainText().length;
// Ranges that are out of bounds should return an empty list.
if (start > length || end > length) {
return <ui.TextBox>[];
final List<ui.TextBox> boxes = <ui.TextBox>[];
for (final ParagraphLine line in lines) {
if (line.overlapsWith(start, end)) {
for (final LayoutFragment fragment in line.fragments) {
if (!fragment.isPlaceholder && fragment.overlapsWith(start, end)) {
boxes.add(fragment.toTextBox(start: start, end: end));
return boxes;
ui.TextPosition getPositionForOffset(ui.Offset offset) {
// After layout, each line has boxes that contain enough information to make
// it possible to do hit testing. Once we find the box, we look inside that
// box to find where exactly the `offset` is located.
final ParagraphLine line = _findLineForY(offset.dy);
// [offset] is to the left of the line.
if (offset.dx <= line.left) {
return ui.TextPosition(
offset: line.startIndex,
// [offset] is to the right of the line.
if (offset.dx >= line.left + line.widthWithTrailingSpaces) {
return ui.TextPosition(
offset: line.endIndex - line.trailingNewlines,
affinity: ui.TextAffinity.upstream,
final double dx = offset.dx - line.left;
for (final LayoutFragment fragment in line.fragments) {
if (fragment.left <= dx && dx <= fragment.right) {
return fragment.getPositionForX(dx - fragment.left);
// Is this ever reachable?
return ui.TextPosition(offset: line.startIndex);
ParagraphLine _findLineForY(double y) {
// We could do a binary search here but it's not worth it because the number
// of line is typically low, and each iteration is a cheap comparison of
// doubles.
for (final ParagraphLine line in lines) {
if (y <= line.height) {
return line;
y -= line.height;
return lines.last;
/// Builds instances of [ParagraphLine] for the given [paragraph].
/// Usage of this class starts by calling [LineBuilder.first] to start building
/// the first line of the paragraph.
/// Then fragments can be added by calling [addFragment].
/// After adding a fragment, one can use [isOverflowing] to determine whether
/// the added fragment caused the line to overflow or not.
/// Once the line is complete, it can be built by calling [build] to generate
/// a [ParagraphLine] instance.
/// To start building the next line, simply call [nextLine] to get a new
/// [LineBuilder] for the next line.
class LineBuilder {
this.spanometer, {
required this.maxWidth,
required this.lineNumber,
required this.accumulatedHeight,
required List<LayoutFragment> fragments,
}) : _fragments = fragments {
/// Creates a [LineBuilder] for the first line in a paragraph.
factory LineBuilder.first(
CanvasParagraph paragraph,
Spanometer spanometer, {
required double maxWidth,
}) {
return LineBuilder._(
maxWidth: maxWidth,
lineNumber: 0,
accumulatedHeight: 0.0,
fragments: <LayoutFragment>[],
final List<LayoutFragment> _fragments;
List<LayoutFragment>? _fragmentsForNextLine;
int get startIndex {
assert(_fragments.isNotEmpty || _fragmentsForNextLine!.isNotEmpty);
return isNotEmpty
? _fragments.first.start
: _fragmentsForNextLine!.first.start;
int get endIndex {
assert(_fragments.isNotEmpty || _fragmentsForNextLine!.isNotEmpty);
return isNotEmpty
? _fragments.last.end
: _fragmentsForNextLine!.first.start;
final double maxWidth;
final CanvasParagraph paragraph;
final Spanometer spanometer;
final int lineNumber;
/// The accumulated height of all preceding lines, excluding the current line.
final double accumulatedHeight;
/// The width of the line so far, excluding trailing white space.
double width = 0.0;
/// The width of the line so far, including trailing white space.
double widthIncludingSpace = 0.0;
double get _widthExcludingLastFragment => _fragments.length > 1
? widthIncludingSpace - _fragments.last.widthIncludingTrailingSpaces
: 0;
/// The distance from the top of the line to the alphabetic baseline.
double ascent = 0.0;
/// The distance from the bottom of the line to the alphabetic baseline.
double descent = 0.0;
/// The height of the line so far.
double get height => ascent + descent;
int _lastBreakableFragment = -1;
int _breakCount = 0;
/// Whether this line can be legally broken into more than one line.
bool get isBreakable {
if (_fragments.isEmpty) {
return false;
if (_fragments.last.isBreak) {
// We need one more break other than the last one.
return _breakCount > 1;
return _breakCount > 0;
/// Returns true if the line can't be legally broken any further.
bool get isNotBreakable => !isBreakable;
int _spaceCount = 0;
int _trailingSpaces = 0;
bool get isEmpty => _fragments.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _fragments.isNotEmpty;
bool get isHardBreak => _fragments.isNotEmpty && _fragments.last.isHardBreak;
/// The horizontal offset necessary for the line to be correctly aligned.
double get alignOffset {
final double emptySpace = maxWidth - width;
final ui.TextAlign textAlign = paragraph.paragraphStyle.effectiveTextAlign;
switch (textAlign) {
return emptySpace / 2.0;
case ui.TextAlign.right:
return emptySpace;
case ui.TextAlign.start:
return _paragraphDirection == ui.TextDirection.rtl ? emptySpace : 0.0;
case ui.TextAlign.end:
return _paragraphDirection == ui.TextDirection.rtl ? 0.0 : emptySpace;
return 0.0;
bool get isOverflowing => width > maxWidth;
bool get canHaveEllipsis {
if (paragraph.paragraphStyle.ellipsis == null) {
return false;
final int? maxLines = paragraph.paragraphStyle.maxLines;
return (maxLines == null) || (maxLines == lineNumber + 1);
bool get _canAppendEmptyFragments {
if (isHardBreak) {
// Can't append more fragments to this line if it has a hard break.
return false;
if (_fragmentsForNextLine?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
// If we already have fragments prepared for the next line, then we can't
// append more fragments to this line.
return false;
return true;
ui.TextDirection get _paragraphDirection =>
void addFragment(LayoutFragment fragment) {
if (fragment.isBreak) {
_lastBreakableFragment = _fragments.length;
/// Updates the [LineBuilder]'s metrics to take into account the new [fragment].
void _updateMetrics(LayoutFragment fragment) {
_spaceCount += fragment.trailingSpaces;
if (fragment.isSpaceOnly) {
_trailingSpaces += fragment.trailingSpaces;
} else {
_trailingSpaces = fragment.trailingSpaces;
width = widthIncludingSpace + fragment.widthExcludingTrailingSpaces;
widthIncludingSpace += fragment.widthIncludingTrailingSpaces;
if (fragment.isPlaceholder) {
if (fragment.isBreak) {
ascent = math.max(ascent, fragment.ascent);
descent = math.max(descent, fragment.descent);
void _adjustPlaceholderAscentDescent(LayoutFragment fragment) {
final PlaceholderSpan placeholder = fragment.span as PlaceholderSpan;
final double ascent, descent;
switch (placeholder.alignment) {
// The placeholder is aligned to the top of text, which means it has the
// same `ascent` as the remaining text. We only need to extend the
// `descent` enough to fit the placeholder.
ascent = this.ascent;
descent = placeholder.height - this.ascent;
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.bottom:
// The opposite of `top`. The `descent` is the same, but we extend the
// `ascent`.
ascent = placeholder.height - this.descent;
descent = this.descent;
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.middle:
final double textMidPoint = height / 2;
final double placeholderMidPoint = placeholder.height / 2;
final double diff = placeholderMidPoint - textMidPoint;
ascent = this.ascent + diff;
descent = this.descent + diff;
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.aboveBaseline:
ascent = placeholder.height;
descent = 0.0;
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.belowBaseline:
ascent = 0.0;
descent = placeholder.height;
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.baseline:
ascent = placeholder.baselineOffset;
descent = placeholder.height - ascent;
// Update the metrics of the fragment to reflect the calculated ascent and
// descent.
ascent: ascent,
descent: descent,
widthExcludingTrailingSpaces: fragment.widthExcludingTrailingSpaces,
widthIncludingTrailingSpaces: fragment.widthIncludingTrailingSpaces,
void _recalculateMetrics() {
width = 0;
widthIncludingSpace = 0;
ascent = 0;
descent = 0;
_spaceCount = 0;
_trailingSpaces = 0;
_breakCount = 0;
_lastBreakableFragment = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < _fragments.length; i++) {
if (_fragments[i].isBreak) {
_lastBreakableFragment = i;
void forceBreakLastFragment({ double? availableWidth, bool allowEmptyLine = false }) {
availableWidth ??= maxWidth;
assert(widthIncludingSpace > availableWidth);
_fragmentsForNextLine ??= <LayoutFragment>[];
// When the line has fragments other than the last one, we can always allow
// the last fragment to be empty (i.e. completely removed from the line).
final bool hasOtherFragments = _fragments.length > 1;
final bool allowLastFragmentToBeEmpty = hasOtherFragments || allowEmptyLine;
final LayoutFragment lastFragment = _fragments.last;
if (lastFragment.isPlaceholder) {
// Placeholder can't be force-broken. Either keep all of it in the line or
// move it to the next line.
if (allowLastFragmentToBeEmpty) {
_fragmentsForNextLine!.insert(0, _fragments.removeLast());
spanometer.currentSpan = lastFragment.span;
final double lineWidthWithoutLastFragment = widthIncludingSpace - lastFragment.widthIncludingTrailingSpaces;
final double availableWidthForFragment = availableWidth - lineWidthWithoutLastFragment;
final int forceBreakEnd = lastFragment.end - lastFragment.trailingNewlines;
final int breakingPoint = spanometer.forceBreak(
availableWidth: availableWidthForFragment,
allowEmpty: allowLastFragmentToBeEmpty,
if (breakingPoint == forceBreakEnd) {
// The entire fragment remained intact. Let's keep everything as is.
final List<LayoutFragment?> split = lastFragment.split(breakingPoint);
final LayoutFragment? first = split.first;
if (first != null) {
final LayoutFragment? second = split.last;
if (second != null) {
_fragmentsForNextLine!.insert(0, second);
void insertEllipsis() {
final String ellipsisText = paragraph.paragraphStyle.ellipsis!;
_fragmentsForNextLine = <LayoutFragment>[];
spanometer.currentSpan = _fragments.last.span;
double ellipsisWidth = spanometer.measureText(ellipsisText);
double availableWidth = math.max(0, maxWidth - ellipsisWidth);
while (_widthExcludingLastFragment > availableWidth) {
_fragmentsForNextLine!.insert(0, _fragments.removeLast());
spanometer.currentSpan = _fragments.last.span;
ellipsisWidth = spanometer.measureText(ellipsisText);
availableWidth = maxWidth - ellipsisWidth;
final LayoutFragment lastFragment = _fragments.last;
forceBreakLastFragment(availableWidth: availableWidth, allowEmptyLine: true);
final EllipsisFragment ellipsisFragment = EllipsisFragment(
ascent: lastFragment.ascent,
descent: lastFragment.descent,
widthExcludingTrailingSpaces: ellipsisWidth,
widthIncludingTrailingSpaces: ellipsisWidth,
void revertToLastBreakOpportunity() {
// The last fragment in the line may or may not be breakable. Regardless,
// it needs to be removed.
// We need to find the latest breakable fragment in the line (other than the
// last fragment). Such breakable fragment is guaranteed to be found because
// the line `isBreakable`.
// Start from the end and skip the last fragment.
int i = _fragments.length - 2;
while (!_fragments[i].isBreak) {
_fragmentsForNextLine = _fragments.getRange(i + 1, _fragments.length).toList();
_fragments.removeRange(i + 1, _fragments.length);
/// Appends as many zero-width fragments as this line allows.
/// Returns the number of fragments that were appended.
int appendZeroWidthFragments(List<LayoutFragment> fragments, {required int startFrom}) {
int i = startFrom;
while (_canAppendEmptyFragments &&
i < fragments.length &&
fragments[i].widthExcludingTrailingSpaces == 0) {
return i - startFrom;
/// Builds the [ParagraphLine] instance that represents this line.
ParagraphLine build() {
if (_fragmentsForNextLine == null) {
_fragmentsForNextLine = _fragments.getRange(_lastBreakableFragment + 1, _fragments.length).toList();
_fragments.removeRange(_lastBreakableFragment + 1, _fragments.length);
final int trailingNewlines = isEmpty ? 0 : _fragments.last.trailingNewlines;
final ParagraphLine line = ParagraphLine(
lineNumber: lineNumber,
startIndex: startIndex,
endIndex: endIndex,
trailingNewlines: trailingNewlines,
trailingSpaces: _trailingSpaces,
spaceCount: _spaceCount,
hardBreak: isHardBreak,
width: width,
widthWithTrailingSpaces: widthIncludingSpace,
left: alignOffset,
height: height,
baseline: accumulatedHeight + ascent,
ascent: ascent,
descent: descent,
fragments: _fragments,
textDirection: _paragraphDirection,
for (final LayoutFragment fragment in _fragments) {
fragment.line = line;
return line;
/// Creates a new [LineBuilder] to build the next line in the paragraph.
LineBuilder nextLine() {
return LineBuilder._(
maxWidth: maxWidth,
lineNumber: lineNumber + 1,
accumulatedHeight: accumulatedHeight + height,
fragments: _fragmentsForNextLine ?? <LayoutFragment>[],
/// Responsible for taking measurements within spans of a paragraph.
/// Can't perform measurements across spans. To measure across spans, multiple
/// measurements have to be taken.
/// Before performing any measurement, the [currentSpan] has to be set. Once
/// it's set, the [Spanometer] updates the underlying [context] so that
/// subsequent measurements use the correct styles.
class Spanometer {
Spanometer(this.paragraph, this.context);
final CanvasParagraph paragraph;
final DomCanvasRenderingContext2D context;
static final RulerHost _rulerHost = RulerHost();
static final Map<TextHeightStyle, TextHeightRuler> _rulers =
<TextHeightStyle, TextHeightRuler>{};
static Map<TextHeightStyle, TextHeightRuler> get rulers => _rulers;
/// Clears the cache of rulers that are used for measuring text height and
/// baseline metrics.
static void clearRulersCache() {
_rulers.forEach((TextHeightStyle style, TextHeightRuler ruler) {
String _cssFontString = '';
double? get letterSpacing =>;
TextHeightRuler? _currentRuler;
ParagraphSpan? _currentSpan;
ParagraphSpan get currentSpan => _currentSpan!;
set currentSpan(ParagraphSpan? span) {
if (span == _currentSpan) {
_currentSpan = span;
// No need to update css font string when `span` is null.
if (span == null) {
_currentRuler = null;
// Update the height ruler.
// If the ruler doesn't exist in the cache, create a new one and cache it.
final TextHeightStyle heightStyle =;
TextHeightRuler? ruler = _rulers[heightStyle];
if (ruler == null) {
ruler = TextHeightRuler(heightStyle, _rulerHost);
_rulers[heightStyle] = ruler;
_currentRuler = ruler;
// Update the font string if it's different from the previous span.
final String cssFontString =;
if (_cssFontString != cssFontString) {
_cssFontString = cssFontString;
context.font = cssFontString;
/// Whether the spanometer is ready to take measurements.
bool get isReady => _currentSpan != null;
/// The distance from the top of the current span to the alphabetic baseline.
double get ascent => _currentRuler!.alphabeticBaseline;
/// The distance from the bottom of the current span to the alphabetic baseline.
double get descent => height - ascent;
/// The line height of the current span.
double get height => _currentRuler!.height;
double measureText(String text) {
return measureSubstring(context, text, 0, text.length);
double measureRange(int start, int end) {
assert(_currentSpan != null);
// Make sure the range is within the current span.
assert(start >= currentSpan.start && start <= currentSpan.end);
assert(end >= currentSpan.start && end <= currentSpan.end);
return _measure(start, end);
void measureFragment(LayoutFragment fragment) {
if (fragment.isPlaceholder) {
final PlaceholderSpan placeholder = fragment.span as PlaceholderSpan;
// The ascent/descent values of the placeholder fragment will be finalized
// later when the line is built.
ascent: placeholder.height,
descent: 0,
widthExcludingTrailingSpaces: placeholder.width,
widthIncludingTrailingSpaces: placeholder.width,
} else {
currentSpan = fragment.span;
final double widthExcludingTrailingSpaces = _measure(fragment.start, fragment.end - fragment.trailingSpaces);
final double widthIncludingTrailingSpaces = _measure(fragment.start, fragment.end - fragment.trailingNewlines);
ascent: ascent,
descent: descent,
widthExcludingTrailingSpaces: widthExcludingTrailingSpaces,
widthIncludingTrailingSpaces: widthIncludingTrailingSpaces,
/// In a continuous, unbreakable block of text from [start] to [end], finds
/// the point where text should be broken to fit in the given [availableWidth].
/// The [start] and [end] indices have to be within the same text span.
/// When [allowEmpty] is true, the result is guaranteed to be at least one
/// character after [start]. But if [allowEmpty] is false and there isn't
/// enough [availableWidth] to fit the first character, then [start] is
/// returned.
/// See also:
/// - [LineBuilder.forceBreak].
int forceBreak(
int start,
int end, {
required double availableWidth,
required bool allowEmpty,
}) {
assert(_currentSpan != null);
// Make sure the range is within the current span.
assert(start >= currentSpan.start && start <= currentSpan.end);
assert(end >= currentSpan.start && end <= currentSpan.end);
if (availableWidth <= 0.0) {
return allowEmpty ? start : start + 1;
int low = start;
int high = end;
while (high - low > 1) {
final int mid = (low + high) ~/ 2;
final double width = _measure(start, mid);
if (width < availableWidth) {
low = mid;
} else if (width > availableWidth) {
high = mid;
} else {
low = high = mid;
if (low == start && !allowEmpty) {
return low;
double _measure(int start, int end) {
assert(_currentSpan != null);
// Make sure the range is within the current span.
assert(start >= currentSpan.start && start <= currentSpan.end);
assert(end >= currentSpan.start && end <= currentSpan.end);
final String text = paragraph.toPlainText();
return measureSubstring(
letterSpacing: letterSpacing,