blob: fa2adb85618127fda3b5c1a5d420a8e3ead0b04f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'fragmenter.dart';
import 'line_break_properties.dart';
import 'unicode_range.dart';
/// Various types of line breaks as defined by the Unicode spec.
enum LineBreakType {
/// Indicates that a line break is possible but not mandatory.
/// Indicates that a line break isn't possible.
/// Indicates that this is a hard line break that can't be skipped.
/// Indicates the end of the text (which is also considered a line break in
/// the Unicode spec). This is the same as [mandatory] but it's needed in our
/// implementation to distinguish between the universal [endOfText] and the
/// line break caused by "\n" at the end of the text.
/// Splits [text] into fragments based on line breaks.
class LineBreakFragmenter extends TextFragmenter {
const LineBreakFragmenter(super.text);
List<LineBreakFragment> fragment() {
return _computeLineBreakFragments(text);
class LineBreakFragment extends TextFragment {
const LineBreakFragment(super.start, super.end, this.type, {
required this.trailingNewlines,
required this.trailingSpaces,
final LineBreakType type;
final int trailingNewlines;
final int trailingSpaces;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(start, end, type, trailingNewlines, trailingSpaces);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is LineBreakFragment &&
other.start == start &&
other.end == end &&
other.type == type &&
other.trailingNewlines == trailingNewlines &&
other.trailingSpaces == trailingSpaces;
String toString() {
return 'LineBreakFragment($start, $end, $type)';
bool _isHardBreak(LineCharProperty? prop) {
// No need to check for NL because it's already normalized to BK.
return prop == LineCharProperty.LF || prop == LineCharProperty.BK;
bool _isALorHL(LineCharProperty? prop) {
return prop == LineCharProperty.AL || prop == LineCharProperty.HL;
/// Whether the given property is part of a Korean Syllable block.
/// See:
/// -
bool _isKoreanSyllable(LineCharProperty? prop) {
return prop == LineCharProperty.JL ||
prop == LineCharProperty.JV ||
prop == LineCharProperty.JT ||
prop == LineCharProperty.H2 ||
prop == LineCharProperty.H3;
/// Whether the given char code has an Eastern Asian width property of F, W or H.
/// See:
/// -
/// -
bool _hasEastAsianWidthFWH(int charCode) {
return charCode == 0x2329 ||
(charCode >= 0x3008 && charCode <= 0x301D) ||
(charCode >= 0xFE17 && charCode <= 0xFF62);
bool _isSurrogatePair(int? codePoint) {
return codePoint != null && codePoint > 0xFFFF;
/// Finds the next line break in the given [text] starting from [index].
/// We think about indices as pointing between characters, and they go all the
/// way from 0 to the string length. For example, here are the indices for the
/// string "foo bar":
/// ```
/// f o o b a r
/// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
/// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
/// ```
/// This way the indices work well with [String.substring].
/// Useful resources:
/// *
/// *
List<LineBreakFragment> _computeLineBreakFragments(String text) {
final List<LineBreakFragment> fragments = <LineBreakFragment>[];
// Keeps track of the character two positions behind.
LineCharProperty? prev2;
LineCharProperty? prev1;
int? codePoint = getCodePoint(text, 0);
LineCharProperty? curr = lineLookup.findForChar(codePoint);
// When there's a sequence of spaces, this variable contains the base property
// i.e. the property of the character preceding the sequence.
LineCharProperty baseOfSpaceSequence = LineCharProperty.WJ;
// When there's a sequence of combining marks, this variable contains the base
// property i.e. the property of the character preceding the sequence.
LineCharProperty baseOfCombiningMarks = LineCharProperty.AL;
int index = 0;
int trailingNewlines = 0;
int trailingSpaces = 0;
int fragmentStart = 0;
void setBreak(LineBreakType type, int debugRuleNumber) {
final int fragmentEnd =
type == LineBreakType.endOfText ? text.length : index;
assert(fragmentEnd >= fragmentStart);
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.SP) {
} else if (_isHardBreak(prev1) || prev1 == LineCharProperty.CR) {
if (type == LineBreakType.prohibited) {
// Don't create a fragment.
trailingNewlines: trailingNewlines,
trailingSpaces: trailingSpaces,
fragmentStart = index;
// Reset trailing spaces/newlines counter after a new fragment.
trailingNewlines = 0;
trailingSpaces = 0;
prev1 = prev2 = null;
// Never break at the start of text.
// LB2: sot ×
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 2);
// Never break at the start of text.
// LB2: sot ×
// Skip index 0 because a line break can't exist at the start of text.
int regionalIndicatorCount = 0;
// We need to go until `text.length` in order to handle the case where the
// paragraph ends with a hard break. In this case, there will be an empty line
// at the end.
for (; index <= text.length; index++) {
prev2 = prev1;
prev1 = curr;
if (_isSurrogatePair(codePoint)) {
// Can't break in the middle of a surrogate pair.
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, -1);
// Advance `index` one extra step to skip the tail of the surrogate pair.
codePoint = getCodePoint(text, index);
curr = lineLookup.findForChar(codePoint);
// Keep count of the RI (regional indicator) sequence.
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.RI) {
} else {
regionalIndicatorCount = 0;
// Always break after hard line breaks.
// LB4: BK !
// Treat CR followed by LF, as well as CR, LF, and NL as hard line breaks.
// LB5: LF !
// NL !
if (_isHardBreak(prev1)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.mandatory, 5);
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.CR) {
if (curr == LineCharProperty.LF) {
// LB5: CR × LF
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 5);
} else {
// LB5: CR !
setBreak(LineBreakType.mandatory, 5);
// Do not break before hard line breaks.
// LB6: × ( BK | CR | LF | NL )
if (_isHardBreak(curr) || curr == LineCharProperty.CR) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 6);
if (index >= text.length) {
// Establish the base for the space sequence.
if (prev1 != LineCharProperty.SP) {
// When the text/line starts with SP, we should treat the beginning of text/line
// as if it were a WJ (word joiner).
baseOfSpaceSequence = prev1 ?? LineCharProperty.WJ;
// Do not break before spaces or zero width space.
// LB7: × SP
// × ZW
if (curr == LineCharProperty.SP || curr == LineCharProperty.ZW) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 7);
// Break before any character following a zero-width space, even if one or
// more spaces intervene.
// LB8: ZW SP* ÷
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.ZW ||
baseOfSpaceSequence == LineCharProperty.ZW) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.opportunity, 8);
// Do not break after a zero width joiner.
// LB8a: ZWJ ×
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.ZWJ) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 8);
// Establish the base for the sequences of combining marks.
if (prev1 != LineCharProperty.CM && prev1 != LineCharProperty.ZWJ) {
baseOfCombiningMarks = prev1 ?? LineCharProperty.AL;
// Do not break a combining character sequence; treat it as if it has the
// line breaking class of the base character in all of the following rules.
// Treat ZWJ as if it were CM.
if (curr == LineCharProperty.CM || curr == LineCharProperty.ZWJ) {
if (baseOfCombiningMarks == LineCharProperty.SP) {
// LB10: Treat any remaining combining mark or ZWJ as AL.
curr = LineCharProperty.AL;
} else {
// LB9: Treat X (CM | ZWJ)* as if it were X
// where X is any line break class except BK, NL, LF, CR, SP, or ZW.
curr = baseOfCombiningMarks;
if (curr == LineCharProperty.RI) {
// Prevent the previous RI from being double-counted.
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 9);
// In certain situations (e.g. CM immediately following a hard break), we
// need to also check if the previous character was CM/ZWJ. That's because
// hard breaks caused the previous iteration to short-circuit, which leads
// to `baseOfCombiningMarks` not being updated properly.
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.CM || prev1 == LineCharProperty.ZWJ) {
prev1 = baseOfCombiningMarks;
// Do not break before or after Word joiner and related characters.
// LB11: × WJ
// WJ ×
if (curr == LineCharProperty.WJ || prev1 == LineCharProperty.WJ) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 11);
// Do not break after NBSP and related characters.
// LB12: GL ×
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.GL) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 12);
// Do not break before NBSP and related characters, except after spaces and
// hyphens.
// LB12a: [^SP BA HY] × GL
if (!(prev1 == LineCharProperty.SP ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.BA ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.HY) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.GL) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 12);
// Do not break before ‘]’ or ‘!’ or ‘;’ or ‘/’, even after spaces.
// LB13: × CL
// × CP
// × EX
// × IS
// × SY
// The above is a quote from In our implementation, we did the
// following modification: When there are spaces present, we consider it a
// line break opportunity.
if (prev1 != LineCharProperty.SP &&
(curr == LineCharProperty.CL ||
curr == LineCharProperty.CP ||
curr == LineCharProperty.EX ||
curr == LineCharProperty.IS ||
curr == LineCharProperty.SY)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 13);
// Do not break after ‘[’, even after spaces.
// LB14: OP SP* ×
// The above is a quote from In our implementation, we did the
// following modification: Allow breaks when there are spaces.
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.OP) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 14);
// Do not break within ‘”[’, even with intervening spaces.
// LB15: QU SP* × OP
// The above is a quote from In our implementation, we did the
// following modification: Allow breaks when there are spaces.
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.QU && curr == LineCharProperty.OP) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 15);
// Do not break between closing punctuation and a nonstarter, even with
// intervening spaces.
// LB16: (CL | CP) SP* × NS
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.CL ||
baseOfSpaceSequence == LineCharProperty.CL ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.CP ||
baseOfSpaceSequence == LineCharProperty.CP) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.NS) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 16);
// Do not break within ‘——’, even with intervening spaces.
// LB17: B2 SP* × B2
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.B2 ||
baseOfSpaceSequence == LineCharProperty.B2) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.B2) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 17);
// Break after spaces.
// LB18: SP ÷
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.SP) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.opportunity, 18);
// Do not break before or after quotation marks, such as ‘”’.
// LB19: × QU
// QU ×
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.QU || curr == LineCharProperty.QU) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 19);
// Break before and after unresolved CB.
// LB20: ÷ CB
// CB ÷
// In flutter web, we use this as an object-replacement character for
// placeholders.
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.CB || curr == LineCharProperty.CB) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.opportunity, 20);
// Do not break before hyphen-minus, other hyphens, fixed-width spaces,
// small kana, and other non-starters, or after acute accents.
// LB21: × BA
// × HY
// × NS
// BB ×
if (curr == LineCharProperty.BA ||
curr == LineCharProperty.HY ||
curr == LineCharProperty.NS ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.BB) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 21);
// Don't break after Hebrew + Hyphen.
// LB21a: HL (HY | BA) ×
if (prev2 == LineCharProperty.HL &&
(prev1 == LineCharProperty.HY || prev1 == LineCharProperty.BA)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 21);
// Don’t break between Solidus and Hebrew letters.
// LB21b: SY × HL
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.SY && curr == LineCharProperty.HL) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 21);
// Do not break before ellipses.
// LB22: × IN
if (curr == LineCharProperty.IN) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 22);
// Do not break between digits and letters.
// LB23: (AL | HL) × NU
// NU × (AL | HL)
if ((_isALorHL(prev1) && curr == LineCharProperty.NU) ||
(prev1 == LineCharProperty.NU && _isALorHL(curr))) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 23);
// Do not break between numeric prefixes and ideographs, or between
// ideographs and numeric postfixes.
// LB23a: PR × (ID | EB | EM)
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.PR &&
(curr == LineCharProperty.ID ||
curr == LineCharProperty.EB ||
curr == LineCharProperty.EM)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 23);
// LB23a: (ID | EB | EM) × PO
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.ID ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.EB ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.EM) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.PO) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 23);
// Do not break between numeric prefix/postfix and letters, or between
// letters and prefix/postfix.
// LB24: (PR | PO) × (AL | HL)
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.PR || prev1 == LineCharProperty.PO) &&
_isALorHL(curr)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 24);
// LB24: (AL | HL) × (PR | PO)
if (_isALorHL(prev1) &&
(curr == LineCharProperty.PR || curr == LineCharProperty.PO)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 24);
// Do not break between the following pairs of classes relevant to numbers.
// LB25: (CL | CP | NU) × (PO | PR)
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.CL ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.CP ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.NU) &&
(curr == LineCharProperty.PO || curr == LineCharProperty.PR)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 25);
// LB25: (PO | PR) × OP
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.PO || prev1 == LineCharProperty.PR) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.OP) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 25);
// LB25: (PO | PR | HY | IS | NU | SY) × NU
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.PO ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.PR ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.HY ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.IS ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.NU ||
prev1 == LineCharProperty.SY) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.NU) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 25);
// Do not break a Korean syllable.
// LB26: JL × (JL | JV | H2 | H3)
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.JL &&
(curr == LineCharProperty.JL ||
curr == LineCharProperty.JV ||
curr == LineCharProperty.H2 ||
curr == LineCharProperty.H3)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 26);
// LB26: (JV | H2) × (JV | JT)
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.JV || prev1 == LineCharProperty.H2) &&
(curr == LineCharProperty.JV || curr == LineCharProperty.JT)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 26);
// LB26: (JT | H3) × JT
if ((prev1 == LineCharProperty.JT || prev1 == LineCharProperty.H3) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.JT) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 26);
// Treat a Korean Syllable Block the same as ID.
// LB27: (JL | JV | JT | H2 | H3) × PO
if (_isKoreanSyllable(prev1) && curr == LineCharProperty.PO) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 27);
// LB27: PR × (JL | JV | JT | H2 | H3)
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.PR && _isKoreanSyllable(curr)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 27);
// Do not break between alphabetics.
// LB28: (AL | HL) × (AL | HL)
if (_isALorHL(prev1) && _isALorHL(curr)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 28);
// Do not break between numeric punctuation and alphabetics (“e.g.”).
// LB29: IS × (AL | HL)
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.IS && _isALorHL(curr)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 29);
// Do not break between letters, numbers, or ordinary symbols and opening or
// closing parentheses.
// LB30: (AL | HL | NU) × OP
// LB30 requires that we exclude characters that have an Eastern Asian width
// property of value F, W or H classes.
if ((_isALorHL(prev1) || prev1 == LineCharProperty.NU) &&
curr == LineCharProperty.OP &&
!_hasEastAsianWidthFWH(text.codeUnitAt(index))) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 30);
// LB30: CP × (AL | HL | NU)
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.CP &&
!_hasEastAsianWidthFWH(text.codeUnitAt(index - 1)) &&
(_isALorHL(curr) || curr == LineCharProperty.NU)) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 30);
// Break between two regional indicator symbols if and only if there are an
// even number of regional indicators preceding the position of the break.
// LB30a: sot (RI RI)* RI × RI
// [^RI] (RI RI)* RI × RI
if (curr == LineCharProperty.RI) {
if (regionalIndicatorCount.isOdd) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 30);
} else {
setBreak(LineBreakType.opportunity, 30);
// Do not break between an emoji base and an emoji modifier.
// LB30b: EB × EM
if (prev1 == LineCharProperty.EB && curr == LineCharProperty.EM) {
setBreak(LineBreakType.prohibited, 30);
// Break everywhere else.
// LB31: ALL ÷
// ÷ ALL
setBreak(LineBreakType.opportunity, 31);
// Always break at the end of text.
// LB3: ! eot
setBreak(LineBreakType.endOfText, 3);
return fragments;