blob: fde2dd6d9165b15795b146e02b0e706f70a6f5bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart';
import 'package:web_engine_tester/golden_tester.dart';
const LineBreakType prohibited = LineBreakType.prohibited;
const LineBreakType opportunity = LineBreakType.opportunity;
const LineBreakType mandatory = LineBreakType.mandatory;
const LineBreakType endOfText = LineBreakType.endOfText;
const TextDirection ltr = TextDirection.ltr;
const TextDirection rtl = TextDirection.rtl;
const FragmentFlow ffLtr = FragmentFlow.ltr;
const FragmentFlow ffRtl = FragmentFlow.rtl;
const FragmentFlow ffPrevious = FragmentFlow.previous;
const FragmentFlow ffSandwich = FragmentFlow.sandwich;
const String rtlWord1 = 'واحدة';
const String rtlWord2 = 'ثنتان';
const Color white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
const Color black = Color(0xFF000000);
const Color red = Color(0xFFFF0000);
const Color lightGreen = Color(0xFFDCEDC8);
const Color green = Color(0xFF00FF00);
const Color lightBlue = Color(0xFFB3E5FC);
const Color blue = Color(0xFF0000FF);
const Color yellow = Color(0xFFFFEB3B);
const Color lightPurple = Color(0xFFE1BEE7);
ParagraphConstraints constrain(double width) {
return ParagraphConstraints(width: width);
CanvasParagraph plain(
EngineParagraphStyle style,
String text, {
EngineTextStyle? textStyle,
}) {
final CanvasParagraphBuilder builder = CanvasParagraphBuilder(style);
if (textStyle != null) {
CanvasParagraph rich(
EngineParagraphStyle style,
void Function(CanvasParagraphBuilder) callback,
) {
final CanvasParagraphBuilder builder = CanvasParagraphBuilder(style);
Future<void> takeScreenshot(
EngineCanvas canvas,
Rect region,
String fileName,
) async {
final DomElement sceneElement = createDomElement('flt-scene');
if (isIosSafari) {
// Shrink to fit on the iPhone screen. = 'absolute'; = '0 0 0'; = 'scale(0.3)';
try {
await matchGoldenFile(
region: region,
} finally {
// The page is reused across tests, so remove the element after taking the
// Scuba screenshot.
/// Fills the single placeholder in the given [paragraph] with a red rectangle.
/// The placeholder is filled relative to [offset].
/// Throws if the paragraph contains more than one placeholder.
void fillPlaceholder(
EngineCanvas canvas,
Offset offset,
CanvasParagraph paragraph,
) {
final TextBox placeholderBox = paragraph.getBoxesForPlaceholders().single;
final SurfacePaint paint = SurfacePaint()..color = red;
canvas.drawRect(placeholderBox.toRect().shift(offset), paint.paintData);
/// Fill the given [boxes] with rectangles of the given [color].
/// All rectangles are filled relative to [offset].
void fillBoxes(EngineCanvas canvas, Offset offset, List<TextBox> boxes, Color color) {
for (final TextBox box in boxes) {
final Rect rect = box.toRect().shift(offset);
canvas.drawRect(rect, SurfacePaintData()..color = color);