blob: 3c8847ccd25cb60d6ea84a58a4c3736975378f98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:js_interop';
import 'dart:js_util' as js_util;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../common/test_initialization.dart';
const int kPhysicalKeyA = 0x00070004;
const int kLogicalKeyA = 0x00000000061;
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
Future<void> testMain() async {
await bootstrapAndRunApp();
late EngineFlutterWindow myWindow;
setUp(() {
myWindow = EngineFlutterWindow(99, EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance);
tearDown(() async {
await myWindow.resetHistory();
test('onTextScaleFactorChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback() {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onTextScaleFactorChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onTextScaleFactorChanged, same(callback));
test('onPlatformBrightnessChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback() {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onPlatformBrightnessChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onPlatformBrightnessChanged, same(callback));
test('onMetricsChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback() {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onMetricsChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onMetricsChanged, same(callback));
test('onLocaleChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback() {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onLocaleChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onLocaleChanged, same(callback));
test('onBeginFrame preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback(Duration _) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onBeginFrame = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onBeginFrame, same(callback));
test('onReportTimings preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback(List<dynamic> _) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onReportTimings = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onReportTimings, same(callback));
test('onDrawFrame preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback() {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onDrawFrame = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onDrawFrame, same(callback));
test('onPointerDataPacket preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback(ui.PointerDataPacket _) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onPointerDataPacket = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onPointerDataPacket, same(callback));
EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.invokeOnPointerDataPacket(const ui.PointerDataPacket());
test('invokeOnKeyData returns normally when onKeyData is null', () {
const ui.KeyData keyData = ui.KeyData(
timeStamp: Duration(milliseconds: 1),
type: ui.KeyEventType.repeat,
physical: kPhysicalKeyA,
logical: kLogicalKeyA,
character: 'a',
synthesized: true,
expect(() {
EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.invokeOnKeyData(keyData, (bool result) {
expect(result, isFalse);
}, returnsNormally);
test('onKeyData preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
bool onKeyData(ui.KeyData _) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
return false;
myWindow.onKeyData = onKeyData;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same onKeyData, e.g. it doesn't
// wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onKeyData, same(onKeyData));
const ui.KeyData keyData = ui.KeyData(
timeStamp: Duration(milliseconds: 1),
type: ui.KeyEventType.repeat,
physical: kPhysicalKeyA,
logical: kLogicalKeyA,
character: 'a',
synthesized: true,
EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.invokeOnKeyData(keyData, (bool result) {
expect(result, isFalse);
myWindow.onKeyData = null;
test('onSemanticsEnabledChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback() {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onSemanticsEnabledChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onSemanticsEnabledChanged, same(callback));
test('onSemanticsActionEvent preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback(ui.SemanticsActionEvent _) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
ui.PlatformDispatcher.instance.onSemanticsActionEvent = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(ui.PlatformDispatcher.instance.onSemanticsActionEvent, same(callback));
EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.invokeOnSemanticsAction(0, ui.SemanticsAction.tap, null);
test('onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback() {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged, same(callback));
test('onPlatformMessage preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
void callback(String _, ByteData? __, void Function(ByteData?)? ___) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
myWindow.onPlatformMessage = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(myWindow.onPlatformMessage, same(callback));
EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.invokeOnPlatformMessage('foo', null, (ByteData? data) {
// Not testing anything here.
test('sendPlatformMessage preserves the zone', () async {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ByteData inputData = ByteData(4);
inputData.setUint32(0, 42);
(ByteData? outputData) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
await completer.future;
test('sendPlatformMessage responds even when channel is unknown', () async {
bool responded = false;
final ByteData inputData = ByteData(4);
inputData.setUint32(0, 42);
(ByteData? outputData) {
responded = true;
expect(outputData, isNull);
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1));
expect(responded, isTrue);
// Emulates the framework sending a request for screen orientation lock.
Future<bool> sendSetPreferredOrientations(List<dynamic> orientations) {
final Completer<bool> completer = Completer<bool>();
final ByteData? inputData = const JSONMethodCodec().encodeMethodCall(MethodCall(
(ByteData? outputData) {
const MethodCodec codec = JSONMethodCodec();
completer.complete(codec.decodeEnvelope(outputData!) as bool);
return completer.future;
// Regression test for
test('sets preferred screen orientation', () async {
final DomScreen? original = domWindow.screen;
final List<String> lockCalls = <String>[];
int unlockCount = 0;
bool simulateError = false;
// The `orientation` property cannot be overridden, so this test overrides the entire `screen`.
js_util.setProperty(domWindow, 'screen', js_util.jsify(<Object?, Object?>{
'orientation': <Object?, Object?>{
'lock': (String lockType) {
return futureToPromise(() async {
if (simulateError) {
throw Error();
return 0.toJS;
'unlock': () {
unlockCount += 1;
// Sanity-check the test setup.
expect(lockCalls, <String>[]);
expect(unlockCount, 0);
await domWindow.screen!.orientation!.lock('hi');
expect(lockCalls, <String>['hi']);
expect(unlockCount, 1);
unlockCount = 0;
expect(await sendSetPreferredOrientations(<dynamic>['DeviceOrientation.portraitUp']), isTrue);
expect(lockCalls, <String>[ScreenOrientation.lockTypePortraitPrimary]);
expect(unlockCount, 0);
unlockCount = 0;
expect(await sendSetPreferredOrientations(<dynamic>['DeviceOrientation.portraitDown']), isTrue);
expect(lockCalls, <String>[ScreenOrientation.lockTypePortraitSecondary]);
expect(unlockCount, 0);
unlockCount = 0;
expect(await sendSetPreferredOrientations(<dynamic>['DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft']), isTrue);
expect(lockCalls, <String>[ScreenOrientation.lockTypeLandscapePrimary]);
expect(unlockCount, 0);
unlockCount = 0;
expect(await sendSetPreferredOrientations(<dynamic>['DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight']), isTrue);
expect(lockCalls, <String>[ScreenOrientation.lockTypeLandscapeSecondary]);
expect(unlockCount, 0);
unlockCount = 0;
expect(await sendSetPreferredOrientations(<dynamic>[]), isTrue);
expect(lockCalls, <String>[]);
expect(unlockCount, 1);
unlockCount = 0;
simulateError = true;
expect(await sendSetPreferredOrientations(<dynamic>['DeviceOrientation.portraitDown']), isFalse);
expect(lockCalls, <String>[ScreenOrientation.lockTypePortraitSecondary]);
expect(unlockCount, 0);
js_util.setProperty(domWindow, 'screen', original);
/// Regression test for
test("setPreferredOrientation responds even if browser doesn't support api", () async {
final DomScreen? original = domWindow.screen;
// The `orientation` property cannot be overridden, so this test overrides the entire `screen`.
js_util.setProperty(domWindow, 'screen', js_util.jsify(<Object?, Object?>{
'orientation': null,
expect(domWindow.screen!.orientation, isNull);
expect(await sendSetPreferredOrientations(<dynamic>[]), isFalse);
js_util.setProperty(domWindow, 'screen', original);
test('SingletonFlutterWindow implements locale, locales, and locale change notifications', () async {
// This will count how many times we notified about locale changes.
int localeChangedCount = 0;
myWindow.onLocaleChanged = () {
localeChangedCount += 1;
// We populate the initial list of locales automatically (only test that we
// got some locales; some contributors may be in different locales, so we
// can't test the exact contents).
expect(myWindow.locale, isA<ui.Locale>());
expect(myWindow.locales, isNotEmpty);
// Trigger a change notification (reset locales because the notification
// doesn't actually change the list of languages; the test only observes
// that the list is populated again).
expect(myWindow.locales, isEmpty);
expect(myWindow.locale, equals(const ui.Locale.fromSubtags()));
expect(localeChangedCount, 0);
domWindow.dispatchEvent(createDomEvent('Event', 'languagechange'));
expect(myWindow.locales, isNotEmpty);
expect(localeChangedCount, 1);
test('dispatches browser event on flutter/service_worker channel', () async {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
createDomEventListener((DomEvent e) => completer.complete()));
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
(ByteData? outputData) { },
await expectLater(completer.future, completes);