blob: 63a469c42950f62eabc29d12fd1231e04564405c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import 'package:newton/newton.dart';
import 'package:sky/animation/animation_performance.dart';
import 'package:sky/animation/animated_value.dart';
import 'package:sky/animation/curves.dart';
import 'package:sky/animation/scroll_behavior.dart';
import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
import 'package:sky/theme/typography.dart' as typography;
import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/default_text_style.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/icon.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/ink_well.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/scrollable.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/theme.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/transitions.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/framework.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
typedef void SelectedIndexChanged(int selectedIndex);
typedef void LayoutChanged(Size size, List<double> widths);
// See
const double _kTabHeight = 46.0;
const double _kTextAndIconTabHeight = 72.0;
const double _kTabIndicatorHeight = 2.0;
const double _kMinTabWidth = 72.0;
const double _kMaxTabWidth = 264.0;
const double _kRelativeMaxTabWidth = 56.0;
const EdgeDims _kTabLabelPadding = const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 12.0);
const int _kTabIconSize = 24;
const double _kTabBarScrollDrag = 0.025;
const Duration _kTabBarScroll = const Duration(milliseconds: 200);
class TabBarParentData extends BoxParentData with
ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderBox> { }
class RenderTabBar extends RenderBox with
ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, TabBarParentData>,
RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin<RenderBox, TabBarParentData> {
int _selectedIndex;
int get selectedIndex => _selectedIndex;
void set selectedIndex(int value) {
if (_selectedIndex != value) {
_selectedIndex = value;
Color _backgroundColor;
Color get backgroundColor => _backgroundColor;
void set backgroundColor(Color value) {
if (_backgroundColor != value) {
_backgroundColor = value;
Color _indicatorColor;
Color get indicatorColor => _indicatorColor;
void set indicatorColor(Color value) {
if (_indicatorColor != value) {
_indicatorColor = value;
Rect _indicatorRect;
Rect get indicatorRect => _indicatorRect;
void set indicatorRect(Rect value) {
if (_indicatorRect != value) {
_indicatorRect = value;
bool _textAndIcons;
bool get textAndIcons => _textAndIcons;
void set textAndIcons(bool value) {
if (_textAndIcons != value) {
_textAndIcons = value;
bool _isScrollable;
bool get isScrollable => _isScrollable;
void set isScrollable(bool value) {
if (_isScrollable != value) {
_isScrollable = value;
void setupParentData(RenderBox child) {
if (child.parentData is! TabBarParentData)
child.parentData = new TabBarParentData();
double getMinIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
BoxConstraints widthConstraints =
new BoxConstraints(maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth, maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight);
double maxWidth = 0.0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
maxWidth = math.max(maxWidth, child.getMinIntrinsicWidth(widthConstraints));
assert(child.parentData is TabBarParentData);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
double width = isScrollable ? maxWidth : maxWidth * childCount;
return constraints.constrainWidth(width);
double getMaxIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
BoxConstraints widthConstraints =
new BoxConstraints(maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth, maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight);
double maxWidth = 0.0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
maxWidth = math.max(maxWidth, child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(widthConstraints));
assert(child.parentData is TabBarParentData);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
double width = isScrollable ? maxWidth : maxWidth * childCount;
return constraints.constrainWidth(width);
double get _tabBarHeight {
return (textAndIcons ? _kTextAndIconTabHeight : _kTabHeight) + _kTabIndicatorHeight;
double _getIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints.constrainHeight(_tabBarHeight);
double getMinIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) => _getIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
double getMaxIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) => _getIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
void layoutFixedWidthTabs() {
double tabWidth = size.width / childCount;
BoxConstraints tabConstraints =
new BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: tabWidth, height: size.height);
double x = 0.0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
assert(child.parentData is TabBarParentData);
child.parentData.position = new Point(x, 0.0);
x += tabWidth;
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
void layoutScrollableTabs() {
BoxConstraints tabConstraints = new BoxConstraints(
minWidth: _kMinTabWidth,
maxWidth: math.min(size.width - _kRelativeMaxTabWidth, _kMaxTabWidth),
minHeight: size.height,
maxHeight: size.height);
double x = 0.0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
child.layout(tabConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
assert(child.parentData is TabBarParentData);
child.parentData.position = new Point(x, 0.0);
x += child.size.width;
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
Size layoutSize;
List<double> layoutWidths;
LayoutChanged onLayoutChanged;
void reportLayoutChangedIfNeeded() {
assert(onLayoutChanged != null);
List<double> widths = new List<double>(childCount);
if (!isScrollable && childCount > 0) {
double tabWidth = size.width / childCount;
widths.fillRange(0, widths.length, tabWidth);
} else if (isScrollable) {
RenderBox child = firstChild;
int childIndex = 0;
while (child != null) {
widths[childIndex++] = child.size.width;
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
assert(childIndex == widths.length);
if (size != layoutSize || widths != layoutWidths) {
layoutSize = size;
layoutWidths = widths;
onLayoutChanged(layoutSize, layoutWidths);
void performLayout() {
assert(constraints is BoxConstraints);
size = constraints.constrain(new Size(constraints.maxWidth, _tabBarHeight));
if (childCount == 0)
if (isScrollable)
if (onLayoutChanged != null)
void hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, { Point position }) {
defaultHitTestChildren(result, position: position);
void _paintIndicator(PaintingCanvas canvas, RenderBox selectedTab, Offset offset) {
if (indicatorColor == null)
if (indicatorRect != null) {
canvas.drawRect(indicatorRect, new Paint()..color = indicatorColor);
var size = new Size(selectedTab.size.width, _kTabIndicatorHeight);
var point = new Point(
_tabBarHeight - _kTabIndicatorHeight
Rect rect = (point + offset) & size;
canvas.drawRect(rect, new Paint()..color = indicatorColor);
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (backgroundColor != null) {
double width = layoutWidths != null
? layoutWidths.reduce((sum, width) => sum + width)
: size.width;
Rect rect = offset & new Size(width, size.height);
context.canvas.drawRect(rect, new Paint()..color = backgroundColor);
int index = 0;
RenderBox child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
assert(child.parentData is TabBarParentData);
context.paintChild(child, child.parentData.position + offset);
if (index++ == selectedIndex)
_paintIndicator(context.canvas, child, offset);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
class TabBarWrapper extends MultiChildRenderObjectWrapper {
Key key,
List<Widget> children,
this.isScrollable: false,
}) : super(key: key, children: children);
final int selectedIndex;
final Color backgroundColor;
final Color indicatorColor;
final Rect indicatorRect;
final bool textAndIcons;
final bool isScrollable;
final LayoutChanged onLayoutChanged;
RenderTabBar get renderObject => super.renderObject;
RenderTabBar createNode() => new RenderTabBar(onLayoutChanged);
void syncRenderObject(Widget old) {
renderObject.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
renderObject.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
renderObject.indicatorColor = indicatorColor;
renderObject.indicatorRect = indicatorRect;
renderObject.textAndIcons = textAndIcons;
renderObject.isScrollable = isScrollable;
renderObject.onLayoutChanged = onLayoutChanged;
class TabLabel {
const TabLabel({ this.text, this.icon });
final String text;
final String icon;
class Tab extends Component {
Key key,
this.selected: false,
}) : super(key: key) {
assert(label.text != null || label.icon != null);
final TabLabel label;
final Color color;
final bool selected;
final Color selectedColor;
Widget _buildLabelText() {
assert(label.text != null);
TextStyle style = new TextStyle(color: selected ? selectedColor : color);
return new Text(label.text, style: style);
Widget _buildLabelIcon() {
assert(label.icon != null);
Color iconColor = selected ? selectedColor : color;
sky.ColorFilter filter = new sky.ColorFilter.mode(iconColor, sky.TransferMode.srcATop);
return new Icon(type: label.icon, size: _kTabIconSize, colorFilter: filter);
Widget build() {
Widget labelContents;
if (label.icon == null) {
labelContents = _buildLabelText();
} else if (label.text == null) {
labelContents = _buildLabelIcon();
} else {
labelContents = new Flex(
new Container(
child: _buildLabelIcon(),
margin: const EdgeDims.only(bottom: 10.0)
direction: FlexDirection.vertical
Container centeredLabel = new Container(
child: new Center(child: labelContents),
constraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: _kMinTabWidth),
padding: _kTabLabelPadding
return new InkWell(child: centeredLabel);
class _TabsScrollBehavior extends BoundedBehavior {
_TabsScrollBehavior({ double contentsSize: 0.0, double containerSize: 0.0 })
: super(contentsSize: contentsSize, containerSize: containerSize);
bool isScrollable = true;
Simulation release(double position, double velocity) {
if (!isScrollable)
return null;
double velocityPerSecond = velocity * 1000.0;
return new BoundedFrictionSimulation(
_kTabBarScrollDrag, position, velocityPerSecond, minScrollOffset, maxScrollOffset
double applyCurve(double scrollOffset, double scrollDelta) {
return (isScrollable) ? super.applyCurve(scrollOffset, scrollDelta) : 0.0;
class TabBar extends Scrollable {
Key key,
this.selectedIndex: 0,
this.isScrollable: false
}) : super(key: key, scrollDirection: ScrollDirection.horizontal);
Iterable<TabLabel> labels;
int selectedIndex;
SelectedIndexChanged onChanged;
bool isScrollable;
Size _tabBarSize;
List<double> _tabWidths;
ValueAnimation<Rect> _indicatorAnimation;
ValueAnimation<double> _scrollAnimation;
void initState() {
_indicatorAnimation = new ValueAnimation<Rect>()
..duration = _kTabBarScroll
..variable = new AnimatedRect(null, curve: ease);
_scrollAnimation = new ValueAnimation<double>()
..duration = _kTabBarScroll
..variable = new AnimatedValue<double>(0.0, curve: ease);
void syncFields(TabBar source) {
labels = source.labels;
selectedIndex = source.selectedIndex;
onChanged = source.onChanged;
isScrollable = source.isScrollable;
if (!isScrollable)
scrollBehavior.isScrollable = source.isScrollable;
AnimatedRect get _indicatorRect => _indicatorAnimation.variable;
void _startIndicatorAnimation(int fromTabIndex, int toTabIndex) {
..begin = (_indicatorRect.value == null ? _tabIndicatorRect(fromTabIndex) : _indicatorRect.value)
..end = _tabIndicatorRect(toTabIndex);
..progress = 0.0;
ScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new _TabsScrollBehavior();
_TabsScrollBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;
Rect _tabRect(int tabIndex) {
assert(_tabBarSize != null);
assert(_tabWidths != null);
assert(tabIndex >= 0 && tabIndex < _tabWidths.length);
double tabLeft = 0.0;
if (tabIndex > 0)
tabLeft = _tabWidths.take(tabIndex).reduce((sum, width) => sum + width);
double tabTop = 0.0;
double tabBottom = _tabBarSize.height -_kTabIndicatorHeight;
double tabRight = tabLeft + _tabWidths[tabIndex];
return new Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom);
Rect _tabIndicatorRect(int tabIndex) {
Rect r = _tabRect(tabIndex);
return new Rect.fromLTRB(r.left, r.bottom, r.right, r.bottom + _kTabIndicatorHeight);
double _centeredTabScrollOffset(int tabIndex) {
double viewportWidth = scrollBehavior.containerSize;
return (_tabRect(tabIndex).left + _tabWidths[tabIndex] / 2.0 - viewportWidth / 2.0)
.clamp(scrollBehavior.minScrollOffset, scrollBehavior.maxScrollOffset);
EventDisposition _handleTap(int tabIndex) {
if (tabIndex != selectedIndex) {
if (_tabWidths != null) {
if (isScrollable)
scrollTo(_centeredTabScrollOffset(tabIndex), animation: _scrollAnimation);
_startIndicatorAnimation(selectedIndex, tabIndex);
if (onChanged != null)
return EventDisposition.processed;
return EventDisposition.ignored;
Widget _toTab(TabLabel label, int tabIndex, Color color, Color selectedColor) {
return new Listener(
child: new Tab(
label: label,
color: color,
selected: tabIndex == selectedIndex,
selectedColor: selectedColor
onGestureTap: (_) => _handleTap(tabIndex)
void _layoutChanged(Size tabBarSize, List<double> tabWidths) {
setState(() {
_tabBarSize = tabBarSize;
_tabWidths = tabWidths;
scrollBehavior.containerSize = _tabBarSize.width;
scrollBehavior.contentsSize = _tabWidths.reduce((sum, width) => sum + width);
Widget buildContent() {
assert(labels != null && labels.isNotEmpty);
ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(this);
Color backgroundColor = themeData.primaryColor;
Color indicatorColor = themeData.accentColor;
if (indicatorColor == backgroundColor) {
indicatorColor = colors.white;
TextStyle textStyle;
IconThemeColor iconThemeColor;
switch (themeData.primaryColorBrightness) {
case ThemeBrightness.light:
textStyle =;
iconThemeColor =;
case ThemeBrightness.dark:
textStyle = typography.white.body1;
iconThemeColor = IconThemeColor.white;
List<Widget> tabs = <Widget>[];
bool textAndIcons = false;
int tabIndex = 0;
for (TabLabel label in labels) {
tabs.add(_toTab(label, tabIndex++, textStyle.color, indicatorColor));
if (label.text != null && label.icon != null)
textAndIcons = true;
Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4.identity();
transform.translate(-scrollOffset, 0.0);
return new Transform(
transform: transform,
child: new IconTheme(
data: new IconThemeData(color: iconThemeColor),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: textStyle,
child: new BuilderTransition(
variables: [_indicatorRect],
direction: Direction.forward,
performance: _indicatorAnimation,
builder: () {
return new TabBarWrapper(
children: tabs,
selectedIndex: selectedIndex,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
indicatorColor: indicatorColor,
indicatorRect: _indicatorRect.value,
textAndIcons: textAndIcons,
isScrollable: isScrollable,
onLayoutChanged: _layoutChanged
class TabNavigatorView {
TabNavigatorView({ this.label, this.builder });
final TabLabel label;
final Builder builder;
Widget buildContent() {
assert(builder != null);
Widget content = builder();
assert(content != null);
return content;
class TabNavigator extends Component {
Key key,
this.selectedIndex: 0,
this.isScrollable: false
}) : super(key: key);
final List<TabNavigatorView> views;
final int selectedIndex;
final SelectedIndexChanged onChanged;
final bool isScrollable;
void _handleSelectedIndexChanged(int tabIndex) {
if (onChanged != null)
Widget build() {
assert(views != null && views.isNotEmpty);
assert(selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < views.length);
TabBar tabBar = new TabBar(
labels: => view.label),
onChanged: _handleSelectedIndexChanged,
selectedIndex: selectedIndex,
isScrollable: isScrollable
Widget content = views[selectedIndex].buildContent();
return new Flex([tabBar, new Flexible(child: content)],
direction: FlexDirection.vertical