blob: ddf1298e94bf15935bc2f361dcc5bd0db0fc4fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/src/engine/canvaskit/renderer.dart';
import '../dom.dart';
import '../font_change_util.dart';
import '../initialization.dart';
import '../renderer.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'canvaskit_api.dart';
import 'font_fallback_data.dart';
import 'fonts.dart';
import 'interval_tree.dart';
import 'noto_font.dart';
/// Global static font fallback data.
class FontFallbackData {
static FontFallbackData get instance => _instance;
static FontFallbackData _instance = FontFallbackData();
/// Resets the fallback font data.
/// After calling this method fallback fonts will be loaded from scratch.
/// Used for tests.
static void debugReset() {
_instance = FontFallbackData();
notoDownloadQueue = FallbackFontDownloadQueue();
/// Code units that no known font has a glyph for.
final Set<int> codeUnitsWithNoKnownFont = <int>{};
/// Code units which are known to be covered by at least one fallback font.
final Set<int> knownCoveredCodeUnits = <int>{};
/// Index of all font families by code unit range.
final IntervalTree<NotoFont> notoTree = createNotoFontTree();
static IntervalTree<NotoFont> createNotoFontTree() {
final Map<NotoFont, List<CodeunitRange>> ranges =
<NotoFont, List<CodeunitRange>>{};
for (final NotoFont font in fallbackFonts) {
// ignore: prefer_foreach
for (final CodeunitRange range in font.computeUnicodeRanges()) {
ranges.putIfAbsent(font, () => <CodeunitRange>[]).add(range);
return IntervalTree<NotoFont>.createFromRanges(ranges);
/// Fallback fonts which have been registered and loaded.
final List<RegisteredFont> registeredFallbackFonts = <RegisteredFont>[];
final List<String> globalFontFallbacks = <String>['Roboto'];
/// A list of code units to check against the global fallback fonts.
final Set<int> _codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts = <int>{};
/// This is [true] if we have scheduled a check for missing code units.
/// We only do this once a frame, since checking if a font supports certain
/// code units is very expensive.
bool _scheduledCodeUnitCheck = false;
/// Determines if the given [text] contains any code points which are not
/// supported by the current set of fonts.
void ensureFontsSupportText(String text, List<String> fontFamilies) {
// TODO(hterkelsen): Make this faster for the common case where the text
// is supported by the given fonts.
if (debugDisableFontFallbacks) {
// If the text is ASCII, then skip this check.
bool isAscii = true;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (text.codeUnitAt(i) >= 160) {
isAscii = false;
if (isAscii) {
// We have a cache of code units which are known to be covered by at least
// one of our fallback fonts, and a cache of code units which are known not
// to be covered by any fallback font. From the given text, construct a set
// of code units which need to be checked.
final Set<int> runesToCheck = <int>{};
for (final int rune in text.runes) {
// Filter out code units which ASCII, known to be covered, or known not
// to be covered.
if (!(rune < 160 ||
knownCoveredCodeUnits.contains(rune) ||
codeUnitsWithNoKnownFont.contains(rune))) {
if (runesToCheck.isEmpty) {
final List<int> codeUnits = runesToCheck.toList();
final List<SkFont> fonts = <SkFont>[];
for (final String font in fontFamilies) {
final List<SkFont>? typefacesForFamily =
if (typefacesForFamily != null) {
final List<bool> codeUnitsSupported =
List<bool>.filled(codeUnits.length, false);
final String testString = String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
for (final SkFont font in fonts) {
final Uint16List glyphs = font.getGlyphIDs(testString);
assert(glyphs.length == codeUnitsSupported.length);
for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) {
codeUnitsSupported[i] |= glyphs[i] != 0 || _isControlCode(codeUnits[i]);
if (codeUnitsSupported.any((bool x) => !x)) {
final List<int> missingCodeUnits = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < codeUnitsSupported.length; i++) {
if (!codeUnitsSupported[i]) {
if (!_scheduledCodeUnitCheck) {
_scheduledCodeUnitCheck = true;
/// Returns [true] if [codepoint] is a Unicode control code.
bool _isControlCode(int codepoint) {
return codepoint < 32 || (codepoint > 127 && codepoint < 160);
/// Checks the missing code units against the current set of fallback fonts
/// and starts downloading new fallback fonts if the current set can't cover
/// the code units.
void _ensureFallbackFonts() {
_scheduledCodeUnitCheck = false;
// We don't know if the remaining code units are covered by our fallback
// fonts. Check them and update the cache.
if (_codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts.isEmpty) {
final List<int> codeUnits = _codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts.toList();
final List<bool> codeUnitsSupported =
List<bool>.filled(codeUnits.length, false);
final String testString = String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
for (final String font in globalFontFallbacks) {
final List<SkFont>? fontsForFamily =
if (fontsForFamily == null) {
printWarning('A fallback font was registered but we '
'cannot retrieve the typeface for it.');
for (final SkFont font in fontsForFamily) {
final Uint16List glyphs = font.getGlyphIDs(testString);
assert(glyphs.length == codeUnitsSupported.length);
for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) {
final bool codeUnitSupported = glyphs[i] != 0;
if (codeUnitSupported) {
codeUnitsSupported[i] |=
codeUnitSupported || _isControlCode(codeUnits[i]);
// Once we've checked every typeface for this family, check to see if
// every code unit has been covered in order to avoid unnecessary checks.
bool keepGoing = false;
for (final bool supported in codeUnitsSupported) {
if (!supported) {
keepGoing = true;
if (!keepGoing) {
// If we reached here, then there are some code units which aren't covered
// by the global fallback fonts. Remove the ones which were covered and
// try to find fallback fonts which cover them.
for (int i = codeUnits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (codeUnitsSupported[i]) {
void registerFallbackFont(String family, Uint8List bytes) {
final SkTypeface? typeface =
if (typeface == null) {
printWarning('Failed to parse fallback font $family as a font.');
// Insert emoji font before all other fallback fonts so we use the emoji
// whenever it's available.
registeredFallbackFonts.add(RegisteredFont(bytes, family, typeface));
// Insert emoji font before all other fallback fonts so we use the emoji
// whenever it's available.
if (family == 'Noto Color Emoji' || family == 'Noto Emoji') {
if (globalFontFallbacks.first == 'Roboto') {
globalFontFallbacks.insert(1, family);
} else {
globalFontFallbacks.insert(0, family);
} else {
Future<void> findFontsForMissingCodeunits(List<int> codeUnits) async {
final FontFallbackData data = FontFallbackData.instance;
Set<NotoFont> fonts = <NotoFont>{};
final Set<int> coveredCodeUnits = <int>{};
final Set<int> missingCodeUnits = <int>{};
for (final int codeUnit in codeUnits) {
final List<NotoFont> fontsForUnit = data.notoTree.intersections(codeUnit);
if (fontsForUnit.isNotEmpty) {
} else {
// The call to `findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits` will remove all code units that
// were matched by `fonts` from `unmatchedCodeUnits`.
final Set<int> unmatchedCodeUnits = Set<int>.from(coveredCodeUnits);
fonts = findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits(unmatchedCodeUnits, fonts);
// We looked through the Noto font tree and didn't find any font families
// covering some code units.
if (missingCodeUnits.isNotEmpty || unmatchedCodeUnits.isNotEmpty) {
if (!notoDownloadQueue.isPending) {
printWarning('Could not find a set of Noto fonts to display all missing '
'characters. Please add a font asset for the missing characters.'
' See:');
/// Finds the minimum set of fonts which covers all of the [codeUnits].
/// Removes all code units covered by [fonts] from [codeUnits]. The code
/// units remaining in the [codeUnits] set after calling this function do not
/// have a font that covers them and can be omitted next time to avoid
/// searching for fonts unnecessarily.
/// Since set cover is NP-complete, we approximate using a greedy algorithm
/// which finds the font which covers the most code units. If multiple CJK
/// fonts match the same number of code units, we choose one based on the user's
/// locale.
Set<NotoFont> findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits(
Set<int> codeUnits, Set<NotoFont> fonts) {
assert(fonts.isNotEmpty || codeUnits.isEmpty);
final Set<NotoFont> minimumFonts = <NotoFont>{};
final List<NotoFont> bestFonts = <NotoFont>[];
final String language = domWindow.navigator.language;
while (codeUnits.isNotEmpty) {
int maxCodeUnitsCovered = 0;
for (final NotoFont font in fonts) {
int codeUnitsCovered = 0;
for (final int codeUnit in codeUnits) {
if (font.contains(codeUnit)) {
if (codeUnitsCovered > maxCodeUnitsCovered) {
maxCodeUnitsCovered = codeUnitsCovered;
} else if (codeUnitsCovered == maxCodeUnitsCovered) {
if (maxCodeUnitsCovered == 0) {
// Fonts cannot cover remaining unmatched characters.
// If the list of best fonts are all CJK fonts, choose the best one based
// on locale. Otherwise just choose the first font.
NotoFont bestFont = bestFonts.first;
if (bestFonts.length > 1) {
if (bestFonts.every((NotoFont font) => _cjkFonts.contains(font))) {
if (language == 'zh-Hans' ||
language == 'zh-CN' ||
language == 'zh-SG' ||
language == 'zh-MY') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansSC)) {
bestFont = _notoSansSC;
} else if (language == 'zh-Hant' ||
language == 'zh-TW' ||
language == 'zh-MO') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansTC)) {
bestFont = _notoSansTC;
} else if (language == 'zh-HK') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansHK)) {
bestFont = _notoSansHK;
} else if (language == 'ja') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansJP)) {
bestFont = _notoSansJP;
} else if (language == 'ko') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansKR)) {
bestFont = _notoSansKR;
} else if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansSC)) {
bestFont = _notoSansSC;
} else {
// To be predictable, if there is a tie for best font, choose a font
// from this list first, then just choose the first font.
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSymbols)) {
bestFont = _notoSymbols;
} else if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansSC)) {
bestFont = _notoSansSC;
codeUnits.removeWhere((int codeUnit) {
return bestFont.contains(codeUnit);
return minimumFonts;
NotoFont _notoSansSC = fallbackFonts.singleWhere((NotoFont font) => == 'Noto Sans SC');
NotoFont _notoSansTC = fallbackFonts.singleWhere((NotoFont font) => == 'Noto Sans TC');
NotoFont _notoSansHK = fallbackFonts.singleWhere((NotoFont font) => == 'Noto Sans HK');
NotoFont _notoSansJP = fallbackFonts.singleWhere((NotoFont font) => == 'Noto Sans JP');
NotoFont _notoSansKR = fallbackFonts.singleWhere((NotoFont font) => == 'Noto Sans KR');
List<NotoFont> _cjkFonts = <NotoFont>[_notoSansSC, _notoSansTC, _notoSansHK, _notoSansJP, _notoSansKR];
NotoFont _notoSymbols = fallbackFonts.singleWhere((NotoFont font) => == 'Noto Sans Symbols');
class FallbackFontDownloadQueue {
NotoDownloader downloader = NotoDownloader();
final Set<NotoFont> downloadedFonts = <NotoFont>{};
final Map<String, NotoFont> pendingFonts = <String, NotoFont>{};
bool get isPending => pendingFonts.isNotEmpty || _fontsLoading != null;
Future<void>? _fontsLoading;
bool get debugIsLoadingFonts => _fontsLoading != null;
Future<void> debugWhenIdle() async {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
await Future<void>.delayed(;
while (isPending) {
if (_fontsLoading != null) {
await _fontsLoading;
if (pendingFonts.isNotEmpty) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
if (pendingFonts.isEmpty) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
} else {
throw UnimplementedError();
void add(NotoFont font) {
if (downloadedFonts.contains(font) ||
pendingFonts.containsKey(font.url)) {
final bool firstInBatch = pendingFonts.isEmpty;
pendingFonts[font.url] = font;
if (firstInBatch) {;
Future<void> startDownloads() async {
final Map<String, Future<void>> downloads = <String, Future<void>>{};
final Map<String, Uint8List> downloadedData = <String, Uint8List>{};
for (final NotoFont font in pendingFonts.values) {
downloads[font.url] = Future<void>(() async {
ByteBuffer buffer;
try {
buffer = await downloader.downloadAsBytes(font.url,
} catch (e) {
printWarning('Failed to load font ${} at ${font.url}');
downloadedData[font.url] = buffer.asUint8List();
await Future.wait<void>(downloads.values);
// Register fallback fonts in a predictable order. Otherwise, the fonts
// change their precedence depending on the download order causing
// visual differences between app reloads.
final List<String> downloadOrder =
for (final String url in downloadOrder) {
final NotoFont font = pendingFonts.remove(url)!;
final Uint8List bytes = downloadedData[url]!;
FontFallbackData.instance.registerFallbackFont(, bytes);
if (pendingFonts.isEmpty) {
if (pendingFonts.isNotEmpty) {
await startDownloads();
class NotoDownloader {
int get debugActiveDownloadCount => _debugActiveDownloadCount;
int _debugActiveDownloadCount = 0;
/// Returns a future that resolves when there are no pending downloads.
/// Useful in tests to make sure that fonts are loaded before working with
/// text.
Future<void> debugWhenIdle() async {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
// Some downloads begin asynchronously in a microtask or in a
// Let those run before waiting for downloads to finish.
await Future<void>.delayed(;
while (_debugActiveDownloadCount > 0) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// If we started with a non-zero count and hit zero while waiting, wait a
// little more to make sure another download doesn't get chained after
// the last one (e.g. font file download after font CSS download).
if (_debugActiveDownloadCount == 0) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
} else {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Downloads the [url] and returns it as a [ByteBuffer].
/// Override this for testing.
Future<ByteBuffer> downloadAsBytes(String url, {String? debugDescription}) async {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
_debugActiveDownloadCount += 1;
final Future<ByteBuffer> data = httpFetchByteBuffer(url);
if (assertionsEnabled) {
unawaited(data.whenComplete(() {
_debugActiveDownloadCount -= 1;
return data;
/// Downloads the [url] and returns is as a [String].
/// Override this for testing.
Future<String> downloadAsString(String url, {String? debugDescription}) async {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
_debugActiveDownloadCount += 1;
final Future<String> data = httpFetchText(url);
if (assertionsEnabled) {
unawaited(data.whenComplete(() {
_debugActiveDownloadCount -= 1;
return data;
FallbackFontDownloadQueue notoDownloadQueue = FallbackFontDownloadQueue();