blob: b36a32cab0e4baee059d580e4405d28f81456d3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:image/image.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'environment.dart';
import 'goldens.dart';
import 'skia_client.dart';
/// Whether this code is running on LUCI.
bool _isLuci = Platform.environment.containsKey('SWARMING_TASK_ID') && Platform.environment.containsKey('GOLDCTL');
bool _isPreSubmit = _isLuci && Platform.environment.containsKey('GOLD_TRYJOB');
bool _isPostSubmit = _isLuci && !_isPreSubmit;
/// Compares a screenshot taken through a test with its golden.
/// Used by Flutter Web Engine unit tests and the integration tests.
/// Returns the results of the tests as `String`. When tests passes the result
/// is simply `OK`, however when they fail it contains a detailed explanation
/// on which files are compared, their absolute locations and an HTML page
/// that the developer can see the comparison.
Future<String> compareImage(
Image screenshot,
bool doUpdateScreenshotGoldens,
String filename,
PixelComparison pixelComparison,
double maxDiffRateFailure,
SkiaGoldClient? skiaClient, {
required bool isCanvaskitTest,
}) async {
if (skiaClient == null) {
return 'OK';
final String screenshotPath = _getFullScreenshotPath(filename);
final File screenshotFile = File(screenshotPath);
await screenshotFile.create(recursive: true);
await screenshotFile.writeAsBytes(encodePng(screenshot), flush: true);
if (_isLuci) {
// This is temporary to get started by uploading existing screenshots to
// Skia Gold. The next step would be to actually use Skia Gold for
// comparison.
final int screenshotSize = screenshot.width * screenshot.height;
await _uploadToSkiaGold(skiaClient, screenshotFile, screenshotSize, filename, isCanvaskitTest);
return 'OK';
final Image? golden = await _getGolden(filename);
if (doUpdateScreenshotGoldens) {
return 'OK';
if (golden == null) {
// This is a new screenshot that doesn't have an existing golden.
// At the moment, we don't support local screenshot testing because we use
// Skia Gold to handle our screenshots and diffing. In the future, we might
// implement local screenshot testing if there's a need.
print('Screenshot generated: file://$screenshotPath');
return 'OK';
// Compare screenshots.
final ImageDiff diff = ImageDiff(
golden: golden,
other: screenshot,
pixelComparison: pixelComparison,
if (diff.rate > 0) {
final String testResultsPath = environment.webUiTestResultsDirectory.path;
Directory(testResultsPath).createSync(recursive: true);
final String basename = p.basenameWithoutExtension(filename);
final File actualFile =
File(p.join(testResultsPath, '$basename.actual.png'));
actualFile.writeAsBytesSync(encodePng(screenshot), flush: true);
final File diffFile = File(p.join(testResultsPath, '$basename.diff.png'));
diffFile.writeAsBytesSync(encodePng(diff.diff), flush: true);
final File expectedFile =
File(p.join(testResultsPath, '$basename.expected.png'));
final File reportFile =
File(p.join(testResultsPath, '$'));
Golden file $filename did not match the image generated by the test.
<img src="$basename.expected.png">
<img src="$basename.diff.png">
<img src="$basename.actual.png">
final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
'Golden file $filename did not match the image generated by the test.');
message.writeln(getPrintableDiffFilesInfo(diff.rate, maxDiffRateFailure));
message.writeln('You can view the test report in your browser by opening:');
final String localReportPath = '$testResultsPath/$';
message.writeln('Golden file: ${expectedFile.path}');
message.writeln('Actual file: ${actualFile.path}');
if (diff.rate < maxDiffRateFailure) {
// Issue a warning but do not fail the test.
return 'OK';
} else {
// Fail test
return '$message';
return 'OK';
Future<Image?> _getGolden(String filename) {
// TODO(mdebbar): Fetch the golden from Skia Gold.
return Future<Image?>.value(null);
String _getFullScreenshotPath(String filename) {
return p.join(environment.webUiSkiaGoldDirectory.path, filename);
Future<void> _uploadToSkiaGold(
SkiaGoldClient skiaClient,
File screenshotFile,
int screenshotSize,
String filename,
bool isCanvaskitTest,
) async {
// Can't upload to Gold Skia unless running in LUCI.
if (_isPreSubmit) {
return _uploadInPreSubmit(skiaClient, filename, screenshotFile, screenshotSize, isCanvaskitTest);
if (_isPostSubmit) {
return _uploadInPostSubmit(skiaClient, filename, screenshotFile, screenshotSize, isCanvaskitTest);
Future<void> _uploadInPreSubmit(
SkiaGoldClient skiaClient,
String filename,
File screenshotFile,
int screenshotSize,
bool isCanvaskitTest,
) {
return skiaClient.tryjobAdd(filename, screenshotFile, screenshotSize, isCanvaskitTest);
Future<void> _uploadInPostSubmit(
SkiaGoldClient skiaClient,
String filename,
File screenshotFile,
int screenshotSize,
bool isCanvaskitTest,
) {
return skiaClient.imgtestAdd(filename, screenshotFile, screenshotSize, isCanvaskitTest);