blob: 2361da56a55f48180baad5a3a270b254b9599104 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "impeller/geometry/path.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/rect.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/scalar.h"
namespace impeller {
class PathBuilder {
/// Used for approximating quarter circle arcs with cubic curves. This is the
/// control point distance which results in the smallest possible unit circle
/// integration for a right angle arc. It can be used to approximate arcs less
/// than 90 degrees to great effect by simply reducing it proportionally to
/// the angle. However, accuracy rapidly diminishes if magnified for obtuse
/// angle arcs, and so multiple cubic curves should be used when approximating
/// arcs greater than 90 degrees.
constexpr static const Scalar kArcApproximationMagic = 0.551915024494f;
Path CopyPath(FillType fill = FillType::kNonZero) const;
Path TakePath(FillType fill = FillType::kNonZero);
const Path& GetCurrentPath() const;
PathBuilder& SetConvexity(Convexity value);
PathBuilder& MoveTo(Point point, bool relative = false);
PathBuilder& Close();
/// @brief Insert a line from the current position to `point`.
/// If `relative` is true, then `point` is relative to the current location.
PathBuilder& LineTo(Point point, bool relative = false);
PathBuilder& HorizontalLineTo(Scalar x, bool relative = false);
PathBuilder& VerticalLineTo(Scalar y, bool relative = false);
/// @brief Insert a quadradic curve from the current position to `point` using
/// the control point `controlPoint`.
/// If `relative` is true the `point` and `controlPoint` are relative to
/// current location.
PathBuilder& QuadraticCurveTo(Point controlPoint,
Point point,
bool relative = false);
PathBuilder& SmoothQuadraticCurveTo(Point point, bool relative = false);
/// @brief Insert a cubic curve from the curren position to `point` using the
/// control points `controlPoint1` and `controlPoint2`.
/// If `relative` is true the `point`, `controlPoint1`, and `controlPoint2`
/// are relative to current location.
PathBuilder& CubicCurveTo(Point controlPoint1,
Point controlPoint2,
Point point,
bool relative = false);
PathBuilder& SmoothCubicCurveTo(Point controlPoint2,
Point point,
bool relative = false);
PathBuilder& AddRect(Rect rect);
PathBuilder& AddCircle(const Point& center, Scalar radius);
PathBuilder& AddArc(const Rect& oval_bounds,
Radians start,
Radians sweep,
bool use_center = false);
PathBuilder& AddOval(const Rect& rect);
/// @brief Move to point `p1`, then insert a line from `p1` to `p2`.
PathBuilder& AddLine(const Point& p1, const Point& p2);
/// @brief Move to point `p1`, then insert a quadradic curve from `p1` to `p2`
/// with the control point `cp`.
PathBuilder& AddQuadraticCurve(Point p1, Point cp, Point p2);
/// @brief Move to point `p1`, then insert a cubic curve from `p1` to `p2`
/// with control points `cp1` and `cp2`.
PathBuilder& AddCubicCurve(Point p1, Point cp1, Point cp2, Point p2);
/// @brief Transform the existing path segments and contours by the given
/// `offset`.
PathBuilder& Shift(Point offset);
struct RoundingRadii {
Point top_left;
Point bottom_left;
Point top_right;
Point bottom_right;
RoundingRadii() = default;
RoundingRadii(Scalar p_top_left,
Scalar p_bottom_left,
Scalar p_top_right,
Scalar p_bottom_right)
: top_left(p_top_left, p_top_left),
bottom_left(p_bottom_left, p_bottom_left),
top_right(p_top_right, p_top_right),
bottom_right(p_bottom_right, p_bottom_right) {}
bool AreAllZero() const {
return top_left.IsZero() && //
bottom_left.IsZero() && //
top_right.IsZero() && //
PathBuilder& AddRoundedRect(Rect rect, RoundingRadii radii);
PathBuilder& AddRoundedRect(Rect rect, Scalar radius);
PathBuilder& AddPath(const Path& path);
Point subpath_start_;
Point current_;
Path prototype_;
Convexity convexity_;
PathBuilder& AddRoundedRectTopLeft(Rect rect, RoundingRadii radii);
PathBuilder& AddRoundedRectTopRight(Rect rect, RoundingRadii radii);
PathBuilder& AddRoundedRectBottomRight(Rect rect, RoundingRadii radii);
PathBuilder& AddRoundedRectBottomLeft(Rect rect, RoundingRadii radii);
Point ReflectedQuadraticControlPoint1() const;
Point ReflectedCubicControlPoint1() const;
PathBuilder(const PathBuilder&) = delete;
PathBuilder& operator=(const PathBuilder&&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller