blob: dc606f1614901eefeb3bf7029f4b656c43d2db81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/scene/importer/vertices_builder.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "impeller/scene/importer/conversions.h"
#include "impeller/scene/importer/scene_flatbuffers.h"
namespace impeller {
namespace scene {
namespace importer {
VerticesBuilder::VerticesBuilder() = default;
void VerticesBuilder::WriteFBVertices(std::vector<fb::Vertex>& vertices) const {
for (auto& v : vertices_) {
ToFBVec3(v.position), ToFBVec3(v.normal), ToFBVec4(v.tangent),
ToFBVec2(v.texture_coords), ToFBColor(v.color)));
/// @brief Reads a numeric component from `source` and returns a 32bit float.
/// Signed SourceTypes convert to a range of -1 to 1, and unsigned
/// SourceTypes convert to a range of 0 to 1.
template <typename SourceType>
static Scalar ToNormalizedScalar(const void* source, size_t index) {
constexpr SourceType divisor = std::is_integral_v<SourceType>
? std::numeric_limits<SourceType>::max()
: 1;
const SourceType* s = reinterpret_cast<const SourceType*>(source) + index;
return static_cast<Scalar>(*s) / static_cast<Scalar>(divisor);
/// @brief A ComponentWriter which simply converts all of an attribute's
/// components to normalized scalar form.
static void PassthroughAttributeWriter(
Scalar* destination,
const void* source,
const VerticesBuilder::ComponentProperties& component,
const VerticesBuilder::AttributeProperties& attribute) {
FML_DCHECK(attribute.size_bytes ==
attribute.component_count * sizeof(Scalar));
for (size_t component_i = 0; component_i < attribute.component_count;
component_i++) {
*(destination + component_i) = component.convert_proc(source, component_i);
/// @brief A ComponentWriter which converts a Vector3 position from
/// right-handed GLTF space to left-handed Impeller space.
static void PositionAttributeWriter(
Scalar* destination,
const void* source,
const VerticesBuilder::ComponentProperties& component,
const VerticesBuilder::AttributeProperties& attribute) {
FML_DCHECK(attribute.component_count == 3);
*(destination + 0) = component.convert_proc(source, 0);
*(destination + 1) = component.convert_proc(source, 1);
*(destination + 2) = -component.convert_proc(source, 2);
std::map<VerticesBuilder::AttributeType, VerticesBuilder::AttributeProperties>
VerticesBuilder::kAttributeTypes = {
{.offset_bytes = offsetof(Vertex, position),
.size_bytes = sizeof(Vertex::position),
.component_count = 3,
.write_proc = PositionAttributeWriter}},
{.offset_bytes = offsetof(Vertex, normal),
.size_bytes = sizeof(Vertex::normal),
.component_count = 3,
.write_proc = PassthroughAttributeWriter}},
{.offset_bytes = offsetof(Vertex, tangent),
.size_bytes = sizeof(Vertex::tangent),
.component_count = 4,
.write_proc = PassthroughAttributeWriter}},
{.offset_bytes = offsetof(Vertex, texture_coords),
.size_bytes = sizeof(Vertex::texture_coords),
.component_count = 2,
.write_proc = PassthroughAttributeWriter}},
{.offset_bytes = offsetof(Vertex, color),
.size_bytes = sizeof(Vertex::color),
.component_count = 4,
.write_proc = PassthroughAttributeWriter}}};
static std::map<VerticesBuilder::ComponentType,
kComponentTypes = {
{.size_bytes = sizeof(int8_t),
.convert_proc = ToNormalizedScalar<int8_t>}},
{.size_bytes = sizeof(int8_t),
.convert_proc = ToNormalizedScalar<uint8_t>}},
{.size_bytes = sizeof(int16_t),
.convert_proc = ToNormalizedScalar<int16_t>}},
{.size_bytes = sizeof(int16_t),
.convert_proc = ToNormalizedScalar<uint16_t>}},
{.size_bytes = sizeof(int32_t),
.convert_proc = ToNormalizedScalar<int32_t>}},
{.size_bytes = sizeof(int32_t),
.convert_proc = ToNormalizedScalar<uint32_t>}},
{.size_bytes = sizeof(float),
.convert_proc = ToNormalizedScalar<float>}},
void VerticesBuilder::SetAttributeFromBuffer(AttributeType attribute,
ComponentType component_type,
const void* buffer_start,
size_t attribute_stride_bytes,
size_t attribute_count) {
if (attribute_count > vertices_.size()) {
vertices_.resize(attribute_count, Vertex());
const ComponentProperties& component_props = kComponentTypes[component_type];
const AttributeProperties& attribute_props = kAttributeTypes[attribute];
for (size_t i = 0; i < attribute_count; i++) {
const uint8_t* source = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer_start) +
attribute_stride_bytes * i;
uint8_t* destination = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&[i]) +
attribute_props.write_proc(reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(destination), source,
component_props, attribute_props);
} // namespace importer
} // namespace scene
} // namespace impeller