blob: 723e2e3a280bdb4e30cfbc493b4847a9e9c7f01f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_arithmetic : enable
layout(local_size_x = 512, local_size_y = 1) in;
layout(std430) buffer;
#include <impeller/path.glsl>
layout(binding = 0) readonly buffer Cubics {
uint count;
CubicData data[];
layout(binding = 1) buffer Quads {
uint count;
QuadData data[];
uniform Config {
float accuracy;
shared uint quad_counts[512];
shared uint count_sums[512];
void main() {
uint ident = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
if (ident >= cubics.count) {
// The maximum error, as a vector from the cubic to the best approximating
// quadratic, is proportional to the third derivative, which is constant
// across the segment. Thus, the error scales down as the third power of
// the number of subdivisions. Our strategy then is to subdivide `t` evenly.
// This is an overestimate of the error because only the component
// perpendicular to the first derivative is important. But the simplicity is
// appealing.
// This magic number is the square of 36 / sqrt(3).
// See:
float max_hypot2 = 432.0 * config.accuracy * config.accuracy;
CubicData cubic =[ident];
vec2 err_v = 3.0 * (cubic.cp2 - cubic.cp1) + cubic.p1 - cubic.p2;
float err = dot(err_v, err_v);
float quad_count = max(1., ceil(pow(err * (1.0 / max_hypot2), 1. / 6.0)));
quad_counts[ident] = uint(quad_count);
count_sums[ident] = subgroupInclusiveAdd(quad_counts[ident]);
quads.count = count_sums[cubics.count - 1];
for (uint i = 0; i < quad_count; i++) {
float t0 = i / quad_count;
float t1 = (i + 1) / quad_count;
// calculate the subsegment
vec2 sub_p1 = CubicSolve(cubic, t0);
vec2 sub_p2 = CubicSolve(cubic, t1);
QuadData quad = QuadData(3.0 * (cubic.cp1 - cubic.p1), //
3.0 * (cubic.cp2 - cubic.cp1), //
3.0 * (cubic.p2 - cubic.cp2));
float sub_scale = (t1 - t0) * (1.0 / 3.0);
vec2 sub_cp1 = sub_p1 + sub_scale * QuadraticSolve(quad, t0);
vec2 sub_cp2 = sub_p2 - sub_scale * QuadraticSolve(quad, t1);
vec2 quad_p1x2 = 3.0 * sub_cp1 - sub_p1;
vec2 quad_p2x2 = 3.0 * sub_cp2 - sub_p2;
uint offset = count_sums[ident] - uint(quad_count);[offset + i] = QuadData(sub_p1, //
((quad_p1x2 + quad_p2x2) / 4.0), //