blob: c9ec02f4a1773cf606c407ffaa719e303c36e4af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'environment.dart';
/// A WorkerTask.
abstract class WorkerTask {
/// WorkerTask with a name.
/// Name of worker task.
final String name;
/// Run the task which is complete when the returned future completes.
/// Returns true if successful.
Future<bool> run();
/// Returns the run time of this task.
Duration get runTime {
if (_startTime == null || _finishTime == null) {
return _finishTime!.difference(_startTime!);
// When did this task start running?
DateTime? _startTime;
// When did this task finish running?
DateTime? _finishTime;
/// A pool of worker tasks that will run numWorkers tasks at a time
/// until all of the tasks are finished.
class WorkerPool {
/// Construct a worker pool with a specific reporter and max concurrency
/// limit.
WorkerPool(this._environment, this._reporter, [this._maxConcurrency = 4]);
final Environment _environment;
final WorkerPoolProgressReporter _reporter;
final int _maxConcurrency;
late Completer<bool> _runCompleter;
bool _anyFailed = false;
final Set<WorkerTask> _running = <WorkerTask>{};
final Set<WorkerTask> _pending = <WorkerTask>{};
final Set<WorkerTask> _finished = <WorkerTask>{};
/// Run all tasks in the pool. Report progress via reporter.
/// Returns 0 on success and non-zero on failure.
Future<bool> run(Set<WorkerTask> tasks) async {'Running ${tasks.length}');
_runCompleter = Completer<bool>();
return _runCompleter.future;
/// Returns the current set of pending tasks.
UnmodifiableSetView<WorkerTask> get pending {
return UnmodifiableSetView<WorkerTask>(_pending);
/// Returns the current set of running tasks.
UnmodifiableSetView<WorkerTask> get running {
return UnmodifiableSetView<WorkerTask>(_running);
/// Returns the current set of finished tasks.
UnmodifiableSetView<WorkerTask> get finished {
return UnmodifiableSetView<WorkerTask>(_finished);
void _runQueue() {
if (_pending.isEmpty && _running.isEmpty) {
// Nothing left to do or running.
while (_running.length < _maxConcurrency && _pending.isNotEmpty) {
final WorkerTask task = _pending.elementAt(0);
Future<void> _runTask(WorkerTask task) async {
task._startTime =;
final Future<bool> result =;
_reporter.onTaskStart(this, task);
Object? err;
late final bool r;
try {
r = await result;
} catch (e) {
err = e;
r = false;
_anyFailed = _anyFailed || !r;
task._finishTime =;
_reporter.onTaskDone(this, task, err);
// Kick the queue again.
/// WorkerPoolProgressReporter can be used to monitor worker pool progress.
abstract class WorkerPoolProgressReporter {
/// Invoked when [] is invoked.
void onRun(Set<WorkerTask> tasks);
/// Invoked right before [] is returned from.
void onFinish();
/// Invoked right after a task has been started.
void onTaskStart(WorkerPool pool, WorkerTask task);
/// Invoked right after a task has finished.
void onTaskDone(WorkerPool pool, WorkerTask task, [Object? err]);
/// Useful for tests.
class NoopWorkerPoolProgressReporter implements WorkerPoolProgressReporter {
void onRun(Set<WorkerTask> tasks) {}
void onFinish() {}
void onTaskStart(WorkerPool pool, WorkerTask task) {}
void onTaskDone(WorkerPool pool, WorkerTask task, [Object? err]) {}