blob: c0f4185be0f8b603d7832b6d539f33afc837dfbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "flutter/fml/closure.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/synchronization/shared_mutex.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/accessibility_bridge.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/app_lifecycle_state.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/binary_messenger_impl.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/include/flutter/basic_message_channel.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/incoming_message_dispatcher.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/accessibility_bridge_windows.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/accessibility_plugin.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/compositor.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/cursor_handler.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/egl/manager.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/egl/proc_table.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/flutter_desktop_messenger.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/flutter_project_bundle.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/flutter_windows_texture_registrar.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/keyboard_handler_base.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/keyboard_key_embedder_handler.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/platform_handler.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/platform_view_plugin.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/public/flutter_windows.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/settings_plugin.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/task_runner.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/text_input_plugin.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/window_proc_delegate_manager.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/window_state.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/windows_lifecycle_manager.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/windows_proc_table.h"
#include "third_party/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/document.h"
namespace flutter {
// The implicit view's ID.
// See:
constexpr FlutterViewId kImplicitViewId = 0;
class FlutterWindowsView;
// Update the thread priority for the Windows engine.
static void WindowsPlatformThreadPrioritySetter(
FlutterThreadPriority priority) {
// TODO(99502): Add support for tracing to the windows embedding so we can
// mark thread priorities and success/failure.
switch (priority) {
case FlutterThreadPriority::kBackground: {
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL);
case FlutterThreadPriority::kDisplay: {
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL);
case FlutterThreadPriority::kRaster: {
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL);
case FlutterThreadPriority::kNormal: {
// For normal or default priority we do not need to set the priority
// class.
// Manages state associated with the underlying FlutterEngine that isn't
// related to its display.
// In most cases this will be associated with a FlutterView, but if not will
// run in headless mode.
class FlutterWindowsEngine {
// Creates a new Flutter engine object configured to run |project|.
const FlutterProjectBundle& project,
std::shared_ptr<WindowsProcTable> windows_proc_table = nullptr);
virtual ~FlutterWindowsEngine();
// Starts running the entrypoint function specifed in the project bundle. If
// unspecified, defaults to main().
// Returns false if the engine couldn't be started.
bool Run();
// Starts running the engine with the given entrypoint. If the empty string
// is specified, defaults to the entrypoint function specified in the project
// bundle, or main() if both are unspecified.
// Returns false if the engine couldn't be started or if conflicting,
// non-default values are passed here and in the project bundle..
// DEPRECATED: Prefer setting the entrypoint in the FlutterProjectBundle
// passed to the constructor and calling the no-parameter overload.
bool Run(std::string_view entrypoint);
// Returns true if the engine is currently running.
virtual bool running() const { return engine_ != nullptr; }
// Stops the engine. This invalidates the pointer returned by engine().
// Returns false if stopping the engine fails, or if it was not running.
virtual bool Stop();
// Create a view that can display this engine's content.
// Returns null on failure.
std::unique_ptr<FlutterWindowsView> CreateView(
std::unique_ptr<WindowBindingHandler> window);
// Remove a view. The engine will no longer render into it.
virtual void RemoveView(FlutterViewId view_id);
// Get a view that displays this engine's content.
// Returns null if the view does not exist.
FlutterWindowsView* view(FlutterViewId view_id) const;
// Returns the currently configured Plugin Registrar.
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef GetRegistrar();
// Registers |callback| to be called when the plugin registrar is destroyed.
void AddPluginRegistrarDestructionCallback(
FlutterDesktopOnPluginRegistrarDestroyed callback,
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef registrar);
// Sets switches member to the given switches.
void SetSwitches(const std::vector<std::string>& switches);
FlutterDesktopMessengerRef messenger() { return messenger_->ToRef(); }
IncomingMessageDispatcher* message_dispatcher() {
return message_dispatcher_.get();
TaskRunner* task_runner() { return task_runner_.get(); }
BinaryMessenger* messenger_wrapper() { return messenger_wrapper_.get(); }
FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar* texture_registrar() {
return texture_registrar_.get();
// The EGL manager object. If this is nullptr, then we are
// rendering using software instead of OpenGL.
egl::Manager* egl_manager() const { return egl_manager_.get(); }
WindowProcDelegateManager* window_proc_delegate_manager() {
return window_proc_delegate_manager_.get();
// Informs the engine that the window metrics have changed.
void SendWindowMetricsEvent(const FlutterWindowMetricsEvent& event);
// Informs the engine of an incoming pointer event.
void SendPointerEvent(const FlutterPointerEvent& event);
// Informs the engine of an incoming key event.
void SendKeyEvent(const FlutterKeyEvent& event,
FlutterKeyEventCallback callback,
void* user_data);
KeyboardHandlerBase* keyboard_key_handler() {
return keyboard_key_handler_.get();
TextInputPlugin* text_input_plugin() { return text_input_plugin_.get(); }
// Sends the given message to the engine, calling |reply| with |user_data|
// when a response is received from the engine if they are non-null.
bool SendPlatformMessage(const char* channel,
const uint8_t* message,
const size_t message_size,
const FlutterDesktopBinaryReply reply,
void* user_data);
// Sends the given data as the response to an earlier platform message.
void SendPlatformMessageResponse(
const FlutterDesktopMessageResponseHandle* handle,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t data_length);
// Callback passed to Flutter engine for notifying window of platform
// messages.
void HandlePlatformMessage(const FlutterPlatformMessage*);
// Informs the engine that the system font list has changed.
void ReloadSystemFonts();
// Informs the engine that a new frame is needed to redraw the content.
void ScheduleFrame();
// Set the callback that is called when the next frame is drawn.
void SetNextFrameCallback(fml::closure callback);
// Attempts to register the texture with the given |texture_id|.
bool RegisterExternalTexture(int64_t texture_id);
// Attempts to unregister the texture with the given |texture_id|.
bool UnregisterExternalTexture(int64_t texture_id);
// Notifies the engine about a new frame being available for the
// given |texture_id|.
bool MarkExternalTextureFrameAvailable(int64_t texture_id);
// Posts the given callback onto the raster thread.
virtual bool PostRasterThreadTask(fml::closure callback) const;
// Invoke on the embedder's vsync callback to schedule a frame.
void OnVsync(intptr_t baton);
// Dispatches a semantics action to the specified semantics node.
bool DispatchSemanticsAction(uint64_t id,
FlutterSemanticsAction action,
fml::MallocMapping data);
// Informs the engine that the semantics enabled state has changed.
void UpdateSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled);
// Returns true if the semantics tree is enabled.
bool semantics_enabled() const { return semantics_enabled_; }
// Refresh accessibility features and send them to the engine.
void UpdateAccessibilityFeatures();
// Refresh high contrast accessibility mode and notify the engine.
void UpdateHighContrastMode();
// Returns true if the high contrast feature is enabled.
bool high_contrast_enabled() const { return high_contrast_enabled_; }
// Register a root isolate create callback.
// The root isolate create callback is invoked at creation of the root Dart
// isolate in the app. This may be used to be notified that execution of the
// main Dart entrypoint is about to begin, and is used by test infrastructure
// to register a native function resolver that can register and resolve
// functions marked as native in the Dart code.
// This must be called before calling |Run|.
void SetRootIsolateCreateCallback(const fml::closure& callback) {
root_isolate_create_callback_ = callback;
// Returns the executable name for this process or "Flutter" if unknown.
std::string GetExecutableName() const;
// Called when the application quits in response to a quit request.
void OnQuit(std::optional<HWND> hwnd,
std::optional<WPARAM> wparam,
std::optional<LPARAM> lparam,
UINT exit_code);
// Called when a WM_CLOSE message is received.
void RequestApplicationQuit(HWND hwnd,
WPARAM wparam,
LPARAM lparam,
AppExitType exit_type);
// Called when a WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED message is received.
void OnDwmCompositionChanged();
// Called when a Window receives an event that may alter the application
// lifecycle state.
void OnWindowStateEvent(HWND hwnd, WindowStateEvent event);
// Handle a message from a non-Flutter window in the same application.
// Returns a result when the message is consumed and should not be processed
// further.
std::optional<LRESULT> ProcessExternalWindowMessage(HWND hwnd,
UINT message,
WPARAM wparam,
LPARAM lparam);
WindowsLifecycleManager* lifecycle_manager() {
return lifecycle_manager_.get();
std::shared_ptr<WindowsProcTable> windows_proc_table() {
return windows_proc_table_;
// Creates the keyboard key handler.
// Exposing this method allows unit tests to override in order to
// capture information.
virtual std::unique_ptr<KeyboardHandlerBase> CreateKeyboardKeyHandler(
BinaryMessenger* messenger,
KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::GetKeyStateHandler get_key_state,
KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::MapVirtualKeyToScanCode map_vk_to_scan);
// Creates the text input plugin.
// Exposing this method allows unit tests to override in order to
// capture information.
virtual std::unique_ptr<TextInputPlugin> CreateTextInputPlugin(
BinaryMessenger* messenger);
// Invoked by the engine right before the engine is restarted.
// This should reset necessary states to as if the engine has just been
// created. This is typically caused by a hot restart (Shift-R in CLI.)
void OnPreEngineRestart();
// Invoked by the engine when a listener is set or cleared on a platform
// channel.
virtual void OnChannelUpdate(std::string name, bool listening);
// Allows swapping out embedder_api_ calls in tests.
friend class EngineModifier;
// Sends system locales to the engine.
// Should be called just after the engine is run, and after any relevant
// system changes.
void SendSystemLocales();
// Sends the current lifecycle state to the framework.
void SetLifecycleState(flutter::AppLifecycleState state);
// Create the keyboard & text input sub-systems.
// This requires that a view is attached to the engine.
// Calling this method again resets the keyboard state.
void InitializeKeyboard();
// Send the currently enabled accessibility features to the engine.
void SendAccessibilityFeatures();
// Present content to a view. Returns true if the content was presented.
// This is invoked on the raster thread.
bool Present(const FlutterPresentViewInfo* info);
// The handle to the embedder.h engine instance.
FLUTTER_API_SYMBOL(FlutterEngine) engine_ = nullptr;
FlutterEngineProcTable embedder_api_ = {};
std::unique_ptr<FlutterProjectBundle> project_;
// AOT data, if any.
UniqueAotDataPtr aot_data_;
// The ID that the next view will have.
FlutterViewId next_view_id_ = kImplicitViewId;
// The views displaying the content running in this engine, if any.
// This is read and mutated by the platform thread. This is read by the raster
// thread to present content to a view.
// Reads to this object on non-platform threads must be protected
// by acquiring a shared lock on |views_mutex_|.
// Writes to this object must only happen on the platform thread
// and must be protected by acquiring an exclusive lock on |views_mutex_|.
std::unordered_map<FlutterViewId, FlutterWindowsView*> views_;
// The mutex that protects the |views_| map.
// The raster thread acquires a shared lock to present to a view.
// The platform thread acquires a shared lock to access the view.
// The platform thread acquires an exclusive lock before adding
// a view to the engine or after removing a view from the engine.
std::unique_ptr<fml::SharedMutex> views_mutex_;
// Task runner for tasks posted from the engine.
std::unique_ptr<TaskRunner> task_runner_;
// The plugin messenger handle given to API clients.
fml::RefPtr<flutter::FlutterDesktopMessenger> messenger_;
// A wrapper around messenger_ for interacting with client_wrapper-level APIs.
std::unique_ptr<BinaryMessengerImpl> messenger_wrapper_;
// Message dispatch manager for messages from engine_.
std::unique_ptr<IncomingMessageDispatcher> message_dispatcher_;
// The plugin registrar handle given to API clients.
std::unique_ptr<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar> plugin_registrar_;
// The texture registrar.
std::unique_ptr<FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar> texture_registrar_;
// An object used for intializing ANGLE and creating / destroying render
// surfaces. If nullptr, ANGLE failed to initialize and software rendering
// should be used instead.
std::unique_ptr<egl::Manager> egl_manager_;
// The compositor that creates backing stores for the engine to render into
// and then presents them onto views.
std::unique_ptr<Compositor> compositor_;
// The plugin registrar managing internal plugins.
std::unique_ptr<PluginRegistrar> internal_plugin_registrar_;
// Handler for accessibility events.
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityPlugin> accessibility_plugin_;
// Handler for cursor events.
std::unique_ptr<CursorHandler> cursor_handler_;
// Handler for the flutter/platform channel.
std::unique_ptr<PlatformHandler> platform_handler_;
// Handlers for keyboard events from Windows.
std::unique_ptr<KeyboardHandlerBase> keyboard_key_handler_;
// Handlers for text events from Windows.
std::unique_ptr<TextInputPlugin> text_input_plugin_;
// The settings plugin.
std::unique_ptr<SettingsPlugin> settings_plugin_;
// Callbacks to be called when the engine (and thus the plugin registrar) is
// being destroyed.
// The approximate time between vblank events.
std::chrono::nanoseconds FrameInterval();
// The start time used to align frames.
std::chrono::nanoseconds start_time_ = std::chrono::nanoseconds::zero();
// An override of the frame interval used by EngineModifier for testing.
std::optional<std::chrono::nanoseconds> frame_interval_override_ =
bool semantics_enabled_ = false;
bool high_contrast_enabled_ = false;
bool enable_impeller_ = false;
// The manager for WindowProc delegate registration and callbacks.
std::unique_ptr<WindowProcDelegateManager> window_proc_delegate_manager_;
// The root isolate creation callback.
fml::closure root_isolate_create_callback_;
// The on frame drawn callback.
fml::closure next_frame_callback_;
// Handler for top level window messages.
std::unique_ptr<WindowsLifecycleManager> lifecycle_manager_;
std::shared_ptr<WindowsProcTable> windows_proc_table_;
std::shared_ptr<egl::ProcTable> gl_;
std::unique_ptr<PlatformViewPlugin> platform_view_plugin_;
} // namespace flutter