blob: a975c737616e3c67ccfc1ee78aeed3fa14ba67c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/context_vk.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/device_holder.h"
#include "vulkan/vulkan_handles.hpp"
namespace impeller {
class GPUProbe;
/// @brief A class that uses timestamp queries to record the approximate GPU
/// execution time.
/// To enable, add the following metadata to the application's Android manifest:
/// <meta-data
/// android:name=""
/// android:value="false" />
class GPUTracerVK : public std::enable_shared_from_this<GPUTracerVK> {
GPUTracerVK(std::weak_ptr<ContextVK> context, bool enable_gpu_tracing);
~GPUTracerVK() = default;
/// @brief Create a GPUProbe to trace the execution of a command buffer on the
/// GPU.
std::unique_ptr<GPUProbe> CreateGPUProbe();
/// @brief Signal the start of a frame workload.
/// Any cmd buffers that are created after this call and before
/// [MarkFrameEnd] will be attributed to the current frame.
void MarkFrameStart();
/// @brief Signal the end of a frame workload.
void MarkFrameEnd();
// visible for testing.
bool IsEnabled() const;
/// Initialize the set of query pools.
void InitializeQueryPool(const ContextVK& context);
friend class GPUProbe;
static const constexpr size_t kTraceStatesSize = 16u;
/// @brief Signal that the cmd buffer is completed.
/// If [frame_index] is std::nullopt, this frame recording is ignored.
void OnFenceComplete(size_t frame);
/// @brief Record a timestamp query into the provided cmd buffer to record
/// start time.
void RecordCmdBufferStart(const vk::CommandBuffer& buffer, GPUProbe& probe);
/// @brief Record a timestamp query into the provided cmd buffer to record end
/// time.
void RecordCmdBufferEnd(const vk::CommandBuffer& buffer, GPUProbe& probe);
std::weak_ptr<ContextVK> context_;
struct GPUTraceState {
size_t current_index = 0;
size_t pending_buffers = 0;
vk::UniqueQueryPool query_pool;
mutable Mutex trace_state_mutex_;
GPUTraceState trace_states_[kTraceStatesSize] IPLR_GUARDED_BY(
size_t current_state_ IPLR_GUARDED_BY(trace_state_mutex_) = 0u;
std::vector<size_t> IPLR_GUARDED_BY(trace_state_mutex_) states_to_reset_ = {};
// The number of nanoseconds for each timestamp unit.
float timestamp_period_ = 1;
// If in_frame_ is not true, then this cmd buffer was started as a part of
// some non-frame workload like image decoding. We should not record this as
// part of the frame workload, as the gap between this non-frame and a
// frameworkload may be substantial. For example, support the engine creates a
// cmd buffer to perform an image upload at timestamp 0 and then 30 ms later
// actually renders a frame. Without the in_frame_ guard, the GPU frame time
// would include this 30ms gap during which the engine was idle.
bool in_frame_ = false;
// Track the raster thread id to avoid recording mipmap/image cmd buffers
// that are not guaranteed to start/end according to frame boundaries.
std::thread::id raster_thread_id_;
bool enabled_ = false;
class GPUProbe {
explicit GPUProbe(const std::weak_ptr<GPUTracerVK>& tracer);
GPUProbe(GPUProbe&&) = delete;
GPUProbe& operator=(GPUProbe&&) = delete;
/// @brief Record a timestamp query into the provided cmd buffer to record
/// start time.
void RecordCmdBufferStart(const vk::CommandBuffer& buffer);
/// @brief Record a timestamp query into the provided cmd buffer to record end
/// time.
void RecordCmdBufferEnd(const vk::CommandBuffer& buffer);
friend class GPUTracerVK;
std::weak_ptr<GPUTracerVK> tracer_;
std::optional<size_t> index_ = std::nullopt;
} // namespace impeller