blob: f4412a8e16f999c716241bfd502019d9fe5ca11d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/surface.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/android/context/android_context.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/android/surface/android_surface.h"
namespace flutter {
/// An Overlay layer represents an `android.view.View` in the C side.
/// The `id` is used to uniquely identify the layer and recycle it between
/// frames.
struct OverlayLayer {
OverlayLayer(int id,
std::unique_ptr<AndroidSurface> android_surface,
std::unique_ptr<Surface> surface);
// A unique id to identify the overlay when it gets recycled.
const int id;
// A GPU surface.
const std::unique_ptr<AndroidSurface> android_surface;
// A GPU surface. This may change when the overlay is recycled.
std::unique_ptr<Surface> surface;
// The `GrContext` that is currently used by the overlay surfaces.
// We track this to know when the GrContext for the Flutter app has changed
// so we can update the overlay with the new context.
// This may change when the overlay is recycled.
intptr_t gr_context_key;
// This class isn't thread safe.
class SurfacePool {
// Gets a layer from the pool if available, or allocates a new one.
// Finally, it marks the layer as used. That is, it increments
// `available_layer_index_`.
std::shared_ptr<OverlayLayer> GetLayer(
GrContext* gr_context,
std::shared_ptr<AndroidContext> android_context,
std::shared_ptr<PlatformViewAndroidJNI> jni_facade,
const AndroidSurface::Factory& surface_factory);
// Gets the layers in the pool that aren't currently used.
// This method doesn't mark the layers as unused.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<OverlayLayer>> GetUnusedLayers();
// Marks the layers in the pool as available for reuse.
void RecycleLayers();
// Destroys all the layers in the pool.
void DestroyLayers(std::shared_ptr<PlatformViewAndroidJNI> jni_facade);
// The index of the entry in the layers_ vector that determines the beginning
// of the unused layers. For example, consider the following vector:
// _____
// | 0 |
// |---|
// | 1 | <-- `available_layer_index_`
// |---|
// | 2 |
// |---|
// This indicates that entries starting from 1 can be reused meanwhile the
// entry at position 0 cannot be reused.
size_t available_layer_index_ = 0;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<OverlayLayer>> layers_;
} // namespace flutter