blob: 14b357ad4a35c21505af925e7d49daecb1dad97d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "image_generator.h"
#include "flutter/fml/endianness.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#define PNG_FIELD(T, name) \
private: \
T name; \
public: \
T get_##name() const { \
return fml::BigEndianToArch<T>(name); \
} \
void set_##name(T n) { \
name = fml::BigEndianToArch<T>(n); \
namespace flutter {
class APNGImageGenerator : public ImageGenerator {
// |ImageGenerator|
const SkImageInfo& GetInfo() override;
// |ImageGenerator|
unsigned int GetFrameCount() const override;
// |ImageGenerator|
unsigned int GetPlayCount() const override;
// |ImageGenerator|
const ImageGenerator::FrameInfo GetFrameInfo(
unsigned int frame_index) override;
// |ImageGenerator|
SkISize GetScaledDimensions(float desired_scale) override;
// |ImageGenerator|
bool GetPixels(const SkImageInfo& info,
void* pixels,
size_t row_bytes,
unsigned int frame_index,
std::optional<unsigned int> prior_frame) override;
static std::unique_ptr<ImageGenerator> MakeFromData(sk_sp<SkData> data);
static constexpr uint8_t kPngSignature[8] = {137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10};
static constexpr size_t kChunkCrcSize = 4;
enum ChunkType {
kImageHeaderChunkType = 'IHDR',
kAnimationControlChunkType = 'acTL',
kImageDataChunkType = 'IDAT',
kFrameControlChunkType = 'fcTL',
kFrameDataChunkType = 'fdAT',
kImageTrailerChunkType = 'IEND',
class __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ChunkHeader {
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, data_length)
PNG_FIELD(ChunkType, type)
void UpdateChunkCrc32();
uint32_t ComputeChunkCrc32();
class __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ImageHeaderChunkData {
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, width)
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, height)
PNG_FIELD(uint8_t, bit_depth)
PNG_FIELD(uint8_t, color_type)
PNG_FIELD(uint8_t, compression_method)
PNG_FIELD(uint8_t, filter_method)
PNG_FIELD(uint8_t, interlace_method)
class __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) AnimationControlChunkData {
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, num_frames)
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, num_plays)
class __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) FrameControlChunkData {
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, sequence_number)
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, width)
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, height)
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, x_offset)
PNG_FIELD(uint32_t, y_offset)
PNG_FIELD(uint16_t, delay_num)
PNG_FIELD(uint16_t, delay_den)
PNG_FIELD(uint8_t, dispose_op)
PNG_FIELD(uint8_t, blend_op)
/// @brief The first PNG frame is always the "default" PNG frame. Absence of
/// `frame_info` is only possible on the "default" PNG frame.
/// Each frame goes through two decoding stages:
/// 1. Demuxing stage: An individual PNG codec is created for a frame
/// while walking through the APNG chunk stream -- this is placed
/// in the `codec` field.
/// 2. Decoding stage: When a frame is requested for the first time,
/// the decoded image is requested from the `SkCodec` and then
/// (depending on the `frame_info`) composited with a previous
/// frame. The final "canvas" frame is placed in the
/// `composited_image` field. At this point, the `codec` is freed
/// and the `composited_image` is handed to the caller for drawing.
struct APNGImage {
std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec;
// The rendered frame pixels.
std::vector<uint8_t> pixels;
// Absence of frame info is possible on the "default" image.
std::optional<ImageGenerator::FrameInfo> frame_info;
// X offset of this image when composited. Only applicable to frames.
unsigned int x_offset;
// X offset of this image when composited. Only applicable to frames.
unsigned int y_offset;
APNGImageGenerator(sk_sp<SkData>& data,
SkImageInfo& image_info,
APNGImage&& default_image,
unsigned int frame_count,
unsigned int play_count,
const void* next_chunk_p,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& header);
static bool IsValidChunkHeader(const void* buffer,
size_t size,
const ChunkHeader* chunk);
static const ChunkHeader* GetNextChunk(const void* buffer,
size_t size,
const ChunkHeader* current_chunk);
/// @brief This is a utility template for casting a png buffer pointer to a
/// chunk header. Its primary purpose is to statically insert runtime
/// debug checks that detect invalid decoding behavior.
template <typename T>
static constexpr const T* CastChunkData(const ChunkHeader* chunk) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ImageHeaderChunkData>) {
FML_DCHECK(chunk->get_type() == kImageHeaderChunkType);
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, AnimationControlChunkData>) {
FML_DCHECK(chunk->get_type() == kAnimationControlChunkType);
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, FrameControlChunkData>) {
FML_DCHECK(chunk->get_type() == kFrameControlChunkType);
} else {
static_assert(!sizeof(T), "Invalid chunk struct");
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(chunk) +
static constexpr size_t GetChunkSize(const ChunkHeader* chunk) {
return sizeof(ChunkHeader) + chunk->get_data_length() + kChunkCrcSize;
static constexpr bool IsChunkCopySafe(const ChunkHeader* chunk) {
// The safe-to-copy bit is the 5th bit of the chunk name's 4th byte. This is
// the same as checking that the 4th byte is lowercase.
return (chunk->get_type() & 0x20) != 0;
/// @brief Extract a header that's safe to use for both the "default" image
/// and individual PNG frames. Strip the animation control chunk.
static std::pair<std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>, const void*>
ExtractHeader(const void* buffer_p, size_t buffer_size);
/// @brief Takes a chunk pointer to a chunk and demuxes/interprets the next
/// image in the APNG sequence. It also provides the next `chunk_p`
/// to use.
/// @see `APNGImage`
static std::pair<std::optional<APNGImage>, const void*> DemuxNextImage(
const void* buffer_p,
size_t buffer_size,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& header,
const void* chunk_p);
bool DemuxNextImageInternal();
bool DemuxToImageIndex(unsigned int image_index);
bool RenderDefaultImage(const SkImageInfo& info,
void* pixels,
size_t row_bytes);
sk_sp<SkData> data_;
SkImageInfo image_info_;
unsigned int frame_count_;
unsigned int play_count_;
// The first image is always the default image, which may or may not be a
// frame. All subsequent images are guaranteed to have frame data.
std::vector<APNGImage> images_;
unsigned int first_frame_index_;
const void* next_chunk_p_;
std::vector<uint8_t> header_;
} // namespace flutter