blob: cee3896dae7b3d06065f1b71e79085d8bab7205f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_encoding.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "flutter/common/task_runners.h"
#include "flutter/fml/build_config.h"
#include "flutter/fml/make_copyable.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkEncodedImageFormat.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/dart_persistent_value.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/logging/dart_invoke.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/typed_data/uint8_list.h"
using tonic::DartInvoke;
using tonic::DartPersistentValue;
using tonic::ToDart;
namespace blink {
namespace {
// This must be kept in sync with the enum in painting.dart
enum ImageByteFormat {
void InvokeDataCallback(std::unique_ptr<DartPersistentValue> callback,
sk_sp<SkData> buffer) {
std::shared_ptr<tonic::DartState> dart_state = callback->dart_state().lock();
if (!dart_state) {
tonic::DartState::Scope scope(dart_state);
if (!buffer) {
DartInvoke(callback->value(), {Dart_Null()});
} else {
Dart_Handle dart_data = tonic::DartConverter<tonic::Uint8List>::ToDart(
buffer->bytes(), buffer->size());
DartInvoke(callback->value(), {dart_data});
sk_sp<SkImage> ConvertToRasterImageIfNecessary(sk_sp<SkImage> image,
GrContext* context) {
SkPixmap pixmap;
if (image->peekPixels(&pixmap)) {
// This is already a raster image.
return image;
if (sk_sp<SkImage> raster_image = image->makeRasterImage()) {
// The image can be converted to a raster image.
return raster_image;
// Cross-context images do not support makeRasterImage. Convert these images
// by drawing them into a surface.
if (context == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", __FUNCTION__);
// Create a GPU surface with the context and then do a device to host copy of
// image contents.
auto surface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(
context, SkBudgeted::kNo,
if (surface == nullptr || surface->getCanvas() == nullptr) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create a surface to copy the texture into.";
return nullptr;
surface->getCanvas()->drawImage(image, 0, 0);
auto snapshot = surface->makeImageSnapshot();
if (snapshot == nullptr) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not snapshot image to encode.";
return nullptr;
return snapshot->makeRasterImage();
sk_sp<SkData> CopyImageByteData(sk_sp<SkImage> raster_image,
SkColorType color_type) {
SkPixmap pixmap;
if (!raster_image->peekPixels(&pixmap)) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not copy pixels from the raster image.";
return nullptr;
// The color types already match. No need to swizzle. Return early.
if (pixmap.colorType() == color_type) {
return SkData::MakeWithCopy(pixmap.addr(), pixmap.computeByteSize());
// Perform swizzle if the type doesnt match the specification.
auto surface = SkSurface::MakeRaster(
SkImageInfo::Make(raster_image->width(), raster_image->height(),
color_type, kPremul_SkAlphaType, nullptr));
if (!surface) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not setup the surface for swizzle.";
return nullptr;
surface->writePixels(pixmap, 0, 0);
if (!surface->peekPixels(&pixmap)) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Pixel address is not available.";
return nullptr;
return SkData::MakeWithCopy(pixmap.addr(), pixmap.computeByteSize());
sk_sp<SkData> EncodeImage(sk_sp<SkImage> p_image,
GrContext* context,
ImageByteFormat format) {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", __FUNCTION__);
// Check validity of the image.
if (p_image == nullptr) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Image was null.";
return nullptr;
auto dimensions = p_image->dimensions();
if (dimensions.isEmpty()) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Image dimensions were empty.";
return nullptr;
auto raster_image = ConvertToRasterImageIfNecessary(p_image, context);
if (raster_image == nullptr) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create a raster copy of the image.";
return nullptr;
switch (format) {
case kPNG: {
auto png_image =
raster_image->encodeToData(SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, 0);
if (png_image == nullptr) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not convert raster image to PNG.";
return nullptr;
return png_image;
} break;
case kRawRGBA: {
return CopyImageByteData(raster_image, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType);
} break;
case kRawUnmodified: {
return CopyImageByteData(raster_image, raster_image->colorType());
} break;
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown error encoding image.";
return nullptr;
void EncodeImageAndInvokeDataCallback(
std::unique_ptr<DartPersistentValue> callback,
sk_sp<SkImage> image,
GrContext* context,
fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> ui_task_runner,
ImageByteFormat format) {
sk_sp<SkData> encoded = EncodeImage(std::move(image), context, format);
fml::MakeCopyable([callback = std::move(callback), encoded]() mutable {
InvokeDataCallback(std::move(callback), std::move(encoded));
} // namespace
Dart_Handle EncodeImage(CanvasImage* canvas_image,
int format,
Dart_Handle callback_handle) {
if (!canvas_image)
return ToDart("encode called with non-genuine Image.");
if (!Dart_IsClosure(callback_handle))
return ToDart("Callback must be a function.");
ImageByteFormat image_format = static_cast<ImageByteFormat>(format);
auto callback = std::make_unique<DartPersistentValue>(
tonic::DartState::Current(), callback_handle);
const auto& task_runners = UIDartState::Current()->GetTaskRunners();
auto context = UIDartState::Current()->GetResourceContext();
fml::MakeCopyable([callback = std::move(callback), //
image = canvas_image->image(), //
context = std::move(context), //
ui_task_runner = task_runners.GetUITaskRunner(), //
image_format //
]() mutable {
EncodeImageAndInvokeDataCallback(std::move(callback), //
std::move(image), //
context.get(), //
std::move(ui_task_runner), //
image_format //
return Dart_Null();
} // namespace blink