blob: 6980ae4019db135bb4276f60e9d2cb9c18f7b899 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <glib-object.h>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_renderer.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_task_runner.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/public/flutter_linux/fl_dart_project.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/public/flutter_linux/fl_engine.h"
* FlEngineError:
* Errors for #FlEngine objects to set on failures.
typedef enum {
// NOLINTBEGIN(readability-identifier-naming)
// NOLINTEND(readability-identifier-naming)
} FlEngineError;
GQuark fl_engine_error_quark(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
* FlEnginePlatformMessageHandler:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @channel: channel message received on.
* @message: message content received from Dart.
* @response_handle: a handle to respond to the message with.
* @user_data: (closure): data provided when registering this handler.
* Function called when platform messages are received.
* Returns: %TRUE if message has been accepted.
typedef gboolean (*FlEnginePlatformMessageHandler)(
FlEngine* engine,
const gchar* channel,
GBytes* message,
const FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle* response_handle,
gpointer user_data);
* FlEngineUpdateSemanticsHandler:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @node: semantic node information.
* @user_data: (closure): data provided when registering this handler.
* Function called when semantics node updates are received.
typedef void (*FlEngineUpdateSemanticsHandler)(
FlEngine* engine,
const FlutterSemanticsUpdate2* update,
gpointer user_data);
* fl_engine_new_with_renderer:
* @project: an #FlDartProject.
* @renderer: an #FlRenderer.
* Creates new Flutter engine.
* Returns: a new #FlEngine.
FlEngine* fl_engine_new_with_renderer(FlDartProject* project,
FlRenderer* renderer);
* fl_engine_get_renderer:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* Gets the renderer used by this engine.
* Returns: an #FlRenderer.
FlRenderer* fl_engine_get_renderer(FlEngine* engine);
* fl_engine_start:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @error: (allow-none): #GError location to store the error occurring, or %NULL
* to ignore.
* Starts the Flutter engine.
* Returns: %TRUE on success.
gboolean fl_engine_start(FlEngine* engine, GError** error);
* fl_engine_get_embedder_api:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* Gets the embedder API proc table, allowing modificiations for unit testing.
* Returns: a mutable pointer to the embedder API proc table.
FlutterEngineProcTable* fl_engine_get_embedder_api(FlEngine* engine);
* fl_engine_add_view:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @width: width of view in pixels.
* @height: height of view in pixels.
* @pixel_ratio: scale factor for view.
* @cancellable: (allow-none): a #GCancellable or %NULL.
* @callback: (scope async): a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the view is
* added.
* @user_data: (closure): user data to pass to @callback.
* Asynchronously add a new view. The returned view ID should not be used until
* this function completes.
* Returns: the ID for the view.
FlutterViewId fl_engine_add_view(FlEngine* engine,
size_t width,
size_t height,
double pixel_ratio,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
gpointer user_data);
* fl_engine_add_view_finish:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @result: a #GAsyncResult.
* @error: (allow-none): #GError location to store the error occurring, or %NULL
* to ignore.
* Completes request started with fl_engine_add_view().
* Returns: %TRUE on success.
gboolean fl_engine_add_view_finish(FlEngine* engine,
GAsyncResult* result,
GError** error);
* fl_engine_remove_view:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @view_id: ID to remove.
* @cancellable: (allow-none): a #GCancellable or %NULL.
* @callback: (scope async): a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the view is
* added.
* @user_data: (closure): user data to pass to @callback.
* Removes a view previously added with fl_engine_add_view().
void fl_engine_remove_view(FlEngine* engine,
FlutterViewId view_id,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
gpointer user_data);
* fl_engine_remove_view_finish:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @result: a #GAsyncResult.
* @error: (allow-none): #GError location to store the error occurring, or %NULL
* to ignore.
* Completes request started with fl_engine_remove_view().
* Returns: %TRUE on succcess.
gboolean fl_engine_remove_view_finish(FlEngine* engine,
GAsyncResult* result,
GError** error);
* fl_engine_set_platform_message_handler:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @handler: function to call when a platform message is received.
* @user_data: (closure): user data to pass to @handler.
* @destroy_notify: (allow-none): a function which gets called to free
* @user_data, or %NULL.
* Registers the function called when a platform message is received. Call
* fl_engine_send_platform_message_response() with the response to this message.
* Ownership of #FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle is
* transferred to the caller, and the message must be responded to avoid
* memory leaks.
void fl_engine_set_platform_message_handler(
FlEngine* engine,
FlEnginePlatformMessageHandler handler,
gpointer user_data,
GDestroyNotify destroy_notify);
* fl_engine_set_update_semantics_handler:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @handler: function to call when a semantics update is received.
* @user_data: (closure): user data to pass to @handler.
* @destroy_notify: (allow-none): a function which gets called to free
* @user_data, or %NULL.
* Registers the function called when a semantics update is received.
void fl_engine_set_update_semantics_handler(
FlEngine* engine,
FlEngineUpdateSemanticsHandler handler,
gpointer user_data,
GDestroyNotify destroy_notify);
* fl_engine_send_window_metrics_event:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @view_id: the view that the event occured on.
* @width: width of the window in pixels.
* @height: height of the window in pixels.
* @pixel_ratio: scale factor for window.
* Sends a window metrics event to the engine.
void fl_engine_send_window_metrics_event(FlEngine* engine,
FlutterViewId view_id,
size_t width,
size_t height,
double pixel_ratio);
* fl_engine_send_mouse_pointer_event:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @view_id: the view that the event occured on.
* @phase: mouse phase.
* @timestamp: time when event occurred in microseconds.
* @x: x location of mouse cursor.
* @y: y location of mouse cursor.
* @device_kind: kind of pointing device.
* @scroll_delta_x: x offset of scroll.
* @scroll_delta_y: y offset of scroll.
* @buttons: buttons that are pressed.
* Sends a mouse pointer event to the engine.
void fl_engine_send_mouse_pointer_event(FlEngine* engine,
FlutterViewId view_id,
FlutterPointerPhase phase,
size_t timestamp,
double x,
double y,
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
double scroll_delta_x,
double scroll_delta_y,
int64_t buttons);
* fl_engine_send_pointer_pan_zoom_event:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @view_id: the view that the event occured on.
* @timestamp: time when event occurred in microseconds.
* @x: x location of mouse cursor.
* @y: y location of mouse cursor.
* @phase: mouse phase.
* @pan_x: x offset of the pan/zoom in pixels.
* @pan_y: y offset of the pan/zoom in pixels.
* @scale: scale of the pan/zoom.
* @rotation: rotation of the pan/zoom in radians.
* Sends a pan/zoom pointer event to the engine.
void fl_engine_send_pointer_pan_zoom_event(FlEngine* engine,
FlutterViewId view_id,
size_t timestamp,
double x,
double y,
FlutterPointerPhase phase,
double pan_x,
double pan_y,
double scale,
double rotation);
* fl_engine_send_key_event:
void fl_engine_send_key_event(FlEngine* engine,
const FlutterKeyEvent* event,
FlutterKeyEventCallback callback,
void* user_data);
* fl_engine_dispatch_semantics_action:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @id: the semantics action identifier.
* @action: the action being dispatched.
* @data: (allow-none): data associated with the action.
void fl_engine_dispatch_semantics_action(FlEngine* engine,
uint64_t id,
FlutterSemanticsAction action,
GBytes* data);
* fl_engine_send_platform_message_response:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @handle: handle that was provided in #FlEnginePlatformMessageHandler.
* @response: (allow-none): response to send or %NULL for an empty response.
* @error: (allow-none): #GError location to store the error occurring, or %NULL
* to ignore.
* Responds to a platform message.
* Returns: %TRUE on success.
gboolean fl_engine_send_platform_message_response(
FlEngine* engine,
const FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle* handle,
GBytes* response,
GError** error);
* fl_engine_send_platform_message:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @channel: channel to send to.
* @message: (allow-none): message buffer to send or %NULL for an empty message
* @cancellable: (allow-none): a #GCancellable or %NULL.
* @callback: (scope async): a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is
* satisfied.
* @user_data: (closure): user data to pass to @callback.
* Asynchronously sends a platform message.
void fl_engine_send_platform_message(FlEngine* engine,
const gchar* channel,
GBytes* message,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
gpointer user_data);
* fl_engine_send_platform_message_finish:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @result: a #GAsyncResult.
* @error: (allow-none): #GError location to store the error occurring, or %NULL
* to ignore.
* Completes request started with fl_engine_send_platform_message().
* Returns: message response on success or %NULL on error.
GBytes* fl_engine_send_platform_message_finish(FlEngine* engine,
GAsyncResult* result,
GError** error);
* fl_engine_get_task_runner:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @result: a #FlTaskRunner.
* Returns: task runner responsible for scheduling Flutter tasks.
FlTaskRunner* fl_engine_get_task_runner(FlEngine* engine);
* fl_engine_execute_task:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @task: a #FlutterTask to execute.
* Executes given Flutter task.
void fl_engine_execute_task(FlEngine* engine, FlutterTask* task);
* fl_engine_mark_texture_frame_available:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @texture_id: the identifier of the texture whose frame has been updated.
* Tells the Flutter engine that a new texture frame is available for the given
* texture.
* Returns: %TRUE on success.
gboolean fl_engine_mark_texture_frame_available(FlEngine* engine,
int64_t texture_id);
* fl_engine_register_external_texture:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @texture_id: the identifier of the texture that is available.
* Tells the Flutter engine that a new external texture is available.
* Returns: %TRUE on success.
gboolean fl_engine_register_external_texture(FlEngine* engine,
int64_t texture_id);
* fl_engine_unregister_external_texture:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @texture_id: the identifier of the texture that is not available anymore.
* Tells the Flutter engine that an existing external texture is not available
* anymore.
* Returns: %TRUE on success.
gboolean fl_engine_unregister_external_texture(FlEngine* engine,
int64_t texture_id);
* fl_engine_update_accessibility_features:
* @engine: an #FlEngine.
* @flags: the features to enable in the accessibility tree.
* Tells the Flutter engine to update the flags on the accessibility tree.
void fl_engine_update_accessibility_features(FlEngine* engine, int32_t flags);
* fl_engine_get_switches:
* @project: an #FlEngine.
* Determines the switches that should be passed to the Flutter engine.
* Returns: an array of switches to pass to the Flutter engine.
GPtrArray* fl_engine_get_switches(FlEngine* engine);