blob: 0e523155559b046fb44f00a897f2d3f68bf96eb7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Maps macOS-specific key code values representing |PhysicalKeyboardKey|.
* MacOS doesn't provide a scan code, but a virtual keycode to represent a physical key.
extern const NSDictionary* keyCodeToPhysicalKey;
* A map from macOS key codes to Flutter's logical key values.
* This is used to derive logical keys that can't or shouldn't be derived from
* |charactersIgnoringModifiers|.
extern const NSDictionary* keyCodeToLogicalKey;
// Several mask constants. See for their descriptions.
extern const uint64_t kValueMask;
extern const uint64_t kPlatformMask;
extern const uint64_t kUnicodePlane;
extern const uint64_t kHidPlane;
extern const uint64_t kAutogeneratedMask;
extern const uint64_t kSynonymMask;
* The code prefix for keys from macOS which do not have a Unicode
* representation.
static const uint64_t kMacosPlane = 0x00500000000;
* Map |NSEvent.keyCode| to its corresponding bitmask of NSEventModifierFlags.
* This does not include CapsLock, for it is handled specially.
extern const NSDictionary* keyCodeToModifierFlag;
* Map a bit of bitmask of NSEventModifierFlags to its corresponding
* |NSEvent.keyCode|.
* This does not include CapsLock, for it is handled specially.
extern const NSDictionary* modifierFlagToKeyCode;
* The physical key for CapsLock, which needs special handling.
extern const uint64_t kCapsLockPhysicalKey;
* The logical key for CapsLock, which needs special handling.
extern const uint64_t kCapsLockLogicalKey;
* Bits in |NSEvent.modifierFlags| indicating whether a modifier key is pressed.
* These constants are not written in the official documentation, but derived
* from experiments. This is currently the only way to know whether a one-side
* modifier key (such as ShiftLeft) is pressed, instead of the general combined
* modifier state (such as Shift).
typedef enum {
kModifierFlagControlLeft = 0x1,
kModifierFlagShiftLeft = 0x2,
kModifierFlagShiftRight = 0x4,
kModifierFlagMetaLeft = 0x8,
kModifierFlagMetaRight = 0x10,
kModifierFlagAltLeft = 0x20,
kModifierFlagAltRight = 0x40,
kModifierFlagControlRight = 0x200,
} ModifierFlag;