blob: c629ac11413fd3ec970533b4af1d17baea8ec481 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// 1D (directional) gaussian blur.
// Paths for future optimization:
// * Remove the uv bounds multiplier in SampleColor by adding optional
// support for SamplerAddressMode::ClampToBorder in the texture sampler.
// * Render both blur passes into a smaller texture than the source image
// (~1/radius size).
// * If doing the small texture render optimization, cache misses can be
// reduced in the first pass by sampling the source textures with a mip
// level of log2(min_radius).
#include <impeller/constants.glsl>
#include <impeller/gaussian.glsl>
#include <impeller/texture.glsl>
#include <impeller/types.glsl>
uniform f16sampler2D texture_sampler;
uniform BlurInfo {
f16vec2 blur_uv_offset;
// The blur sigma and radius have a linear relationship which is defined
// host-side, but both are useful controls here. Sigma (pixels per standard
// deviation) is used to define the gaussian function itself, whereas the
// radius is used to limit how much of the function is integrated.
float16_t blur_sigma;
float16_t blur_radius;
uniform f16sampler2D alpha_mask_sampler;
uniform MaskInfo {
float16_t src_factor;
float16_t inner_blur_factor;
float16_t outer_blur_factor;
f16vec4 Sample(f16sampler2D tex, vec2 coords) {
return IPHalfSampleDecal(tex, coords);
return texture(tex, coords);
in vec2 v_texture_coords;
in vec2 v_src_texture_coords;
out f16vec4 frag_color;
void main() {
f16vec4 total_color = f16vec4(0.0hf);
float16_t gaussian_integral = 0.0hf;
for (float16_t i = -blur_info.blur_radius; i <= blur_info.blur_radius;
i += 2.0hf) {
float16_t gaussian = IPGaussian(i, blur_info.blur_sigma);
gaussian_integral += gaussian;
total_color +=
gaussian * Sample(texture_sampler, // sampler
v_texture_coords + blur_info.blur_uv_offset *
i // texture coordinates
frag_color = total_color / gaussian_integral;
f16vec4 src_color = Sample(alpha_mask_sampler, // sampler
v_src_texture_coords // texture coordinates
float16_t blur_factor;
if (src_color.a > 0.0hf) {
blur_factor = mask_info.inner_blur_factor;
} else if (src_color.a == 0.0hf) {
blur_factor = mask_info.outer_blur_factor;
frag_color = frag_color * blur_factor + src_color * mask_info.src_factor;