blob: d76aaba5d395757ec699d40d4dc7fac8b81914e3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "flutter/display_list/image/dl_image.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "impeller/core/texture.h"
namespace impeller {
class AiksContext;
class DlImageImpeller final : public flutter::DlImage {
static sk_sp<DlImageImpeller> Make(
std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture,
OwningContext owning_context = OwningContext::kIO);
static sk_sp<DlImageImpeller> MakeFromYUVTextures(
AiksContext* aiks_context,
std::shared_ptr<Texture> y_texture,
std::shared_ptr<Texture> uv_texture,
YUVColorSpace yuv_color_space);
// |DlImage|
~DlImageImpeller() override;
// |DlImage|
sk_sp<SkImage> skia_image() const override;
// |DlImage|
std::shared_ptr<impeller::Texture> impeller_texture() const override;
// |DlImage|
bool isOpaque() const override;
// |DlImage|
bool isTextureBacked() const override;
// |DlImage|
SkISize dimensions() const override;
// |DlImage|
size_t GetApproximateByteSize() const override;
// |DlImage|
OwningContext owning_context() const override { return owning_context_; }
std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture_;
OwningContext owning_context_;
explicit DlImageImpeller(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture,
OwningContext owning_context = OwningContext::kIO);
} // namespace impeller