blob: ce9347c7c44e92cb36b6a013bfdf1f860949d0a5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/semantics_node.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/accessibility_bridge_ios.h"
constexpr int32_t kRootNodeId = 0;
// This can be arbitrary number as long as it is bigger than 0.
constexpr float kScrollExtentMaxForInf = 1000;
@class FlutterCustomAccessibilityAction;
@class FlutterPlatformViewSemanticsContainer;
* A node in the iOS semantics tree. This object is a wrapper over a native accessibiliy
* object, which is stored in the property `nativeAccessibility`. In the most case, the
* `nativeAccessibility` directly returns this object. Some subclasses such as the
* `FlutterScrollableSemanticsObject` creates a native `UIScrollView` as its `nativeAccessibility`
* so that it can interact with iOS.
@interface SemanticsObject : UIAccessibilityElement
* The globally unique identifier for this node.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) int32_t uid;
* The parent of this node in the node tree. Will be nil for the root node and
* during transient state changes.
@property(nonatomic, assign) SemanticsObject* parent;
* The accessibility bridge that this semantics object is attached to. This
* object may use the bridge to access contextual application information. A weak
* pointer is used because the platform view owns the accessibility bridge.
* If you are referencing this property from an iOS callback, be sure to
* use `isAccessibilityBridgeActive` to protect against the case where this
* node may be orphaned.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) fml::WeakPtr<flutter::AccessibilityBridgeIos> bridge;
* The semantics node used to produce this semantics object.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) flutter::SemanticsNode node;
* Whether this semantics object has child semantics objects.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasChildren;
* Direct children of this semantics object. Each child's `parent` property must
* be equal to this object.
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSArray<SemanticsObject*>* children;
* The UIAccessibility that represents this object.
* By default, this return self. Subclasses can override to return different
* objects to represent them. For example, FlutterScrollableSemanticsObject[s]
* maintain UIScrollView[s] to represent their UIAccessibility[s].
@property(nonatomic, readonly) id nativeAccessibility;
* Due to the fact that VoiceOver may hold onto SemanticObjects even after it shuts down,
* there can be situations where the AccessibilityBridge is shutdown, but the SemanticObject
* will still be alive. If VoiceOver is turned on again, it may try to access this orphaned
* SemanticObject. Methods that are called from the accessiblity framework should use
* this to guard against this case by just returning early if its bridge has been shutdown.
* See for more information.
- (BOOL)isAccessibilityBridgeAlive;
* Updates this semantics object using data from the `node` argument.
- (void)setSemanticsNode:(const flutter::SemanticsNode*)node NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;
- (void)replaceChildAtIndex:(NSInteger)index withChild:(SemanticsObject*)child;
- (BOOL)nodeWillCauseLayoutChange:(const flutter::SemanticsNode*)node;
- (BOOL)nodeWillCauseScroll:(const flutter::SemanticsNode*)node;
- (BOOL)nodeShouldTriggerAnnouncement:(const flutter::SemanticsNode*)node;
- (void)collectRoutes:(NSMutableArray<SemanticsObject*>*)edges;
- (NSString*)routeName;
- (BOOL)onCustomAccessibilityAction:(FlutterCustomAccessibilityAction*)action;
* Called after accessibility bridge finishes a semantics update.
* Subclasses can override this method if they contain states that can only be
* updated once every node in the accessibility tree has finished updating.
- (void)accessibilityBridgeDidFinishUpdate;
#pragma mark - Designated initializers
- (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("Use initWithBridge instead")));
- (instancetype)initWithBridge:(fml::WeakPtr<flutter::AccessibilityBridgeIos>)bridge
* An implementation of UIAccessibilityCustomAction which also contains the
* Flutter uid.
@interface FlutterCustomAccessibilityAction : UIAccessibilityCustomAction
* The uid of the action defined by the flutter application.
@property(nonatomic) int32_t uid;
* The default implementation of `SemanticsObject` for most accessibility elements
* in the iOS accessibility tree.
* Use this implementation for nodes that do not need to be expressed via UIKit-specific
* protocols (it only implements NSObject).
* See also:
* * TextInputSemanticsObject, which implements `UITextInput` protocol to expose
* editable text widgets to a11y.
@interface FlutterSemanticsObject : SemanticsObject
* Designated to act as an accessibility container of a platform view.
* This object does not take any accessibility actions on its own, nor has any accessibility
* label/value/trait/hint... on its own. The accessibility data will be handled by the platform
* view.
* See also:
* * `SemanticsObject` for the other type of semantics objects.
* * `FlutterSemanticsObject` for default implementation of `SemanticsObject`.
@interface FlutterPlatformViewSemanticsContainer : SemanticsObject
- (instancetype)initWithBridge:(fml::WeakPtr<flutter::AccessibilityBridgeIos>)bridge
uid:(int32_t)uid NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithBridge:(fml::WeakPtr<flutter::AccessibilityBridgeIos>)bridge
platformView:(UIView*)platformView NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
/// The semantics object for switch buttons. This class creates an UISwitch to interact with the
/// iOS.
@interface FlutterSwitchSemanticsObject : SemanticsObject
/// The semantics object for scrollable. This class creates an UIScrollView to interact with the
/// iOS.
@interface FlutterScrollableSemanticsObject : SemanticsObject
* Represents a semantics object that has children and hence has to be presented to the OS as a
* UIAccessibilityContainer.
* The SemanticsObject class cannot implement the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol because an
* object that returns YES for isAccessibilityElement cannot also implement
* UIAccessibilityContainer.
* With the help of SemanticsObjectContainer, the hierarchy of semantic objects received from
* the framework, such as:
* SemanticsObject1
* SemanticsObject2
* SemanticsObject3
* SemanticsObject4
* is translated into the following hierarchy, which is understood by iOS:
* SemanticsObjectContainer1
* SemanticsObject1
* SemanticsObjectContainer2
* SemanticsObject2
* SemanticsObject3
* SemanticsObject4
* From Flutter's view of the world (the first tree seen above), we construct iOS's view of the
* world (second tree) as follows: We replace each SemanticsObjects that has children with a
* SemanticsObjectContainer, which has the original SemanticsObject and its children as children.
* SemanticsObjects have semantic information attached to them which is interpreted by
* VoiceOver (they return YES for isAccessibilityElement). The SemanticsObjectContainers are just
* there for structure and they don't provide any semantic information to VoiceOver (they return
* NO for isAccessibilityElement).
@interface SemanticsObjectContainer : UIAccessibilityElement
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithAccessibilityContainer:(id)container NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithSemanticsObject:(SemanticsObject*)semanticsObject
@property(nonatomic, weak) SemanticsObject* semanticsObject;