blob: 515f28e6d05d2d05192780a5d62866df4d1bfa39 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/glfw/system_utils.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
namespace flutter {
namespace {
const char* GetLocaleStringFromEnvironment() {
const char* retval;
retval = getenv("LANGUAGE");
if ((retval != NULL) && (retval[0] != '\0')) {
return retval;
retval = getenv("LC_ALL");
if ((retval != NULL) && (retval[0] != '\0')) {
return retval;
retval = getenv("LC_MESSAGES");
if ((retval != NULL) && (retval[0] != '\0')) {
return retval;
retval = getenv("LANG");
if ((retval != NULL) && (retval[0] != '\0')) {
return retval;
return NULL;
// The least specific to most specific components of a locale.
enum Component {
kCodeset = 1 << 0,
kTerritory = 1 << 1,
kModifier = 1 << 2,
// Construct a mask indicating which of the components in |info| are set.
int ComputeVariantMask(const LanguageInfo& info) {
int mask = 0;
if (!info.territory.empty()) {
mask |= kTerritory;
if (!info.codeset.empty()) {
mask |= kCodeset;
if (!info.modifier.empty()) {
mask |= kModifier;
return mask;
// Appends most specific to least specific variants of |info| to |languages|.
// For example, "de_DE@euro" would append "de_DE@euro", "de@euro", "de_DE",
// and "de".
void AppendLocaleVariants(std::vector<LanguageInfo>& languages,
const LanguageInfo& info) {
int mask = ComputeVariantMask(info);
for (int i = mask; i >= 0; --i) {
if ((i & ~mask) == 0) {
LanguageInfo variant;
variant.language = info.language;
if (i & kTerritory) {
variant.territory = info.territory;
if (i & kCodeset) {
variant.codeset = info.codeset;
if (i & kModifier) {
variant.modifier = info.modifier;
// Parses a locale into its components.
LanguageInfo ParseLocale(const std::string& locale) {
// Locales are of the form "language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]"
LanguageInfo result;
std::string::size_type end = locale.size();
std::string::size_type modifier_pos = locale.rfind('@');
if (modifier_pos != std::string::npos) {
result.modifier = locale.substr(modifier_pos + 1, end - modifier_pos - 1);
end = modifier_pos;
std::string::size_type codeset_pos = locale.rfind('.', end);
if (codeset_pos != std::string::npos) {
result.codeset = locale.substr(codeset_pos + 1, end - codeset_pos - 1);
end = codeset_pos;
std::string::size_type territory_pos = locale.rfind('_', end);
if (territory_pos != std::string::npos) {
result.territory =
locale.substr(territory_pos + 1, end - territory_pos - 1);
end = territory_pos;
result.language = locale.substr(0, end);
return result;
} // namespace
std::vector<LanguageInfo> GetPreferredLanguageInfo() {
const char* locale_string;
locale_string = GetLocaleStringFromEnvironment();
if (!locale_string || locale_string[0] == '\0') {
// This is the default locale if none is specified according to ISO C.
locale_string = "C";
std::istringstream locales_stream(locale_string);
std::vector<LanguageInfo> languages;
std::string s;
while (getline(locales_stream, s, ':')) {
LanguageInfo info = ParseLocale(s);
AppendLocaleVariants(languages, info);
return languages;
std::vector<FlutterLocale> ConvertToFlutterLocale(
const std::vector<LanguageInfo>& languages) {
std::vector<FlutterLocale> flutter_locales;
for (const auto& info : languages) {
FlutterLocale locale = {};
locale.struct_size = sizeof(FlutterLocale);
locale.language_code = info.language.c_str();
if (!info.territory.empty()) {
locale.country_code = info.territory.c_str();
if (!info.codeset.empty()) {
locale.script_code = info.codeset.c_str();
if (!info.modifier.empty()) {
locale.variant_code = info.modifier.c_str();
return flutter_locales;
} // namespace flutter