blob: 43622acee9c39636c2ab419cb2e808b4e2612266 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:dir_contents_diff/dir_contents_diff.dart' show dirContentsDiff;
import 'package:engine_repo_tools/engine_repo_tools.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:skia_gold_client/skia_gold_client.dart';
import 'utils/adb_logcat_filtering.dart';
import 'utils/environment.dart';
import 'utils/logs.dart';
import 'utils/options.dart';
import 'utils/process_manager_extension.dart';
import 'utils/screenshot_transformer.dart';
// If you update the arguments, update the documentation in the file.
void main(List<String> args) async {
// Get some basic environment information to guide the rest of the program.
final Environment environment = Environment(
isCi: Platform.environment['LUCI_CONTEXT'] != null,
showVerbose: Options.showVerbose(args),
logsDir: Platform.environment['FLUTTER_LOGS_DIR'],
// Determine if the CWD is within an engine checkout.
final Engine? localEngineDir = Engine.tryFindWithin();
// Show usage if requested.
if (Options.showUsage(args)) {
environment: environment,
localEngineDir: localEngineDir,
// Parse the command line arguments.
final Options options;
try {
options = Options.parse(
environment: environment,
localEngine: localEngineDir,
} on FormatException catch (error) {
environment: environment,
localEngineDir: localEngineDir,
exitCode = 1;
// Capture CTRL-C.
late final StreamSubscription<void> onSigint;
() async {
onSigint = {
panic(<String>['Received SIGINT']);
await _run(
verbose: options.verbose,
outDir: Directory(options.outDir),
adb: File(options.adb),
smokeTestFullPath: options.smokeTest,
useSkiaGold: options.useSkiaGold,
enableImpeller: options.enableImpeller,
impellerBackend: _ImpellerBackend.tryParse(options.impellerBackend),
logsDir: Directory(options.logsDir),
contentsGolden: options.outputContentsGolden,
ndkStack: options.ndkStack,
forceSurfaceProducerSurfaceTexture: options.forceSurfaceProducerSurfaceTexture,
prefixLogsPerRun: options.prefixLogsPerRun,
(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (error is! Panic) {
stderr.writeln('Unhandled error: $error');
exitCode = 1;
const int _tcpPort = 3001;
enum _ImpellerBackend {
static _ImpellerBackend? tryParse(String? value) {
for (final _ImpellerBackend backend in _ImpellerBackend.values) {
if ( == value) {
return backend;
return null;
Future<void> _run({
required bool verbose,
required Directory outDir,
required File adb,
required String? smokeTestFullPath,
required bool useSkiaGold,
required bool enableImpeller,
required _ImpellerBackend? impellerBackend,
required Directory logsDir,
required String? contentsGolden,
required String ndkStack,
required bool forceSurfaceProducerSurfaceTexture,
required bool prefixLogsPerRun,
}) async {
const ProcessManager pm = LocalProcessManager();
final String scenarioAppPath = join(outDir.path, 'scenario_app');
// Due to the CI environment, the logs directory persists between runs and
// even different builds. Because we're checking the output directory after
// each run, we need a clean logs directory to avoid false positives.
// Only after the runner is done, we can move the logs to the final location.
// See [_copyFiles] below and
final Directory finalLogsDir = logsDir..createSync(recursive: true);
logsDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('scenario_app_test_logs.');
final String logcatPath = join(logsDir.path, 'logcat.txt');
final String screenshotPath = logsDir.path;
final String apkOutPath = join(scenarioAppPath, 'app', 'outputs', 'apk');
final File testApk = File(join(apkOutPath, 'androidTest', 'debug', 'app-debug-androidTest.apk'));
final File appApk = File(join(apkOutPath, 'debug', 'app-debug.apk'));
log('writing logs and screenshots to ${logsDir.path}');
if (!testApk.existsSync()) {
'test apk does not exist: ${testApk.path}',
'make sure to build the selected engine variant'
if (!appApk.existsSync()) {
'app apk does not exist: ${appApk.path}',
'make sure to build the selected engine variant'
// Start a TCP socket in the host, and forward it to the device that runs the tests.
// This allows the test process to start a connection with the host, and write the bytes
// for the screenshots.
// On LUCI, the host uploads the screenshots to Skia Gold.
SkiaGoldClient? skiaGoldClient;
late final ServerSocket server;
final List<Future<void>> pendingComparisons = <Future<void>>[];
final List<Socket> pendingConnections = <Socket>[];
int comparisonsFailed = 0;
await step('Starting server...', () async {
server = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.anyIPv4, _tcpPort);
if (verbose) {
stdout.writeln('listening on host ${server.address.address}:${server.port}');
server.listen((Socket client) {
if (verbose) {
stdout.writeln('client connected ${client.remoteAddress.address}:${client.remotePort}');
client.transform(const ScreenshotBlobTransformer()).listen((Screenshot screenshot) {
final String fileName = screenshot.filename;
final Uint8List fileContent = screenshot.fileContent;
if (verbose) {
log('host received ${fileContent.lengthInBytes} bytes for screenshot `$fileName`');
assert(skiaGoldClient != null, 'expected Skia Gold client');
late File goldenFile;
try {
goldenFile = File(join(screenshotPath, fileName))..writeAsBytesSync(fileContent, flush: true);
} on FileSystemException catch (err) {
panic(<String>['failed to create screenshot $fileName: $err']);
if (verbose) {
log('wrote ${goldenFile.absolute.path}');
if (isSkiaGoldClientAvailable) {
final Future<void> comparison = skiaGoldClient!
.addImg(fileName, goldenFile, screenshotSize: screenshot.pixelCount)
.catchError((Object error) {
logWarning('skia gold comparison failed: $error');
}, onDone: () {
late Process logcatProcess;
late Future<int> logcatProcessExitCode;
_ImpellerBackend? actualImpellerBackend;
final IOSink logcat = File(logcatPath).openWrite();
try {
await step('Creating screenshot directory `$screenshotPath`...', () async {
Directory(screenshotPath).createSync(recursive: true);
await step('Starting logcat...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(<String>[adb.path, 'logcat', '-c']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not clear logs']);
logcatProcess = await pm.start(<String>[adb.path, 'logcat', '-T', '1']);
final (Future<int> logcatExitCode, Stream<String> logcatOutput) = getProcessStreams(logcatProcess);
logcatProcessExitCode = logcatExitCode;
String? filterProcessId;
logcatOutput.listen((String line) {
// Always write to the full log.
if (enableImpeller && actualImpellerBackend == null && line.contains('Using the Impeller rendering backend')) {
if (line.contains('OpenGLES')) {
actualImpellerBackend = _ImpellerBackend.opengles;
} else if (line.contains('Vulkan')) {
actualImpellerBackend = _ImpellerBackend.vulkan;
} else {
'Impeller was enabled, but $line did not contain "OpenGLES" or "Vulkan".',
// Conditionally parse and write to stderr.
final AdbLogLine? adbLogLine = AdbLogLine.tryParse(line);
if (verbose || adbLogLine == null) {
// If we haven't already found a process ID, try to find one.
// The process ID will help us filter out logs from other processes.
filterProcessId ??= adbLogLine.tryParseProcess();
// If this is a "verbose" log, possibly skip it.
final bool isVerbose = adbLogLine.isVerbose(filterProcessId: filterProcessId);
if (isVerbose || filterProcessId == null) {
// We've requested verbose output, so print everything.
if (verbose) {
// It's a non-verbose log, so print it.
}, onError: (Object? err) {
if (verbose) {
logWarning('logcat stream error: $err');
await step('Configuring emulator...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(<String>[
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not configure emulator']);
await step('Get API level of connected device...', () async {
final ProcessResult apiLevelProcessResult = await<String>[adb.path, 'shell', 'getprop', '']);
if (apiLevelProcessResult.exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not get API level of the connected device']);
final String connectedDeviceAPILevel = (apiLevelProcessResult.stdout as String).trim();
final Map<String, String> dimensions = <String, String>{
'AndroidAPILevel': connectedDeviceAPILevel,
'GraphicsBackend': enableImpeller ? 'impeller-${impellerBackend!.name}' : 'skia',
'ForceSurfaceProducerSurfaceTexture': '$forceSurfaceProducerSurfaceTexture'
log('using dimensions: ${json.encode(dimensions)}');
skiaGoldClient = SkiaGoldClient(
dimensions: dimensions,
await step('Skia Gold auth...', () async {
if (isSkiaGoldClientAvailable) {
await skiaGoldClient!.auth();
log('skia gold client is available');
} else {
if (useSkiaGold) {
panic(<String>['skia gold client is unavailable']);
} else {
log('skia gold client is unavaialble');
await step('Reverse port...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(<String>[adb.path, 'reverse', 'tcp:3000', 'tcp:$_tcpPort']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not forward port']);
await step('Installing app APK...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(<String>[adb.path, 'install', appApk.path]);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not install app apk']);
await step('Installing test APK...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(<String>[adb.path, 'install', testApk.path]);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not install test apk']);
await step('Running instrumented tests...', () async {
final (int exitCode, StringBuffer out) = await pm.runAndCapture(<String>[
if (smokeTestFullPath != null)
'-e class $smokeTestFullPath',
if (enableImpeller)
'-e enable-impeller true',
if (impellerBackend != null)
'-e impeller-backend ${}',
if (forceSurfaceProducerSurfaceTexture)
'-e force-surface-producer-surface-texture true',
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['instrumented tests failed to run']);
// Unfortunately adb shell am instrument does not return a non-zero exit
// code when tests fail, but it does seem to print "FAILURES!!!" to
// stdout, so we can use that as a signal that something went wrong.
if (out.toString().contains('FAILURES!!!')) {
panic(<String>['1 or more tests failed']);
} else if (comparisonsFailed > 0) {
panic(<String>['$comparisonsFailed Skia Gold comparisons failed']);
} finally {
await server.close();
for (final Socket client in pendingConnections.toList()) {
await step('Killing test app and test runner...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(<String>[adb.path, 'shell', 'am', 'force-stop', 'dev.flutter.scenarios']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not kill test app']);
await step('Killing logcat process...', () async {
final bool delivered = logcatProcess.kill(ProcessSignal.sigkill);
await logcatProcessExitCode;
await step('Flush logcat...', () async {
await logcat.flush();
await logcat.close();
log('wrote logcat to $logcatPath');
// Copy the logs to the final location.
// Optionally prefix the logs with a run number and backend name.
// See
final StringBuffer prefix = StringBuffer();
if (prefixLogsPerRun) {
final int rerunNumber = _getAndIncrementRerunNumber(finalLogsDir.path);
if (enableImpeller) {
} else {
if (enableImpeller) {
if (forceSurfaceProducerSurfaceTexture) {
source: logsDir,
destination: finalLogsDir,
prefix: prefix.toString(),
if (enableImpeller) {
await step('Validating Impeller...', () async {
final _ImpellerBackend expectedImpellerBackend = impellerBackend ?? _ImpellerBackend.vulkan;
if (actualImpellerBackend != expectedImpellerBackend) {
'--enable-impeller was specified and expected to find "${}", which did not match "${actualImpellerBackend?.name ?? '<impeller disabled>'}".',
await step('Symbolize stack traces', () async {
final ProcessResult result = await
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['Failed to symbolize stack traces']);
await step('Remove reverse port...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(<String>[
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not unforward port']);
await step('Uninstalling app APK...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(
<String>[adb.path, 'uninstall', 'dev.flutter.scenarios']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not uninstall app apk']);
await step('Uninstalling test APK...', () async {
final int exitCode = await pm.runAndForward(
<String>[adb.path, 'uninstall', 'dev.flutter.scenarios.test']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['could not uninstall app apk']);
await step('Wait for Skia gold comparisons...', () async {
await Future.wait(pendingComparisons);
final bool allTestsRun = smokeTestFullPath == null;
final bool checkGoldens = contentsGolden != null;
if (allTestsRun && checkGoldens) {
// Check the output here.
await step('Check output files...', () async {
// TODO(matanlurey): Resolve this in a better way. On CI this file always exists.
File(join(screenshotPath, 'noop.txt')).writeAsStringSync('');
// TODO(gaaclarke): We should move this into dir_contents_diff.
final String diffScreenhotPath = absolute(screenshotPath);
_withTemporaryCwd(absolute(dirname(contentsGolden)), () {
final int exitCode = dirContentsDiff(basename(contentsGolden), diffScreenhotPath);
if (exitCode != 0) {
panic(<String>['Output contents incorrect.']);
void _withTemporaryCwd(String path, void Function() callback) {
final String originalCwd = Directory.current.path;
Directory.current = Directory(path).path;
try {
} finally {
Directory.current = originalCwd;
/// Reads the file named `reruns.txt` in the logs directory and returns the number of reruns.
/// If the file does not exist, it is created with the number 1 and that number is returned.
int _getAndIncrementRerunNumber(String logsDir) {
final File rerunFile = File(join(logsDir, 'reruns.txt'));
if (!rerunFile.existsSync()) {
return 1;
final int rerunNumber = int.parse(rerunFile.readAsStringSync()) + 1;
return rerunNumber;
/// Copies the contents of [source] to [destination], optionally adding a [prefix] to the destination path.
/// This function is used to copy the screenshots from the device to the logs directory.
void _copyFiles({
required Directory source,
required Directory destination,
String prefix = '',
}) {
for (final FileSystemEntity entity in source.listSync()) {
if (entity is File) {
entity.copySync(join(destination.path, prefix + basename(entity.path)));