blob: b08ef9dafab407b298c431b80bb48cf992dea9e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of ui;
// ignore: unused_element, Used in Shader assert.
bool _offsetIsValid(Offset offset) {
assert(offset != null, 'Offset argument was null.');
assert(!offset.dx.isNaN && !offset.dy.isNaN,
'Offset argument contained a NaN value.');
return true;
// ignore: unused_element, Used in Shader assert.
bool _matrix4IsValid(Float64List matrix4) {
assert(matrix4 != null, 'Matrix4 argument was null.');
assert(matrix4.length == 16, 'Matrix4 must have 16 entries.');
return true;
void _validateColorStops(List<Color> colors, List<double> colorStops) {
if (colorStops == null) {
if (colors.length != 2)
throw ArgumentError(
'"colors" must have length 2 if "colorStops" is omitted.');
} else {
if (colors.length != colorStops.length)
throw ArgumentError(
'"colors" and "colorStops" arguments must have equal length.');
Color _scaleAlpha(Color a, double factor) {
return a.withAlpha((a.alpha * factor).round().clamp(0, 255));
/// An immutable 32 bit color value in ARGB
class Color {
/// Construct a color from the lower 32 bits of an int.
/// Bits 24-31 are the alpha value.
/// Bits 16-23 are the red value.
/// Bits 8-15 are the green value.
/// Bits 0-7 are the blue value.
const Color(int value) : this.value = value & 0xFFFFFFFF;
/// Construct a color from the lower 8 bits of four integers.
const Color.fromARGB(int a, int r, int g, int b)
: value = (((a & 0xff) << 24) |
((r & 0xff) << 16) |
((g & 0xff) << 8) |
((b & 0xff) << 0)) &
/// Create a color from red, green, blue, and opacity, similar to `rgba()` in CSS.
/// * `r` is [red], from 0 to 255.
/// * `g` is [green], from 0 to 255.
/// * `b` is [blue], from 0 to 255.
/// * `opacity` is alpha channel of this color as a double, with 0.0 being
/// transparent and 1.0 being fully opaque.
/// Out of range values are brought into range using modulo 255.
/// See also [fromARGB], which takes the opacity as an integer value.
const Color.fromRGBO(int r, int g, int b, double opacity)
: value = ((((opacity * 0xff ~/ 1) & 0xff) << 24) |
((r & 0xff) << 16) |
((g & 0xff) << 8) |
((b & 0xff) << 0)) &
/// A 32 bit value representing this color.
/// Bits 24-31 are the alpha value.
/// Bits 16-23 are the red value.
/// Bits 8-15 are the green value.
/// Bits 0-7 are the blue value.
final int value;
/// The alpha channel of this color in an 8 bit value.
int get alpha => (0xff000000 & value) >> 24;
/// The alpha channel of this color as a double.
double get opacity => alpha / 0xFF;
/// The red channel of this color in an 8 bit value.
int get red => (0x00ff0000 & value) >> 16;
/// The green channel of this color in an 8 bit value.
int get green => (0x0000ff00 & value) >> 8;
/// The blue channel of this color in an 8 bit value.
int get blue => (0x000000ff & value) >> 0;
/// Returns a new color that matches this color with the alpha channel
/// replaced with a (which ranges from 0 to 255).
Color withAlpha(int a) {
return Color.fromARGB(a, red, green, blue);
/// Returns a new color that matches this color with the alpha channel
/// replaced with the given opacity (which ranges from 0.0 to 1.0).
Color withOpacity(double opacity) {
assert(opacity >= 0.0 && opacity <= 1.0);
return withAlpha((255.0 * opacity).round());
/// Returns a new color that matches this color with the red channel replaced
/// with r.
Color withRed(int r) {
return Color.fromARGB(alpha, r, green, blue);
/// Returns a new color that matches this color with the green channel
/// replaced with g.
Color withGreen(int g) {
return Color.fromARGB(alpha, red, g, blue);
/// Returns a new color that matches this color with the blue channel replaced
/// with b.
Color withBlue(int b) {
return Color.fromARGB(alpha, red, green, b);
// See <>
static double _linearizeColorComponent(double component) {
if (component <= 0.03928) {
return component / 12.92;
return math.pow((component + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
/// Returns a brightness value between 0 for darkest and 1 for lightest.
/// Represents the relative luminance of the color. This value is
/// computationally expensive to calculate.
/// See <>.
double computeLuminance() {
// See <>
final double R = _linearizeColorComponent(red / 0xFF);
final double G = _linearizeColorComponent(green / 0xFF);
final double B = _linearizeColorComponent(blue / 0xFF);
return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B;
/// Linearly interpolate between two colors.
/// This is intended to be fast but as a result may be ugly. Consider
/// [HSVColor] or writing custom logic for interpolating colors.
/// If either color is null, this function linearly interpolates from a
/// transparent instance of the other color. This is usually preferable to
/// interpolating from [material.Colors.transparent] (`const
/// Color(0x00000000)`), which is specifically transparent _black_.
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something
/// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between
/// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
/// between `a` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
/// 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
/// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]). Each channel
/// will be clamped to the range 0 to 255.
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
static Color lerp(Color a, Color b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
if (a == null) {
return _scaleAlpha(b, t);
if (b == null) {
return _scaleAlpha(a, 1.0 - t);
return Color.fromARGB(
lerpDouble(a.alpha, b.alpha, t).toInt().clamp(0, 255),
lerpDouble(,, t).toInt().clamp(0, 255),
lerpDouble(,, t).toInt().clamp(0, 255),
lerpDouble(,, t).toInt().clamp(0, 255),
/// Combine the foreground color as a transparent color over top
/// of a background color, and return the resulting combined color.
/// This uses standard alpha blending ("SRC over DST") rules to produce a
/// blended color from two colors. This can be used as a performance
/// enhancement when trying to avoid needless alpha blending compositing
/// operations for two things that are solid colors with the same shape, but
/// overlay each other: instead, just paint one with the combined color.
static Color alphaBlend(Color foreground, Color background) {
final int alpha = foreground.alpha;
if (alpha == 0x00) {
// Foreground completely transparent.
return background;
final int invAlpha = 0xff - alpha;
int backAlpha = background.alpha;
if (backAlpha == 0xff) {
// Opaque background case
return Color.fromARGB(
(alpha * + invAlpha * ~/ 0xff,
(alpha * + invAlpha * ~/ 0xff,
(alpha * + invAlpha * ~/ 0xff,
} else {
// General case
backAlpha = (backAlpha * invAlpha) ~/ 0xff;
final int outAlpha = alpha + backAlpha;
assert(outAlpha != 0x00);
return Color.fromARGB(
( * alpha + * backAlpha) ~/ outAlpha,
( * alpha + * backAlpha) ~/ outAlpha,
( * alpha + * backAlpha) ~/ outAlpha,
/// Returns an alpha value representative of the provided [opacity] value.
/// The [opacity] value may not be null.
static int getAlphaFromOpacity(double opacity) {
assert(opacity != null);
return (opacity.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * 255).round();
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
final Color typedOther = other;
return value == typedOther.value;
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
String toString() {
return 'Color(0x${value.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0')})';
/// Styles to use for line endings.
/// See [Paint.strokeCap].
enum StrokeCap {
/// Begin and end contours with a flat edge and no extension.
/// Begin and end contours with a semi-circle extension.
/// Begin and end contours with a half square extension. This is
/// similar to extending each contour by half the stroke width (as
/// given by [Paint.strokeWidth]).
/// Styles to use for line segment joins.
/// This only affects line joins for polygons drawn by [Canvas.drawPath] and
/// rectangles, not points drawn as lines with [Canvas.drawPoints].
/// See also:
/// * [Paint.strokeJoin] and [Paint.strokeMiterLimit] for how this value is
/// used.
/// * [StrokeCap] for the different kinds of line endings.
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkPaint::Join.
enum StrokeJoin {
/// Joins between line segments form sharp corners.
/// {@animation 300 300}
/// The center of the line segment is colored in the diagram above to
/// highlight the join, but in normal usage the join is the same color as the
/// line.
/// See also:
/// * [Paint.strokeJoin], used to set the line segment join style to this
/// value.
/// * [Paint.strokeMiterLimit], used to define when a miter is drawn instead
/// of a bevel when the join is set to this value.
/// Joins between line segments are semi-circular.
/// {@animation 300 300}
/// The center of the line segment is colored in the diagram above to
/// highlight the join, but in normal usage the join is the same color as the
/// line.
/// See also:
/// * [Paint.strokeJoin], used to set the line segment join style to this
/// value.
/// Joins between line segments connect the corners of the butt ends of the
/// line segments to give a beveled appearance.
/// {@animation 300 300}
/// The center of the line segment is colored in the diagram above to
/// highlight the join, but in normal usage the join is the same color as the
/// line.
/// See also:
/// * [Paint.strokeJoin], used to set the line segment join style to this
/// value.
/// Strategies for painting shapes and paths on a canvas.
/// See [].
enum PaintingStyle {
/// Apply the [Paint] to the inside of the shape. For example, when
/// applied to the [Paint.drawCircle] call, this results in a disc
/// of the given size being painted.
/// Apply the [Paint] to the edge of the shape. For example, when
/// applied to the [Paint.drawCircle] call, this results is a hoop
/// of the given size being painted. The line drawn on the edge will
/// be the width given by the [Paint.strokeWidth] property.
/// Algorithms to use when painting on the canvas.
/// When drawing a shape or image onto a canvas, different algorithms can be
/// used to blend the pixels. The different values of [BlendMode] specify
/// different such algorithms.
/// Each algorithm has two inputs, the _source_, which is the image being drawn,
/// and the _destination_, which is the image into which the source image is
/// being composited. The destination is often thought of as the _background_.
/// The source and destination both have four color channels, the red, green,
/// blue, and alpha channels. These are typically represented as numbers in the
/// range 0.0 to 1.0. The output of the algorithm also has these same four
/// channels, with values computed from the source and destination.
/// The documentation of each value below describes how the algorithm works. In
/// each case, an image shows the output of blending a source image with a
/// destination image. In the images below, the destination is represented by an
/// image with horizontal lines and an opaque landscape photograph, and the
/// source is represented by an image with vertical lines (the same lines but
/// rotated) and a bird clip-art image. The [src] mode shows only the source
/// image, and the [dst] mode shows only the destination image. In the
/// documentation below, the transparency is illustrated by a checkerboard
/// pattern. The [clear] mode drops both the source and destination, resulting
/// in an output that is entirely transparent (illustrated by a solid
/// checkerboard pattern).
/// The horizontal and vertical bars in these images show the red, green, and
/// blue channels with varying opacity levels, then all three color channels
/// together with those same varying opacity levels, then all three color
/// channels set to zero with those varying opacity levels, then two bars
/// showing a red/green/blue repeating gradient, the first with full opacity and
/// the second with partial opacity, and finally a bar with the three color
/// channels set to zero but the opacity varying in a repeating gradient.
/// ## Application to the [Canvas] API
/// When using [Canvas.saveLayer] and [Canvas.restore], the blend mode of the
/// [Paint] given to the [Canvas.saveLayer] will be applied when
/// [Canvas.restore] is called. Each call to [Canvas.saveLayer] introduces a new
/// layer onto which shapes and images are painted; when [Canvas.restore] is
/// called, that layer is then composited onto the parent layer, with the source
/// being the most-recently-drawn shapes and images, and the destination being
/// the parent layer. (For the first [Canvas.saveLayer] call, the parent layer
/// is the canvas itself.)
/// See also:
/// * [Paint.blendMode], which uses [BlendMode] to define the compositing
/// strategy.
enum BlendMode {
// This list comes from Skia's SkXfermode.h and the values (order) should be
// kept in sync.
// See:
/// Drop both the source and destination images, leaving nothing.
/// This corresponds to the "clear" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Drop the destination image, only paint the source image.
/// Conceptually, the destination is first cleared, then the source image is
/// painted.
/// This corresponds to the "Copy" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Drop the source image, only paint the destination image.
/// Conceptually, the source image is discarded, leaving the destination
/// untouched.
/// This corresponds to the "Destination" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Composite the source image over the destination image.
/// This is the default value. It represents the most intuitive case, where
/// shapes are painted on top of what is below, with transparent areas showing
/// the destination layer.
/// This corresponds to the "Source over Destination" Porter-Duff operator,
/// also known as the Painter's Algorithm.
/// ![](
/// Composite the source image under the destination image.
/// This is the opposite of [srcOver].
/// This corresponds to the "Destination over Source" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// This is useful when the source image should have been painted before the
/// destination image, but could not be.
/// Show the source image, but only where the two images overlap. The
/// destination image is not rendered, it is treated merely as a mask. The
/// color channels of the destination are ignored, only the opacity has an
/// effect.
/// To show the destination image instead, consider [dstIn].
/// To reverse the semantic of the mask (only showing the source where the
/// destination is absent, rather than where it is present), consider
/// [srcOut].
/// This corresponds to the "Source in Destination" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Show the destination image, but only where the two images overlap. The
/// source image is not rendered, it is treated merely as a mask. The color
/// channels of the source are ignored, only the opacity has an effect.
/// To show the source image instead, consider [srcIn].
/// To reverse the semantic of the mask (only showing the source where the
/// destination is present, rather than where it is absent), consider
/// [dstOut].
/// This corresponds to the "Destination in Source" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Show the source image, but only where the two images do not overlap. The
/// destination image is not rendered, it is treated merely as a mask. The color
/// channels of the destination are ignored, only the opacity has an effect.
/// To show the destination image instead, consider [dstOut].
/// To reverse the semantic of the mask (only showing the source where the
/// destination is present, rather than where it is absent), consider [srcIn].
/// This corresponds to the "Source out Destination" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Show the destination image, but only where the two images do not overlap.
/// The source image is not rendered, it is treated merely as a mask. The
/// color channels of the source are ignored, only the opacity has an effect.
/// To show the source image instead, consider [srcOut].
/// To reverse the semantic of the mask (only showing the destination where
/// the source is present, rather than where it is absent), consider [dstIn].
/// This corresponds to the "Destination out Source" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Composite the source image over the destination image, but only where it
/// overlaps the destination.
/// This corresponds to the "Source atop Destination" Porter-Duff operator.
/// This is essentially the [srcOver] operator, but with the output's opacity
/// channel being set to that of the destination image instead of being a
/// combination of both image's opacity channels.
/// For a variant with the destination on top instead of the source, see
/// [dstATop].
/// ![](
/// Composite the destination image over the source image, but only where it
/// overlaps the source.
/// This corresponds to the "Destination atop Source" Porter-Duff operator.
/// This is essentially the [dstOver] operator, but with the output's opacity
/// channel being set to that of the source image instead of being a
/// combination of both image's opacity channels.
/// For a variant with the source on top instead of the destination, see
/// [srcATop].
/// ![](
/// Apply a bitwise `xor` operator to the source and destination images. This
/// leaves transparency where they would overlap.
/// This corresponds to the "Source xor Destination" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Sum the components of the source and destination images.
/// Transparency in a pixel of one of the images reduces the contribution of
/// that image to the corresponding output pixel, as if the color of that
/// pixel in that image was darker.
/// This corresponds to the "Source plus Destination" Porter-Duff operator.
/// ![](
/// Multiply the color components of the source and destination images.
/// This can only result in the same or darker colors (multiplying by white,
/// 1.0, results in no change; multiplying by black, 0.0, results in black).
/// When compositing two opaque images, this has similar effect to overlapping
/// two transparencies on a projector.
/// For a variant that also multiplies the alpha channel, consider [multiply].
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [screen], which does a similar computation but inverted.
/// * [overlay], which combines [modulate] and [screen] to favor the
/// destination image.
/// * [hardLight], which combines [modulate] and [screen] to favor the
/// source image.
// Following blend modes are defined in the CSS Compositing standard.
/// Multiply the inverse of the components of the source and destination
/// images, and inverse the result.
/// Inverting the components means that a fully saturated channel (opaque
/// white) is treated as the value 0.0, and values normally treated as 0.0
/// (black, transparent) are treated as 1.0.
/// This is essentially the same as [modulate] blend mode, but with the values
/// of the colors inverted before the multiplication and the result being
/// inverted back before rendering.
/// This can only result in the same or lighter colors (multiplying by black,
/// 1.0, results in no change; multiplying by white, 0.0, results in white).
/// Similarly, in the alpha channel, it can only result in more opaque colors.
/// This has similar effect to two projectors displaying their images on the
/// same screen simultaneously.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [modulate], which does a similar computation but without inverting the
/// values.
/// * [overlay], which combines [modulate] and [screen] to favor the
/// destination image.
/// * [hardLight], which combines [modulate] and [screen] to favor the
/// source image.
screen, // The last coeff mode.
/// Multiply the components of the source and destination images after
/// adjusting them to favor the destination.
/// Specifically, if the destination value is smaller, this multiplies it with
/// the source value, whereas is the source value is smaller, it multiplies
/// the inverse of the source value with the inverse of the destination value,
/// then inverts the result.
/// Inverting the components means that a fully saturated channel (opaque
/// white) is treated as the value 0.0, and values normally treated as 0.0
/// (black, transparent) are treated as 1.0.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [modulate], which always multiplies the values.
/// * [screen], which always multiplies the inverses of the values.
/// * [hardLight], which is similar to [overlay] but favors the source image
/// instead of the destination image.
/// Composite the source and destination image by choosing the lowest value
/// from each color channel.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver].
/// ![](
/// Composite the source and destination image by choosing the highest value
/// from each color channel.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver].
/// ![](
/// Divide the destination by the inverse of the source.
/// Inverting the components means that a fully saturated channel (opaque
/// white) is treated as the value 0.0, and values normally treated as 0.0
/// (black, transparent) are treated as 1.0.
/// ![](
/// Divide the inverse of the destination by the source, and inverse the result.
/// Inverting the components means that a fully saturated channel (opaque
/// white) is treated as the value 0.0, and values normally treated as 0.0
/// (black, transparent) are treated as 1.0.
/// ![](
/// Multiply the components of the source and destination images after
/// adjusting them to favor the source.
/// Specifically, if the source value is smaller, this multiplies it with the
/// destination value, whereas is the destination value is smaller, it
/// multiplies the inverse of the destination value with the inverse of the
/// source value, then inverts the result.
/// Inverting the components means that a fully saturated channel (opaque
/// white) is treated as the value 0.0, and values normally treated as 0.0
/// (black, transparent) are treated as 1.0.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [modulate], which always multiplies the values.
/// * [screen], which always multiplies the inverses of the values.
/// * [overlay], which is similar to [hardLight] but favors the destination
/// image instead of the source image.
/// Use [colorDodge] for source values below 0.5 and [colorBurn] for source
/// values above 0.5.
/// This results in a similar but softer effect than [overlay].
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [color], which is a more subtle tinting effect.
/// Subtract the smaller value from the bigger value for each channel.
/// Compositing black has no effect; compositing white inverts the colors of
/// the other image.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver].
/// The effect is similar to [exclusion] but harsher.
/// ![](
/// Subtract double the product of the two images from the sum of the two
/// images.
/// Compositing black has no effect; compositing white inverts the colors of
/// the other image.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver].
/// The effect is similar to [difference] but softer.
/// ![](
/// Multiply the components of the source and destination images, including
/// the alpha channel.
/// This can only result in the same or darker colors (multiplying by white,
/// 1.0, results in no change; multiplying by black, 0.0, results in black).
/// Since the alpha channel is also multiplied, a fully-transparent pixel
/// (opacity 0.0) in one image results in a fully transparent pixel in the
/// output. This is similar to [dstIn], but with the colors combined.
/// For a variant that multiplies the colors but does not multiply the alpha
/// channel, consider [modulate].
/// ![](
multiply, // The last separable mode.
/// Take the hue of the source image, and the saturation and luminosity of the
/// destination image.
/// The effect is to tint the destination image with the source image.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver]. Regions that are entirely transparent in the source image take
/// their hue from the destination.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [color], which is a similar but stronger effect as it also applies the
/// saturation of the source image.
/// * [HSVColor], which allows colors to be expressed using Hue rather than
/// the red/green/blue channels of [Color].
/// Take the saturation of the source image, and the hue and luminosity of the
/// destination image.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver]. Regions that are entirely transparent in the source image take
/// their saturation from the destination.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [color], which also applies the hue of the source image.
/// * [luminosity], which applies the luminosity of the source image to the
/// destination.
/// Take the hue and saturation of the source image, and the luminosity of the
/// destination image.
/// The effect is to tint the destination image with the source image.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver]. Regions that are entirely transparent in the source image take
/// their hue and saturation from the destination.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [hue], which is a similar but weaker effect.
/// * [softLight], which is a similar tinting effect but also tints white.
/// * [saturation], which only applies the saturation of the source image.
/// Take the luminosity of the source image, and the hue and saturation of the
/// destination image.
/// The opacity of the output image is computed in the same way as for
/// [srcOver]. Regions that are entirely transparent in the source image take
/// their luminosity from the destination.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [saturation], which applies the saturation of the source image to the
/// destination.
/// * [ImageFilter.blur], which can be used with [BackdropFilter] for a
/// related effect.
/// Different ways to clip a widget's content.
enum Clip {
/// No clip at all.
/// This is the default option for most widgets: if the content does not
/// overflow the widget boundary, don't pay any performance cost for clipping.
/// If the content does overflow, please explicitly specify the following
/// [Clip] options:
/// * [hardEdge], which is the fastest clipping, but with lower fidelity.
/// * [antiAlias], which is a little slower than [hardEdge], but with smoothed edges.
/// * [antiAliasWithSaveLayer], which is much slower than [antiAlias], and should
/// rarely be used.
/// Clip, but do not apply anti-aliasing.
/// This mode enables clipping, but curves and non-axis-aligned straight lines will be
/// jagged as no effort is made to anti-alias.
/// Faster than other clipping modes, but slower than [none].
/// This is a reasonable choice when clipping is needed, if the container is an axis-
/// aligned rectangle or an axis-aligned rounded rectangle with very small corner radii.
/// See also:
/// * [antiAlias], which is more reasonable when clipping is needed and the shape is not
/// an axis-aligned rectangle.
/// Clip with anti-aliasing.
/// This mode has anti-aliased clipping edges to achieve a smoother look.
/// It' s much faster than [antiAliasWithSaveLayer], but slower than [hardEdge].
/// This will be the common case when dealing with circles and arcs.
/// Different from [hardEdge] and [antiAliasWithSaveLayer], this clipping may have
/// bleeding edge artifacts.
/// (See for an example.)
/// See also:
/// * [hardEdge], which is a little faster, but with lower fidelity.
/// * [antiAliasWithSaveLayer], which is much slower, but can avoid the
/// bleeding edges if there's no other way.
/// * [Paint.isAntiAlias], which is the anti-aliasing switch for general draw operations.
/// Clip with anti-aliasing and saveLayer immediately following the clip.
/// This mode not only clips with anti-aliasing, but also allocates an offscreen
/// buffer. All subsequent paints are carried out on that buffer before finally
/// being clipped and composited back.
/// This is very slow. It has no bleeding edge artifacts (that [antiAlias] has)
/// but it changes the semantics as an offscreen buffer is now introduced.
/// (See
/// for a difference between paint without saveLayer and paint with saveLayer.)
/// This will be only rarely needed. One case where you might need this is if
/// you have an image overlaid on a very different background color. In these
/// cases, consider whether you can avoid overlaying multiple colors in one
/// spot (e.g. by having the background color only present where the image is
/// absent). If you can, [antiAlias] would be fine and much faster.
/// See also:
/// * [antiAlias], which is much faster, and has similar clipping results.
/// A description of the style to use when drawing on a [Canvas].
/// Most APIs on [Canvas] take a [Paint] object to describe the style
/// to use for that operation.
abstract class Paint {
/// Constructs an empty [Paint] object with all fields initialized to
/// their defaults.
factory Paint() =>
engine.experimentalUseSkia ? engine.SkPaint() : engine.SurfacePaint();
/// Whether to dither the output when drawing images.
/// If false, the default value, dithering will be enabled when the input
/// color depth is higher than the output color depth. For example,
/// drawing an RGB8 image onto an RGB565 canvas.
/// This value also controls dithering of [shader]s, which can make
/// gradients appear smoother.
/// Whether or not dithering affects the output is implementation defined.
/// Some implementations may choose to ignore this completely, if they're
/// unable to control dithering.
/// To ensure that dithering is consistently enabled for your entire
/// application, set this to true before invoking any drawing related code.
static bool enableDithering = false;
/// A blend mode to apply when a shape is drawn or a layer is composited.
/// The source colors are from the shape being drawn (e.g. from
/// [Canvas.drawPath]) or layer being composited (the graphics that were drawn
/// between the [Canvas.saveLayer] and [Canvas.restore] calls), after applying
/// the [colorFilter], if any.
/// The destination colors are from the background onto which the shape or
/// layer is being composited.
/// Defaults to [BlendMode.srcOver].
/// See also:
/// * [Canvas.saveLayer], which uses its [Paint]'s [blendMode] to composite
/// the layer when [restore] is called.
/// * [BlendMode], which discusses the user of [saveLayer] with [blendMode].
BlendMode get blendMode;
set blendMode(BlendMode value);
/// Whether to paint inside shapes, the edges of shapes, or both.
/// If null, defaults to [PaintingStyle.fill].
PaintingStyle get style;
set style(PaintingStyle value);
/// How wide to make edges drawn when [style] is set to
/// [PaintingStyle.stroke] or [PaintingStyle.strokeAndFill]. The
/// width is given in logical pixels measured in the direction
/// orthogonal to the direction of the path.
/// The values null and 0.0 correspond to a hairline width.
double get strokeWidth;
set strokeWidth(double value);
/// The kind of finish to place on the end of lines drawn when
/// [style] is set to [PaintingStyle.stroke] or
/// [PaintingStyle.strokeAndFill].
/// If null, defaults to [StrokeCap.butt], i.e. no caps.
StrokeCap get strokeCap;
set strokeCap(StrokeCap value);
/// The kind of finish to use for line segment joins.
/// [style] is set to [PaintingStyle.stroke] or
/// [PaintingStyle.strokeAndFill]. Only applies to drawPath not drawPoints.
/// If null, defaults to [StrokeCap.butt], i.e. no caps.
StrokeJoin get strokeJoin;
set strokeJoin(StrokeJoin value);
/// Whether to apply anti-aliasing to lines and images drawn on the
/// canvas.
/// Defaults to true. The value null is treated as false.
bool get isAntiAlias;
set isAntiAlias(bool value);
Color get color;
set color(Color value);
/// Whether the colors of the image are inverted when drawn.
/// Inverting the colors of an image applies a new color filter that will
/// be composed with any user provided color filters. This is primarily
/// used for implementing smart invert on iOS.
bool get invertColors;
set invertColors(bool value);
/// The shader to use when stroking or filling a shape.
/// When this is null, the [color] is used instead.
/// See also:
/// * [Gradient], a shader that paints a color gradient.
/// * [ImageShader], a shader that tiles an [Image].
/// * [colorFilter], which overrides [shader].
/// * [color], which is used if [shader] and [colorFilter] are null.
Shader get shader;
set shader(Shader value);
/// A mask filter (for example, a blur) to apply to a shape after it has been
/// drawn but before it has been composited into the image.
/// See [MaskFilter] for details.
MaskFilter get maskFilter;
set maskFilter(MaskFilter value);
/// Controls the performance vs quality trade-off to use when applying
/// filters, such as [maskFilter], or when drawing images, as with
/// [Canvas.drawImageRect] or [Canvas.drawImageNine].
/// Defaults to [FilterQuality.none].
// TODO(ianh): verify that the image drawing methods actually respect this
FilterQuality get filterQuality;
set filterQuality(FilterQuality value);
/// A color filter to apply when a shape is drawn or when a layer is
/// composited.
/// See [ColorFilter] for details.
/// When a shape is being drawn, [colorFilter] overrides [color] and [shader].
ColorFilter get colorFilter;
set colorFilter(ColorFilter value);
double get strokeMiterLimit;
set strokeMiterLimit(double value);
/// The [ImageFilter] to use when drawing raster images.
/// For example, to blur an image using [Canvas.drawImage], apply an
/// [ImageFilter.blur]:
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:ui' as ui;
/// ui.Image image;
/// void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
/// canvas.drawImage(
/// image,
/// Paint()..imageFilter = ui.ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: .5, sigmaY: .5),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [MaskFilter], which is used for drawing geometry.
ImageFilter get imageFilter;
set imageFilter(ImageFilter value);
/// Base class for objects such as [Gradient] and [ImageShader] which
/// correspond to shaders as used by [Paint.shader].
abstract class Shader {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// A shader (as used by [Paint.shader]) that renders a color gradient.
/// There are several types of gradients, represented by the various
/// constructors on this class.
abstract class Gradient extends Shader {
/// Creates a linear gradient from `from` to `to`.
/// If `colorStops` is provided, `colorStops[i]` is a number from 0.0 to 1.0
/// that specifies where `color[i]` begins in the gradient. If `colorStops` is
/// not provided, then only two stops, at 0.0 and 1.0, are implied (and
/// `color` must therefore only have two entries).
/// The behavior before `from` and after `to` is described by the `tileMode`
/// argument. For details, see the [TileMode] enum.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// If `from`, `to`, `colors`, or `tileMode` are null, or if `colors` or
/// `colorStops` contain null values, this constructor will throw a
/// [NoSuchMethodError].
factory Gradient.linear(
Offset from,
Offset to,
List<Color> colors, [
List<double> colorStops,
TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
matrix4, // TODO(flutter_web): see
]) =>
engine.GradientLinear(from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode);
/// Creates a radial gradient centered at `center` that ends at `radius`
/// distance from the center.
/// If `colorStops` is provided, `colorStops[i]` is a number from 0.0 to 1.0
/// that specifies where `color[i]` begins in the gradient. If `colorStops` is
/// not provided, then only two stops, at 0.0 and 1.0, are implied (and
/// `color` must therefore only have two entries).
/// The behavior before and after the radius is described by the `tileMode`
/// argument. For details, see the [TileMode] enum.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// If `center`, `radius`, `colors`, or `tileMode` are null, or if `colors` or
/// `colorStops` contain null values, this constructor will throw a
/// [NoSuchMethodError].
/// If `matrix4` is provided, the gradient fill will be transformed by the
/// specified 4x4 matrix relative to the local coordinate system. `matrix4`
/// must be a column-major matrix packed into a list of 16 values.
/// If `focal` is provided and not equal to `center` and `focalRadius` is
/// provided and not equal to 0.0, the generated shader will be a two point
/// conical radial gradient, with `focal` being the center of the focal
/// circle and `focalRadius` being the radius of that circle. If `focal` is
/// provided and not equal to `center`, at least one of the two offsets must
/// not be equal to [].
factory Gradient.radial(Offset center, double radius, List<Color> colors,
[List<double> colorStops,
TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
Float64List matrix4,
Offset focal,
double focalRadius = 0.0]) {
focalRadius ??= 0.0;
_validateColorStops(colors, colorStops);
// If focal is null or focal radius is null, this should be treated as a regular radial gradient
// If focal == center and the focal radius is 0.0, it's still a regular radial gradient
if (focal == null || (focal == center && focalRadius == 0.0)) {
return engine.GradientRadial(
center, radius, colors, colorStops, tileMode, matrix4);
} else {
assert(center != ||
focal !=; // will result in exception(s) in Skia side
return engine.GradientConical(focal, focalRadius, center, radius, colors,
colorStops, tileMode, matrix4);
/// Creates a sweep gradient centered at `center` that starts at `startAngle`
/// and ends at `endAngle`.
/// `startAngle` and `endAngle` should be provided in radians, with zero
/// radians being the horizontal line to the right of the `center` and with
/// positive angles going clockwise around the `center`.
/// If `colorStops` is provided, `colorStops[i]` is a number from 0.0 to 1.0
/// that specifies where `color[i]` begins in the gradient. If `colorStops` is
/// not provided, then only two stops, at 0.0 and 1.0, are implied (and
/// `color` must therefore only have two entries).
/// The behavior before `startAngle` and after `endAngle` is described by the
/// `tileMode` argument. For details, see the [TileMode] enum.
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// If `center`, `colors`, `tileMode`, `startAngle`, or `endAngle` are null,
/// or if `colors` or `colorStops` contain null values, this constructor will
/// throw a [NoSuchMethodError].
/// If `matrix4` is provided, the gradient fill will be transformed by the
/// specified 4x4 matrix relative to the local coordinate system. `matrix4`
/// must be a column-major matrix packed into a list of 16 values.
factory Gradient.sweep(
Offset center,
List<Color> colors, [
List<double> colorStops,
TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
double startAngle = 0.0,
double endAngle = math.pi * 2,
Float64List matrix4,
]) =>
center, colors, colorStops, tileMode, startAngle, endAngle, matrix4);
/// Opaque handle to raw decoded image data (pixels).
/// To obtain an [Image] object, use [instantiateImageCodec].
/// To draw an [Image], use one of the methods on the [Canvas] class, such as
/// [Canvas.drawImage].
abstract class Image {
/// The number of image pixels along the image's horizontal axis.
int get width;
/// The number of image pixels along the image's vertical axis.
int get height;
/// Converts the [Image] object into a byte array.
/// The [format] argument specifies the format in which the bytes will be
/// returned.
/// Returns a future that completes with the binary image data or an error
/// if encoding fails.
Future<ByteData> toByteData(
{ImageByteFormat format = ImageByteFormat.rawRgba});
/// Release the resources used by this object. The object is no longer usable
/// after this method is called.
void dispose();
String toString() => '[$width\u00D7$height]';
/// A description of a color filter to apply when drawing a shape or compositing
/// a layer with a particular [Paint]. A color filter is a function that takes
/// two colors, and outputs one color. When applied during compositing, it is
/// independently applied to each pixel of the layer being drawn before the
/// entire layer is merged with the destination.
/// Instances of this class are used with [Paint.colorFilter] on [Paint]
/// objects.
abstract class ColorFilter {
/// Creates a color filter that applies the blend mode given as the second
/// argument. The source color is the one given as the first argument, and the
/// destination color is the one from the layer being composited.
/// The output of this filter is then composited into the background according
/// to the [Paint.blendMode], using the output of this filter as the source
/// and the background as the destination.
const factory ColorFilter.mode(Color color, BlendMode blendMode) =
/// Construct a color filter that transforms a color by a 4x5 matrix.
/// Every pixel's color value, repsented as an `[R, G, B, A]`, is matrix
/// multiplied to create a new color:
/// ```
/// | R' | | a00 a01 a02 a03 a04 | | R |
/// | G' | = | a10 a11 a22 a33 a44 | * | G |
/// | B' | | a20 a21 a22 a33 a44 | | B |
/// | A' | | a30 a31 a22 a33 a44 | | A |
/// ```
/// The matrix is in row-major order and the translation column is specified
/// in unnormalized, 0...255, space. For example, the identity matrix is:
/// ```
/// const ColorMatrix identity = ColorFilter.matrix(<double>[
/// 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/// 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
/// 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
/// 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
/// ]);
/// ```
/// ## Examples
/// An inversion color matrix:
/// ```
/// const ColorFilter invert = ColorFilter.matrix(<double>[
/// -1, 0, 0, 0, 255,
/// 0, -1, 0, 0, 255,
/// 0, 0, -1, 0, 255,
/// 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
/// ]);
/// ```
/// A sepia-toned color matrix (values based on the [Filter Effects Spec](
/// ```
/// const ColorFilter sepia = ColorFilter.matrix(<double>[
/// 0.393, 0.769, 0.189, 0, 0,
/// 0.349, 0.686, 0.168, 0, 0,
/// 0.272, 0.534, 0.131, 0, 0,
/// 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
/// ]);
/// ```
/// A greyscale color filter (values based on the [Filter Effects Spec](
/// ```
/// const ColorFilter greyscale = ColorFilter.matrix(<double>[
/// 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0, 0,
/// 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0, 0,
/// 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0, 0,
/// 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
/// ]);
/// ```
const factory ColorFilter.matrix(List<double> matrix) =
/// Construct a color filter that applies the sRGB gamma curve to the RGB
/// channels.
const factory ColorFilter.linearToSrgbGamma() =
/// Creates a color filter that applies the inverse of the sRGB gamma curve
/// to the RGB channels.
const factory ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma() =
List<dynamic> webOnlySerializeToCssPaint() {
throw UnsupportedError('ColorFilter for CSS paint not yet supported');
/// Styles to use for blurs in [MaskFilter] objects.
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkBlurStyle.
enum BlurStyle {
// These mirror SkBlurStyle and must be kept in sync.
/// Fuzzy inside and outside. This is useful for painting shadows that are
/// offset from the shape that ostensibly is casting the shadow.
/// Solid inside, fuzzy outside. This corresponds to drawing the shape, and
/// additionally drawing the blur. This can make objects appear brighter,
/// maybe even as if they were fluorescent.
/// Nothing inside, fuzzy outside. This is useful for painting shadows for
/// partially transparent shapes, when they are painted separately but without
/// an offset, so that the shadow doesn't paint below the shape.
/// Fuzzy inside, nothing outside. This can make shapes appear to be lit from
/// within.
/// A mask filter to apply to shapes as they are painted. A mask filter is a
/// function that takes a bitmap of color pixels, and returns another bitmap of
/// color pixels.
/// Instances of this class are used with [Paint.maskFilter] on [Paint] objects.
class MaskFilter {
/// Creates a mask filter that takes the shape being drawn and blurs it.
/// This is commonly used to approximate shadows.
/// The `style` argument controls the kind of effect to draw; see [BlurStyle].
/// The `sigma` argument controls the size of the effect. It is the standard
/// deviation of the Gaussian blur to apply. The value must be greater than
/// zero. The sigma corresponds to very roughly half the radius of the effect
/// in pixels.
/// A blur is an expensive operation and should therefore be used sparingly.
/// The arguments must not be null.
/// See also:
/// * [Canvas.drawShadow], which is a more efficient way to draw shadows.
const MaskFilter.blur(
) : assert(_style != null),
assert(_sigma != null);
final BlurStyle _style;
final double _sigma;
/// On the web returns the value of sigma passed to [MaskFilter.blur].
double get webOnlySigma => _sigma;
/// On the web returns the value of `style` passed to [MaskFilter.blur].
BlurStyle get webOnlyBlurStyle => _style;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! MaskFilter) {
return false;
final MaskFilter typedOther = other;
return _style == typedOther._style && _sigma == typedOther._sigma;
int get hashCode => hashValues(_style, _sigma);
List<dynamic> webOnlySerializeToCssPaint() {
return <dynamic>[_style?.index, _sigma];
String toString() => 'MaskFilter.blur($_style, ${_sigma.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
/// Quality levels for image filters.
/// See [Paint.filterQuality].
enum FilterQuality {
// This list comes from Skia's SkFilterQuality.h and the values (order) should
// be kept in sync.
/// Fastest possible filtering, albeit also the lowest quality.
/// Typically this implies nearest-neighbour filtering.
/// Better quality than [none], faster than [medium].
/// Typically this implies bilinear interpolation.
/// Better quality than [low], faster than [high].
/// Typically this implies a combination of bilinear interpolation and
/// pyramidal parametric prefiltering (mipmaps).
/// Best possible quality filtering, albeit also the slowest.
/// Typically this implies bicubic interpolation or better.
/// A filter operation to apply to a raster image.
/// See also:
/// * [BackdropFilter], a widget that applies [ImageFilter] to its rendering.
/// * [SceneBuilder.pushBackdropFilter], which is the low-level API for using
/// this class.
class ImageFilter {
/// Creates an image filter that applies a Gaussian blur.
factory ImageFilter.blur({double sigmaX = 0.0, double sigmaY = 0.0}) {
if (engine.experimentalUseSkia) {
return engine.SkImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: sigmaX, sigmaY: sigmaY);
return engine.EngineImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: sigmaX, sigmaY: sigmaY);
ImageFilter.matrix(Float64List matrix4,
{FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low}) {
// TODO(flutter_web): add implementation.
throw UnimplementedError(
'ImageFilter.matrix not implemented for web platform.');
// if (matrix4.length != 16)
// throw ArgumentError('"matrix4" must have 16 entries.');
/// The format in which image bytes should be returned when using
/// [Image.toByteData].
enum ImageByteFormat {
/// Raw RGBA format.
/// Unencoded bytes, in RGBA row-primary form, 8 bits per channel.
/// Raw unmodified format.
/// Unencoded bytes, in the image's existing format. For example, a grayscale
/// image may use a single 8-bit channel for each pixel.
/// PNG format.
/// A loss-less compression format for images. This format is well suited for
/// images with hard edges, such as screenshots or sprites, and images with
/// text. Transparency is supported. The PNG format supports images up to
/// 2,147,483,647 pixels in either dimension, though in practice available
/// memory provides a more immediate limitation on maximum image size.
/// PNG images normally use the `.png` file extension and the `image/png` MIME
/// type.
/// See also:
/// * <>, the Wikipedia page on PNG.
/// * <>, the PNG standard.
/// The format of pixel data given to [decodeImageFromPixels].
enum PixelFormat {
/// Each pixel is 32 bits, with the highest 8 bits encoding red, the next 8
/// bits encoding green, the next 8 bits encoding blue, and the lowest 8 bits
/// encoding alpha.
/// Each pixel is 32 bits, with the highest 8 bits encoding blue, the next 8
/// bits encoding green, the next 8 bits encoding red, and the lowest 8 bits
/// encoding alpha.
class _ImageInfo {
_ImageInfo(this.width, this.height, this.format, this.rowBytes) {
rowBytes ??= width * 4;
int width;
int height;
int format;
int rowBytes;
/// Callback signature for [decodeImageFromList].
typedef ImageDecoderCallback = void Function(Image result);
/// Information for a single frame of an animation.
/// To obtain an instance of the [FrameInfo] interface, see
/// [Codec.getNextFrame].
abstract class FrameInfo {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// To obtain an instance of the [FrameInfo] interface, see
/// [Codec.getNextFrame].
/// The duration this frame should be shown.
Duration get duration => Duration(milliseconds: _durationMillis);
int get _durationMillis => 0;
/// The [Image] object for this frame.
Image get image => null;
/// A handle to an image codec.
class Codec {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// To obtain an instance of the [Codec] interface, see
/// [instantiateImageCodec].
/// Number of frames in this image.
int get frameCount => 0;
/// Number of times to repeat the animation.
/// * 0 when the animation should be played once.
/// * -1 for infinity repetitions.
int get repetitionCount => 0;
/// Fetches the next animation frame.
/// Wraps back to the first frame after returning the last frame.
/// The returned future can complete with an error if the decoding has failed.
Future<FrameInfo> getNextFrame() {
return engine.futurize(_getNextFrame);
/// Returns an error message on failure, null on success.
String _getNextFrame(engine.Callback<FrameInfo> callback) => null;
/// Release the resources used by this object. The object is no longer usable
/// after this method is called.
void dispose() {}
/// Instantiates an image codec [Codec] object.
/// [list] is the binary image data (e.g a PNG or GIF binary data).
/// The data can be for either static or animated images.
/// The following image formats are supported: {@macro flutter.dart:ui.imageFormats}
/// The returned future can complete with an error if the image decoding has
/// failed.
Future<Codec> instantiateImageCodec(
Uint8List list, {
int targetWidth,
int targetHeight,
}) {
return engine.futurize((engine.Callback<Codec> callback) =>
// TODO: Implement targetWidth and targetHeight support.
_instantiateImageCodec(list, callback, null));
/// Instantiates a [Codec] object for an image binary data.
/// Returns an error message if the instantiation has failed, null otherwise.
String _instantiateImageCodec(
Uint8List list, engine.Callback<Codec> callback, _ImageInfo imageInfo) {
if (engine.experimentalUseSkia) {
if (imageInfo == null) {
engine.skiaInstantiateImageCodec(list, callback);
} else {
engine.skiaInstantiateImageCodec(list, callback, imageInfo.width,
imageInfo.height, imageInfo.format, imageInfo.rowBytes);
return null;
final html.Blob blob = html.Blob(<dynamic>[list.buffer]);
return null;
Future<Codec> webOnlyInstantiateImageCodecFromUrl(Uri uri,
{engine.WebOnlyImageCodecChunkCallback chunkCallback}) {
return engine.futurize((engine.Callback<Codec> callback) =>
_instantiateImageCodecFromUrl(uri, chunkCallback, callback));
String _instantiateImageCodecFromUrl(
Uri uri,
engine.WebOnlyImageCodecChunkCallback chunkCallback,
engine.Callback<Codec> callback) {
callback(engine.HtmlCodec(uri.toString(), chunkCallback: chunkCallback));
return null;
/// Loads a single image frame from a byte array into an [Image] object.
/// This is a convenience wrapper around [instantiateImageCodec].
/// Prefer using [instantiateImageCodec] which also supports multi frame images.
void decodeImageFromList(Uint8List list, ImageDecoderCallback callback) {
_decodeImageFromListAsync(list, callback);
Future<void> _decodeImageFromListAsync(
Uint8List list, ImageDecoderCallback callback) async {
final Codec codec = await instantiateImageCodec(list);
final FrameInfo frameInfo = await codec.getNextFrame();
/// Convert an array of pixel values into an [Image] object.
/// [pixels] is the pixel data in the encoding described by [format].
/// [rowBytes] is the number of bytes consumed by each row of pixels in the
/// data buffer. If unspecified, it defaults to [width] multipled by the
/// number of bytes per pixel in the provided [format].
void decodeImageFromPixels(Uint8List pixels, int width, int height,
PixelFormat format, ImageDecoderCallback callback,
{int rowBytes}) {
final _ImageInfo imageInfo =
_ImageInfo(width, height, format.index, rowBytes);
final Future<Codec> codecFuture = engine.futurize(
(engine.Callback<Codec> callback) =>
_instantiateImageCodec(pixels, callback, imageInfo));
.then((Codec codec) => codec.getNextFrame())
.then((FrameInfo frameInfo) => callback(frameInfo.image));
/// A single shadow.
/// Multiple shadows are stacked together in a [TextStyle].
class Shadow {
/// Construct a shadow.
/// The default shadow is a black shadow with zero offset and zero blur.
/// Default shadows should be completely covered by the casting element,
/// and not be visble.
/// Transparency should be adjusted through the [color] alpha.
/// Shadow order matters due to compositing multiple translucent objects not
/// being commutative.
const Shadow({
this.color = const Color(_kColorDefault),
this.offset =,
this.blurRadius = 0.0,
}) : assert(color != null, 'Text shadow color was null.'),
assert(offset != null, 'Text shadow offset was null.'),
assert(blurRadius >= 0.0,
'Text shadow blur radius should be non-negative.');
static const int _kColorDefault = 0xFF000000;
/// Color that the shadow will be drawn with.
/// The shadows are shapes composited directly over the base canvas, and do not
/// represent optical occlusion.
final Color color;
/// The displacement of the shadow from the casting element.
/// Positive x/y offsets will shift the shadow to the right and down, while
/// negative offsets shift the shadow to the left and up. The offsets are
/// relative to the position of the element that is casting it.
final Offset offset;
/// The standard deviation of the Gaussian to convolve with the shadow's shape.
final double blurRadius;
/// Converts a blur radius in pixels to sigmas.
/// See the sigma argument to [MaskFilter.blur].
// See SkBlurMask::ConvertRadiusToSigma().
// <>
static double convertRadiusToSigma(double radius) {
return radius * 0.57735 + 0.5;
/// The [blurRadius] in sigmas instead of logical pixels.
/// See the sigma argument to [MaskFilter.blur].
double get blurSigma => convertRadiusToSigma(blurRadius);
/// Create the [Paint] object that corresponds to this shadow description.
/// The [offset] is not represented in the [Paint] object.
/// To honor this as well, the shape should be translated by [offset] before
/// being filled using this [Paint].
/// This class does not provide a way to disable shadows to avoid inconsistencies
/// in shadow blur rendering, primarily as a method of reducing test flakiness.
/// [toPaint] should be overriden in subclasses to provide this functionality.
Paint toPaint() {
return Paint()
..color = color
..maskFilter = MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.normal, blurSigma);
/// Returns a new shadow with its [offset] and [blurRadius] scaled by the given
/// factor.
Shadow scale(double factor) {
return Shadow(
color: color,
offset: offset * factor,
blurRadius: blurRadius * factor,
/// Linearly interpolate between two shadows.
/// If either shadow is null, this function linearly interpolates from a
/// a shadow that matches the other shadow in color but has a zero
/// offset and a zero blurRadius.
/// {@template dart.ui.shadow.lerp}
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something
/// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between
/// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
/// between `a` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
/// 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
/// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]).
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
/// {@endtemplate}
static Shadow lerp(Shadow a, Shadow b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
if (a == null) {
return b.scale(t);
if (b == null) {
return a.scale(1.0 - t);
return Shadow(
color: Color.lerp(a.color, b.color, t),
offset: Offset.lerp(a.offset, b.offset, t),
blurRadius: lerpDouble(a.blurRadius, b.blurRadius, t),
/// Linearly interpolate between two lists of shadows.
/// If the lists differ in length, excess items are lerped with null.
/// {@macro dart.ui.shadow.lerp}
static List<Shadow> lerpList(List<Shadow> a, List<Shadow> b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
a ??= <Shadow>[];
b ??= <Shadow>[];
final List<Shadow> result = <Shadow>[];
final int commonLength = math.min(a.length, b.length);
for (int i = 0; i < commonLength; i += 1)
result.add(Shadow.lerp(a[i], b[i], t));
for (int i = commonLength; i < a.length; i += 1)
result.add(a[i].scale(1.0 - t));
for (int i = commonLength; i < b.length; i += 1) {
return result;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! Shadow) {
return false;
final Shadow typedOther = other;
return color == typedOther.color &&
offset == typedOther.offset &&
blurRadius == typedOther.blurRadius;
int get hashCode => hashValues(color, offset, blurRadius);
String toString() => 'TextShadow($color, $offset, $blurRadius)';