blob: 2cdb71f7eadaf7d4ec8afbc835a212c150041ee8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/common/canvas_spy.h"
namespace flutter {
CanvasSpy::CanvasSpy(SkCanvas* target_canvas) {
SkISize canvas_size = target_canvas->getBaseLayerSize();
n_way_canvas_ =
std::make_unique<SkNWayCanvas>(canvas_size.width(), canvas_size.height());
did_draw_canvas_ = std::make_unique<DidDrawCanvas>(canvas_size.width(),
SkCanvas* CanvasSpy::GetSpyingCanvas() {
return n_way_canvas_.get();
DidDrawCanvas::DidDrawCanvas(int width, int height)
: SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer<SkNoDrawCanvas>(width, height) {}
DidDrawCanvas::~DidDrawCanvas() {}
void DidDrawCanvas::MarkDrawIfNonTransparentPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
bool isTransparent = paint.getAlpha() == 0;
did_draw_ |= !isTransparent;
bool CanvasSpy::DidDrawIntoCanvas() {
return did_draw_canvas_->DidDrawIntoCanvas();
bool DidDrawCanvas::DidDrawIntoCanvas() {
return did_draw_;
void DidDrawCanvas::willSave() {}
SkCanvas::SaveLayerStrategy DidDrawCanvas::getSaveLayerStrategy(
const SaveLayerRec& rec) {
return kNoLayer_SaveLayerStrategy;
bool DidDrawCanvas::onDoSaveBehind(const SkRect* bounds) {
return false;
void DidDrawCanvas::willRestore() {}
void DidDrawCanvas::didConcat(const SkMatrix& matrix) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::didConcat44(const SkScalar[]) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::didScale(SkScalar, SkScalar) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::didTranslate(SkScalar, SkScalar) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::didSetMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::onClipRect(const SkRect& rect,
SkClipOp op,
ClipEdgeStyle edgeStyle) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::onClipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect,
SkClipOp op,
ClipEdgeStyle edgeStyle) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::onClipPath(const SkPath& path,
SkClipOp op,
ClipEdgeStyle edgeStyle) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::onClipRegion(const SkRegion& deviceRgn, SkClipOp op) {}
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawBehind(const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawPoints(PointMode mode,
size_t count,
const SkPoint pts[],
const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawRegion(const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawOval(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawArc(const SkRect& rect,
SkScalar startAngle,
SkScalar sweepAngle,
bool useCenter,
const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer,
const SkRRect& inner,
const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const SkPaint* paint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const SkRect* src,
const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint* paint,
SrcRectConstraint constraint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawImage(const SkImage* image,
SkScalar left,
SkScalar top,
const SkPaint* paint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawImageRect(const SkImage* image,
const SkRect* src,
const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint* paint,
SrcRectConstraint constraint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawImageNine(const SkImage* image,
const SkIRect& center,
const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint* paint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawImageLattice(const SkImage* image,
const Lattice& lattice,
const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint* paint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawTextBlob(const SkTextBlob* blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawPicture(const SkPicture* picture,
const SkMatrix* matrix,
const SkPaint* paint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawDrawable(SkDrawable* drawable,
const SkMatrix* matrix) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawVerticesObject(const SkVertices* vertices,
SkBlendMode bmode,
const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawPatch(const SkPoint cubics[12],
const SkColor colors[4],
const SkPoint texCoords[4],
SkBlendMode bmode,
const SkPaint& paint) {
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawAtlas(const SkImage* image,
const SkRSXform xform[],
const SkRect tex[],
const SkColor colors[],
int count,
SkBlendMode bmode,
const SkRect* cull,
const SkPaint* paint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawShadowRec(const SkPath& path,
const SkDrawShadowRec& rec) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawAnnotation(const SkRect& rect,
const char key[],
SkData* data) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawEdgeAAQuad(const SkRect& rect,
const SkPoint clip[4],
SkCanvas::QuadAAFlags aa,
const SkColor4f& color,
SkBlendMode mode) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onDrawEdgeAAImageSet(const ImageSetEntry set[],
int count,
const SkPoint dstClips[],
const SkMatrix preViewMatrices[],
const SkPaint* paint,
SrcRectConstraint constraint) {
did_draw_ = true;
void DidDrawCanvas::onFlush() {}
} // namespace flutter