blob: 61173b8b630c52f1e18b3073cb66277a3191e8ba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -x
# Kill any existing dart runners.
killall dart* || true
# Start up a dart runner app that is guaranteed to be JIT, non-product, and
# won't terminate.
run -d fuchsia-pkg://
# Wait for it to come up.
sleep 2
# Find the path to its vm service port.
# NB: This is the command used by the Flutter host-side command line tools.
# If the use of 'find' here breaks, the Flutter host-side command line tools
# will also be broken. If this is intentional, then craft and land a Flutter PR.
# See:
# Then, land a hard transition to GI that updates Flutter and this test.
FIND_RESULT=`find /hub -name vmservice-port | grep dart_jit_runner`
echo "find result:\n${FIND_RESULT}"
killall dart* || true
if [ -z "${FIND_RESULT}" ]; then
echo "FAILURE: Dart VM service not found in the Hub!"
exit 1
exit 0