blob: 08d074c86e7446a4adcabcf0bfd74186f4d2a217 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <string>
// TODO: Consider adding absl as a dependency and using absl::Span for all of
// the message/message_size pairs.
namespace flutter {
// A binary message reply callback.
// Used for submitting a binary reply back to a Flutter message sender.
typedef std::function<void(const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size)>
// A message handler callback.
// Used for receiving messages from Flutter and providing an asynchronous reply.
typedef std::function<
void(const uint8_t* message, const size_t message_size, BinaryReply reply)>
// A protocol for a class that handles communication of binary data on named
// channels to and from the Flutter engine.
class BinaryMessenger {
virtual ~BinaryMessenger() = default;
// Sends a binary message to the Flutter side on the specified channel,
// expecting no reply.
virtual void Send(const std::string& channel,
const uint8_t* message,
const size_t message_size) const = 0;
// Sends a binary message to the Flutter side on the specified channel,
// expecting a reply.
virtual void Send(const std::string& channel,
const uint8_t* message,
const size_t message_size,
BinaryReply reply) const = 0;
// Registers a message handler for incoming binary messages from the Flutter
// side on the specified channel.
// Replaces any existing handler. Provide a null handler to unregister the
// existing handler.
virtual void SetMessageHandler(const std::string& channel,
BinaryMessageHandler handler) = 0;
} // namespace flutter