blob: e3bf572996eb4ba5f8d903faeb257bc4ab58838b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace flutter {
// Encapsulates a result sent back to the Flutter engine in response to a
// MethodCall. Only one method should be called on any given instance.
template <typename T>
class MethodResult {
MethodResult() = default;
virtual ~MethodResult() = default;
// Prevent copying.
MethodResult(MethodResult const&) = delete;
MethodResult& operator=(MethodResult const&) = delete;
// Sends a success response, indicating that the call completed successfully.
// An optional value can be provided as part of the success message.
void Success(const T* result = nullptr) { SuccessInternal(result); }
// Sends an error response, indicating that the call was understood but
// handling failed in some way. A string error code must be provided, and in
// addition an optional user-readable error_message and/or details object can
// be included.
void Error(const std::string& error_code,
const std::string& error_message = "",
const T* error_details = nullptr) {
ErrorInternal(error_code, error_message, error_details);
// Sends a not-implemented response, indicating that the method either was not
// recognized, or has not been implemented.
void NotImplemented() { NotImplementedInternal(); }
// Implementation of the public interface, to be provided by subclasses.
virtual void SuccessInternal(const T* result) = 0;
// Implementation of the public interface, to be provided by subclasses.
virtual void ErrorInternal(const std::string& error_code,
const std::string& error_message,
const T* error_details) = 0;
// Implementation of the public interface, to be provided by subclasses.
virtual void NotImplementedInternal() = 0;
} // namespace flutter