blob: a63a4335c2b8fd2735232d39079b599640a8f330 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace flutter {
static_assert(sizeof(double) == 8, "EncodableValue requires a 64-bit double");
class EncodableValue;
// Convenience type aliases for list and map EncodableValue types.
using EncodableList = std::vector<EncodableValue>;
using EncodableMap = std::map<EncodableValue, EncodableValue>;
// An object that can contain any value or collection type supported by
// Flutter's standard method codec.
// For details, see:
// As an example, the following Dart structure:
// {
// 'flag': true,
// 'name': 'Thing',
// 'values': [1, 2.0, 4],
// }
// would correspond to:
// EncodableValue(EncodableMap{
// {EncodableValue("flag"), EncodableValue(true)},
// {EncodableValue("name"), EncodableValue("Thing")},
// {EncodableValue("values"), EncodableValue(EncodableList{
// EncodableValue(1),
// EncodableValue(2.0),
// EncodableValue(4),
// })},
// })
class EncodableValue {
// Possible types for an EncodableValue to reperesent.
enum class Type {
kNull, // A null value.
kBool, // A boolean value.
kInt, // A 32-bit integer.
kLong, // A 64-bit integer.
kDouble, // A 64-bit floating point number.
kString, // A string.
kByteList, // A list of bytes.
kIntList, // A list of 32-bit integers.
kLongList, // A list of 64-bit integers.
kDoubleList, // A list of 64-bit floating point numbers.
kList, // A list of EncodableValues.
kMap, // A mapping from EncodableValues to EncodableValues.
// Creates an instance representing a null value.
EncodableValue() {}
// Creates an instance representing a bool value.
explicit EncodableValue(bool value) : bool_(value), type_(Type::kBool) {}
// Creates an instance representing a 32-bit integer value.
explicit EncodableValue(int32_t value) : int_(value), type_(Type::kInt) {}
// Creates an instance representing a 64-bit integer value.
explicit EncodableValue(int64_t value) : long_(value), type_(Type::kLong) {}
// Creates an instance representing a 64-bit floating point value.
explicit EncodableValue(double value)
: double_(value), type_(Type::kDouble) {}
// Creates an instance representing a string value.
explicit EncodableValue(const char* value)
: string_(new std::string(value)), type_(Type::kString) {}
// Creates an instance representing a string value.
explicit EncodableValue(const std::string& value)
: string_(new std::string(value)), type_(Type::kString) {}
// Creates an instance representing a list of bytes.
explicit EncodableValue(std::vector<uint8_t> list)
: byte_list_(new std::vector<uint8_t>(std::move(list))),
type_(Type::kByteList) {}
// Creates an instance representing a list of 32-bit integers.
explicit EncodableValue(std::vector<int32_t> list)
: int_list_(new std::vector<int32_t>(std::move(list))),
type_(Type::kIntList) {}
// Creates an instance representing a list of 64-bit integers.
explicit EncodableValue(std::vector<int64_t> list)
: long_list_(new std::vector<int64_t>(std::move(list))),
type_(Type::kLongList) {}
// Creates an instance representing a list of 64-bit floating point values.
explicit EncodableValue(std::vector<double> list)
: double_list_(new std::vector<double>(std::move(list))),
type_(Type::kDoubleList) {}
// Creates an instance representing a list of EncodableValues.
explicit EncodableValue(EncodableList list)
: list_(new EncodableList(std::move(list))), type_(Type::kList) {}
// Creates an instance representing a map from EncodableValues to
// EncodableValues.
explicit EncodableValue(EncodableMap map)
: map_(new EncodableMap(std::move(map))), type_(Type::kMap) {}
// Convience constructor for creating default value of the given type.
// Collections types will be empty, numeric types will be 0, strings will be
// empty, and booleans will be false. For non-collection types, prefer using
// the value-based constructor with an explicit value for clarity.
explicit EncodableValue(Type type) : type_(type) {
switch (type_) {
case Type::kNull:
case Type::kBool:
bool_ = false;
case Type::kInt:
int_ = 0;
case Type::kLong:
long_ = 0;
case Type::kDouble:
double_ = 0.0;
case Type::kString:
string_ = new std::string();
case Type::kByteList:
byte_list_ = new std::vector<uint8_t>();
case Type::kIntList:
int_list_ = new std::vector<int32_t>();
case Type::kLongList:
long_list_ = new std::vector<int64_t>();
case Type::kDoubleList:
double_list_ = new std::vector<double>();
case Type::kList:
list_ = new std::vector<EncodableValue>();
case Type::kMap:
map_ = new std::map<EncodableValue, EncodableValue>();
~EncodableValue() { DestroyValue(); }
EncodableValue(const EncodableValue& other) {
type_ = other.type_;
switch (type_) {
case Type::kNull:
case Type::kBool:
bool_ = other.bool_;
case Type::kInt:
int_ = other.int_;
case Type::kLong:
long_ = other.long_;
case Type::kDouble:
double_ = other.double_;
case Type::kString:
string_ = new std::string(*other.string_);
case Type::kByteList:
byte_list_ = new std::vector<uint8_t>(*other.byte_list_);
case Type::kIntList:
int_list_ = new std::vector<int32_t>(*other.int_list_);
case Type::kLongList:
long_list_ = new std::vector<int64_t>(*other.long_list_);
case Type::kDoubleList:
double_list_ = new std::vector<double>(*other.double_list_);
case Type::kList:
list_ = new std::vector<EncodableValue>(*other.list_);
case Type::kMap:
map_ = new std::map<EncodableValue, EncodableValue>(*other.map_);
EncodableValue(EncodableValue&& other) noexcept { *this = std::move(other); }
EncodableValue& operator=(const EncodableValue& other) {
if (&other == this) {
return *this;
using std::swap;
EncodableValue temp(other);
swap(*this, temp);
return *this;
EncodableValue& operator=(EncodableValue&& other) noexcept {
if (&other == this) {
return *this;
type_ = other.type_;
switch (type_) {
case Type::kNull:
case Type::kBool:
bool_ = other.bool_;
case Type::kInt:
int_ = other.int_;
case Type::kLong:
long_ = other.long_;
case Type::kDouble:
double_ = other.double_;
case Type::kString:
string_ = other.string_;
case Type::kByteList:
byte_list_ = other.byte_list_;
case Type::kIntList:
int_list_ = other.int_list_;
case Type::kLongList:
long_list_ = other.long_list_;
case Type::kDoubleList:
double_list_ = other.double_list_;
case Type::kList:
list_ = other.list_;
case Type::kMap:
map_ = other.map_;
// Ensure that destruction doesn't run on the source of the move.
other.type_ = Type::kNull;
return *this;
// Allow assigning any value type that can be used for a constructor.
template <typename T>
EncodableValue& operator=(const T& value) {
*this = EncodableValue(value);
return *this;
// This operator exists only to provide a stable ordering for use as a
// std::map key. It does not attempt to provide useful ordering semantics.
// Notably:
// - Numeric values are not guaranteed any ordering across numeric types.
// E.g., 1 as a Long may sort after 100 as an Int.
// - Collection types use pointer equality, rather than value. This means that
// multiple collections with the same values will end up as separate keys
// in a map (consistent with default Dart Map behavior).
bool operator<(const EncodableValue& other) const {
if (type_ != other.type_) {
return type_ < other.type_;
switch (type_) {
case Type::kNull:
return false;
case Type::kBool:
return bool_ < other.bool_;
case Type::kInt:
return int_ < other.int_;
case Type::kLong:
return long_ < other.long_;
case Type::kDouble:
return double_ < other.double_;
case Type::kString:
return *string_ < *other.string_;
case Type::kByteList:
case Type::kIntList:
case Type::kLongList:
case Type::kDoubleList:
case Type::kList:
case Type::kMap:
return this < &other;
return false;
// Returns the bool value this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsBool() is true.
bool BoolValue() const {
return bool_;
// Returns the 32-bit integer value this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsInt() is true.
int32_t IntValue() const {
return int_;
// Returns the 64-bit integer value this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsLong() or IsInt() is true.
// Note that calling this function on an Int value is the only case where
// a *Value() function can be called without the corresponding Is*() being
// true. This is to simplify handling objects received from Flutter where the
// values may be larger than 32-bit, since they have the same type on the Dart
// side, but will be either 32-bit or 64-bit here depending on the value.
int64_t LongValue() const {
assert(IsLong() || IsInt());
if (IsLong()) {
return long_;
return int_;
// Returns the double value this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsDouble() is true.
double DoubleValue() const {
return double_;
// Returns the string value this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsString() is true.
const std::string& StringValue() const {
return *string_;
// Returns the byte list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsByteList() is true.
const std::vector<uint8_t>& ByteListValue() const {
return *byte_list_;
// Returns the byte list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsByteList() is true.
std::vector<uint8_t>& ByteListValue() {
return *byte_list_;
// Returns the 32-bit integer list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsIntList() is true.
const std::vector<int32_t>& IntListValue() const {
return *int_list_;
// Returns the 32-bit integer list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsIntList() is true.
std::vector<int32_t>& IntListValue() {
return *int_list_;
// Returns the 64-bit integer list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsLongList() is true.
const std::vector<int64_t>& LongListValue() const {
return *long_list_;
// Returns the 64-bit integer list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsLongList() is true.
std::vector<int64_t>& LongListValue() {
return *long_list_;
// Returns the double list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsDoubleList() is true.
const std::vector<double>& DoubleListValue() const {
return *double_list_;
// Returns the double list this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsDoubleList() is true.
std::vector<double>& DoubleListValue() {
return *double_list_;
// Returns the list of EncodableValues this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsList() is true.
const EncodableList& ListValue() const {
return *list_;
// Returns the list of EncodableValues this object represents.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsList() is true.
EncodableList& ListValue() {
return *list_;
// Returns the map of EncodableValue : EncodableValue pairs this object
// represent.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsMap() is true.
const EncodableMap& MapValue() const {
return *map_;
// Returns the map of EncodableValue : EncodableValue pairs this object
// represent.
// It is a programming error to call this unless IsMap() is true.
EncodableMap& MapValue() {
return *map_;
// Returns true if this represents a null value.
bool IsNull() const { return type_ == Type::kNull; }
// Returns true if this represents a bool value.
bool IsBool() const { return type_ == Type::kBool; }
// Returns true if this represents a 32-bit integer value.
bool IsInt() const { return type_ == Type::kInt; }
// Returns true if this represents a 64-bit integer value.
bool IsLong() const { return type_ == Type::kLong; }
// Returns true if this represents a double value.
bool IsDouble() const { return type_ == Type::kDouble; }
// Returns true if this represents a string value.
bool IsString() const { return type_ == Type::kString; }
// Returns true if this represents a list of bytes.
bool IsByteList() const { return type_ == Type::kByteList; }
// Returns true if this represents a list of 32-bit integers.
bool IsIntList() const { return type_ == Type::kIntList; }
// Returns true if this represents a list of 64-bit integers.
bool IsLongList() const { return type_ == Type::kLongList; }
// Returns true if this represents a list of doubles.
bool IsDoubleList() const { return type_ == Type::kDoubleList; }
// Returns true if this represents a list of EncodableValues.
bool IsList() const { return type_ == Type::kList; }
// Returns true if this represents a map of EncodableValue : EncodableValue
// pairs.
bool IsMap() const { return type_ == Type::kMap; }
// Returns the type this value represents.
// This is primarily intended for use with switch(); for individual checks,
// prefer an Is*() call.
Type type() const { return type_; }
// Performs any cleanup necessary for the active union value. This must be
// called before assigning a new value, and on object destruction.
// After calling this, type_ will alway be kNull.
void DestroyValue() {
switch (type_) {
case Type::kNull:
case Type::kBool:
case Type::kInt:
case Type::kLong:
case Type::kDouble:
case Type::kString:
delete string_;
case Type::kByteList:
delete byte_list_;
case Type::kIntList:
delete int_list_;
case Type::kLongList:
delete long_list_;
case Type::kDoubleList:
delete double_list_;
case Type::kList:
delete list_;
case Type::kMap:
delete map_;
type_ = Type::kNull;
// The anonymous union that stores the represented value. Accessing any of
// these entries other than the one that corresponds to the current value of
// |type_| has undefined behavior.
// Pointers are used for the non-POD types to avoid making the overall size
// of the union unnecessarily large.
// TODO: Replace this with std::variant once c++17 is available.
union {
bool bool_;
int32_t int_;
int64_t long_;
double double_;
std::string* string_;
std::vector<uint8_t>* byte_list_;
std::vector<int32_t>* int_list_;
std::vector<int64_t>* long_list_;
std::vector<double>* double_list_;
std::vector<EncodableValue>* list_;
std::map<EncodableValue, EncodableValue>* map_;
// The currently active union entry.
Type type_ = Type::kNull;
} // namespace flutter