blob: a3658e337fcca96443dc2869b9642117cba89155 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "GoldenPlatformViewTests.h"
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#import "PlatformViewGoldenTestManager.h"
static const NSInteger kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView = 30;
@interface GoldenPlatformViewTests ()
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* goldenName;
@property(nonatomic, strong) PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager;
@implementation GoldenPlatformViewTests
- (instancetype)initWithManager:(PlatformViewGoldenTestManager*)manager
invocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
self = [super initWithInvocation:invocation];
_manager = manager;
return self;
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
self.continueAfterFailure = NO;
self.application = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init];
self.application.launchArguments = @[ self.manager.launchArg ];
[self.application launch];
// Note: don't prefix with "test" or GoldenPlatformViewTests will run instead of the subclasses.
- (void)checkGolden {
XCUIElement* element = self.application.textViews.firstMatch;
BOOL exists = [element waitForExistenceWithTimeout:kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView];
if (!exists) {
XCTFail(@"It took longer than %@ second to find the platform view."
@"There might be issues with the platform view's construction,"
@"or with how the scenario is built.",
GoldenImage* golden = self.manager.goldenImage;
XCUIScreenshot* screenshot = [[XCUIScreen mainScreen] screenshot];
XCTAttachment* attachment = [XCTAttachment attachmentWithScreenshot:screenshot]; = @"new_golden";
attachment.lifetime = XCTAttachmentLifetimeKeepAlways;
[self addAttachment:attachment];
if (golden.image) {
XCTAttachment* goldenAttachment = [XCTAttachment attachmentWithImage:golden.image]; = @"current_golden";
goldenAttachment.lifetime = XCTAttachmentLifetimeKeepAlways;
[self addAttachment:goldenAttachment];
} else {
XCTFail(@"This test will fail - no golden named %@ found. Follow the steps in the "
@"README to add a new golden.",
XCTAssertTrue([golden compareGoldenToImage:screenshot.image]);