blob: 948b5f69534f6c4318c61aeddc581797986ccb83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/hack_register_platform.dart'
as hack; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/executable.dart'
as test; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'environment.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'integration_tests_manager.dart';
import 'supported_browsers.dart';
import 'test_platform.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// The type of tests requested by the tool user.
enum TestTypesRequested {
/// For running the unit tests only.
/// For running the integration tests only.
/// For running both unit and integration tests.
class TestCommand extends Command<bool> with ArgUtils {
TestCommand() {
help: 'Pauses the browser before running a test, giving you an '
'opportunity to add breakpoints or inspect loaded code before '
'running the code.',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'felt test command runs the unit tests and the integration tests '
'at the same time. If this flag is set, only run the unit tests.',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'felt test command runs the unit tests and the integration tests '
'at the same time. If this flag is set, only run the integration '
defaultsTo: false,
'integration tests are using flutter repository for various tasks'
', such as flutter drive, flutter pub get. If this flag is set, felt '
'will use flutter command without cloning the repository. This flag '
'can save internet bandwidth. However use with caution. Note that '
'since flutter repo is always synced to youngest commit older than '
'the engine commit for the tests running in CI, the tests results '
'won\'t be consistent with CIs when this flag is set. flutter '
'command should be set in the PATH for this flag to be useful.'
'This flag can also be used to test local Flutter changes.')
defaultsTo: false,
'When running screenshot tests writes them to the file system into '
'.dart_tool/goldens. Use this option to bulk-update all screenshots, '
'for example, when a new browser version affects pixels.',
defaultsTo: 'chrome',
help: 'An option to choose a browser to run the tests. Tests only work '
' on Chrome for now.',
.forEach((t) => t.populateOptions(argParser));
final String name = 'test';
final String description = 'Run tests.';
TestTypesRequested testTypesRequested = null;
/// Check the flags to see what type of tests are requested.
TestTypesRequested findTestType() {
if (boolArg('unit-tests-only') && boolArg('integration-tests-only')) {
throw ArgumentError('Conflicting arguments: unit-tests-only and '
'integration-tests-only are both set');
} else if (boolArg('unit-tests-only')) {
print('Running the unit tests only');
return TestTypesRequested.unit;
} else if (boolArg('integration-tests-only')) {
if (!isChrome) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'Integration tests are only available on Chrome Desktop for now');
return TestTypesRequested.integration;
} else {
return TestTypesRequested.all;
Future<bool> run() async {
..argParsers.forEach((t) => t.parseOptions(argResults));
// Check the flags to see what type of integration tests are requested.
testTypesRequested = findTestType();
switch (testTypesRequested) {
case TestTypesRequested.unit:
return runUnitTests();
case TestTypesRequested.integration:
return runIntegrationTests();
case TestTypesRequested.all:
// TODO(nurhan):
// TODO(nurhan): Expand browser matrix for felt integration tests.
if (runAllTests && isChrome) {
bool unitTestResult = await runUnitTests();
bool integrationTestResult = await runIntegrationTests();
if (integrationTestResult != unitTestResult) {
print('Tests run. Integration tests passed: $integrationTestResult '
'unit tests passed: $unitTestResult');
return integrationTestResult && unitTestResult;
} else {
return await runUnitTests();
return false;
Future<bool> runIntegrationTests() async {
return IntegrationTestsManager(browser, useSystemFlutter).runTests();
Future<bool> runUnitTests() async {
await _buildHostPage();
if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
// On Dart 2.7 or greater, it gives an error for not
// recognized "pub" version and asks for "pub" get.
// See:
await _runPubGet();
// Many tabs will be left open after Safari runs, quit Safari during
// cleanup.
if (browser == 'safari') {
cleanupCallbacks.add(() async {
// Only close Safari if felt is running in CI environments. Do not close
// Safari for the local testing.
if (io.Platform.environment['LUCI_CONTEXT'] != null || isCirrus) {
print('INFO: Safari tests ran. Quit Safari.');
await runProcess(
['pkill', '-lf', 'Safari'],
workingDirectory: environment.webUiRootDir.path,
} else {
print('INFO: Safari tests ran. Please quit Safari tabs.');
await _buildTargets();
if (runAllTests) {
await _runAllTestsForCurrentPlatform();
} else {
await _runSpecificTests(targetFiles);
return true;
/// Builds all test targets that will be run.
Future<void> _buildTargets() async {
final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
List<FilePath> allTargets;
if (runAllTests) {
allTargets = environment.webUiTestDir
.listSync(recursive: true)
.where((io.File f) => f.path.endsWith('_test.dart'))
.map<FilePath>((io.File f) => FilePath.fromWebUi(
path.relative(f.path, from: environment.webUiRootDir.path)))
} else {
allTargets = targetFiles;
// Separate HTML targets from CanvasKit targets because the two use
// different dart2js options (and different build.*.yaml files).
final List<FilePath> htmlTargets = <FilePath>[];
final List<FilePath> canvasKitTargets = <FilePath>[];
final String canvasKitTestDirectory =
path.join(environment.webUiTestDir.path, 'canvaskit');
for (FilePath target in allTargets) {
if (path.isWithin(canvasKitTestDirectory, target.absolute)) {
} else {
if (htmlTargets.isNotEmpty) {
await _buildTests(targets: htmlTargets, forCanvasKit: false);
if (canvasKitTargets.isNotEmpty) {
await _buildTests(targets: canvasKitTargets, forCanvasKit: true);
print('The build took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds ~/ 1000} seconds.');
/// Whether to start the browser in debug mode.
/// In this mode the browser pauses before running the test to allow
/// you set breakpoints or inspect the code.
bool get isDebug => boolArg('debug');
/// Paths to targets to run, e.g. a single test.
List<String> get targets =>;
/// The target test files to run.
/// The value can be null if the developer prefers to run all the tests.
List<FilePath> get targetFiles => (targets.isEmpty)
? null
: => FilePath.fromCwd(t)).toList();
/// Whether all tests should run.
bool get runAllTests => targets.isEmpty;
/// The name of the browser to run tests in.
String get browser => (argResults != null) ? stringArg('browser') : 'chrome';
/// Whether [browser] is set to "chrome".
bool get isChrome => browser == 'chrome';
/// Use system flutter instead of cloning the repository.
/// Read the flag help for more details. Uses PATH to locate flutter.
bool get useSystemFlutter => boolArg('use-system-flutter');
/// When running screenshot tests writes them to the file system into
/// ".dart_tool/goldens".
bool get doUpdateScreenshotGoldens => boolArg('update-screenshot-goldens');
/// Runs all tests specified in [targets].
/// Unlike [_runAllTestsForCurrentPlatform], this does not filter targets
/// by platform/browser capabilites, and instead attempts to run all of
/// them.
Future<void> _runSpecificTests(List<FilePath> targets) async {
await _runTestBatch(targets, concurrency: 1, expectFailure: false);
/// Runs as many tests as possible on the current OS/browser combination.
Future<void> _runAllTestsForCurrentPlatform() async {
final io.Directory testDir = io.Directory(path.join(
// Screenshot tests and smoke tests only run in Chrome.
if (isChrome) {
// Separate screenshot tests from unit-tests. Screenshot tests must run
// one at a time. Otherwise, they will end up screenshotting each other.
// This is not an issue for unit-tests.
final FilePath failureSmokeTestPath = FilePath.fromWebUi(
final List<FilePath> screenshotTestFiles = <FilePath>[];
final List<FilePath> unitTestFiles = <FilePath>[];
for (io.File testFile
in testDir.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<io.File>()) {
final FilePath testFilePath = FilePath.fromCwd(testFile.path);
if (!testFilePath.absolute.endsWith('_test.dart')) {
// Not a test file at all. Skip.
if (testFilePath == failureSmokeTestPath) {
// A smoke test that fails on purpose. Skip.
if (path.split(testFilePath.relativeToWebUi).contains('golden_tests')) {
} else {
// This test returns a non-zero exit code on purpose. Run it separately.
if (io.Platform.environment['CIRRUS_CI'] != 'true') {
await _runTestBatch(
concurrency: 1,
expectFailure: true,
// Run all unit-tests as a single batch.
await _runTestBatch(unitTestFiles, concurrency: 10, expectFailure: false);
// Run screenshot tests one at a time.
for (FilePath testFilePath in screenshotTestFiles) {
await _runTestBatch(
concurrency: 1,
expectFailure: false,
} else {
final List<FilePath> unitTestFiles = <FilePath>[];
for (io.File testFile
in testDir.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<io.File>()) {
final FilePath testFilePath = FilePath.fromCwd(testFile.path);
if (!testFilePath.absolute.endsWith('_test.dart')) {
// Not a test file at all. Skip.
if (!path
.contains('golden_tests')) {
// Run all unit-tests as a single batch.
await _runTestBatch(unitTestFiles, concurrency: 10, expectFailure: false);
void _checkExitCode() {
if (io.exitCode != 0) {
throw ToolException('Process exited with exit code ${io.exitCode}.');
Future<void> _runPubGet() async {
final int exitCode = await runProcess(
workingDirectory: environment.webUiRootDir.path,
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw ToolException(
'Failed to run pub get. Exited with exit code $exitCode');
Future<void> _buildHostPage() async {
final String hostDartPath = path.join('lib', 'static', 'host.dart');
final io.File hostDartFile = io.File(path.join(
final io.File timestampFile = io.File(path.join(
final String timestamp =
if (timestampFile.existsSync()) {
final String lastBuildTimestamp = timestampFile.readAsStringSync();
if (lastBuildTimestamp == timestamp) {
// The file is still fresh. No need to rebuild.
} else {
// Record new timestamp, but don't return. We need to rebuild.
print('${hostDartFile.path} timestamp changed. Rebuilding.');
} else {
print('Building ${hostDartFile.path}.');
final int exitCode = await runProcess(
workingDirectory: environment.webEngineTesterRootDir.path,
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw ToolException('Failed to compile ${hostDartFile.path}. Compiler '
'exited with exit code $exitCode');
// Record the timestamp to avoid rebuilding unless the file changes.
/// Builds the specific test [targets].
/// [targets] must not be null.
/// When building for CanvasKit we have to use a separate `build.canvaskit.yaml`
/// config file. Otherwise, `build.html.yaml` is used. Because `build_runner`
/// overwrites the output directories, we redirect the CanvasKit output to a
/// separate directory, then copy the files back to `build/test`.
Future<void> _buildTests({List<FilePath> targets, bool forCanvasKit}) async {
'Building ${targets.length} targets for ${forCanvasKit ? 'CanvasKit' : 'HTML'}');
final String canvasKitOutputRelativePath =
path.join('.dart_tool', 'canvaskit_tests');
List<String> arguments = <String>[
forCanvasKit ? canvasKitOutputRelativePath : 'build',
// CanvasKit uses `build.canvaskit.yaml`, which HTML Uses `build.html.yaml`.
forCanvasKit ? 'canvaskit' : 'html',
for (FilePath path in targets) ...[
final int exitCode = await runProcess(
workingDirectory: environment.webUiRootDir.path,
environment: <String, String>{
// This determines the number of concurrent dart2js processes.
// By default build_runner uses 4 workers.
// In a testing on a 32-core 132GB workstation increasing this number to
// 32 sped up the build from ~4min to ~1.5min.
if (io.Platform.environment.containsKey('BUILD_MAX_WORKERS_PER_TASK'))
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw ToolException(
'Failed to compile tests. Compiler exited with exit code $exitCode');
if (forCanvasKit) {
final io.Directory canvasKitTemporaryOutputDirectory = io.Directory(
path.join(environment.webUiRootDir.path, canvasKitOutputRelativePath,
'test', 'canvaskit'));
final io.Directory canvasKitOutputDirectory = io.Directory(
path.join(environment.webUiBuildDir.path, 'test', 'canvaskit'));
if (await canvasKitOutputDirectory.exists()) {
await canvasKitOutputDirectory.delete(recursive: true);
await canvasKitTemporaryOutputDirectory
/// Runs a batch of tests.
/// Unless [expectFailure] is set to false, sets [io.exitCode] to a non-zero value if any tests fail.
Future<void> _runTestBatch(
List<FilePath> testFiles, {
@required int concurrency,
@required bool expectFailure,
}) async {
final List<String> testArgs = <String>[
...<String>['-r', 'compact'],
if (isDebug) '--pause-after-load',
'--', => f.relativeToWebUi).toList(),
], () {
return BrowserPlatform.start(
root: io.Directory.current.path,
// It doesn't make sense to update a screenshot for a test that is expected to fail.
doUpdateScreenshotGoldens: !expectFailure && doUpdateScreenshotGoldens,
// We want to run tests with `web_ui` as a working directory.
final dynamic backupCwd = io.Directory.current;
io.Directory.current = environment.webUiRootDir.path;
await test.main(testArgs);
io.Directory.current = backupCwd;
if (expectFailure) {
if (io.exitCode != 0) {
// It failed, as expected.
io.exitCode = 0;
} else {
'Tests ${testFiles.join(', ')} did not fail. Expected failure.',
io.exitCode = 1;
const List<String> _kTestFonts = <String>['ahem.ttf', 'Roboto-Regular.ttf'];
void _copyTestFontsIntoWebUi() {
final String fontsPath = path.join(
for (String fontFile in _kTestFonts) {
final io.File sourceTtf = io.File(path.join(fontsPath, fontFile));
final String destinationTtfPath =
path.join(environment.webUiRootDir.path, 'lib', 'assets', fontFile);