blob: 9fbdd57eb1e595510f5fc91e65336104941e5379 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of dart.ui;
/// The possible actions that can be conveyed from the operating system
/// accessibility APIs to a semantics node.
// When changes are made to this class, the equivalent APIs in
// `lib/ui/semantics/semantics_node.h` and in each of the embedders *must* be
// updated.
class SemanticsAction {
const SemanticsAction._(this.index) : assert(index != null);
static const int _kTapIndex = 1 << 0;
static const int _kLongPressIndex = 1 << 1;
static const int _kScrollLeftIndex = 1 << 2;
static const int _kScrollRightIndex = 1 << 3;
static const int _kScrollUpIndex = 1 << 4;
static const int _kScrollDownIndex = 1 << 5;
static const int _kIncreaseIndex = 1 << 6;
static const int _kDecreaseIndex = 1 << 7;
static const int _kShowOnScreenIndex = 1 << 8;
static const int _kMoveCursorForwardByCharacterIndex = 1 << 9;
static const int _kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacterIndex = 1 << 10;
static const int _kSetSelectionIndex = 1 << 11;
static const int _kCopyIndex = 1 << 12;
static const int _kCutIndex = 1 << 13;
static const int _kPasteIndex = 1 << 14;
static const int _kDidGainAccessibilityFocusIndex = 1 << 15;
static const int _kDidLoseAccessibilityFocusIndex = 1 << 16;
static const int _kCustomAction = 1 << 17;
static const int _kDismissIndex = 1 << 18;
static const int _kMoveCursorForwardByWordIndex = 1 << 19;
static const int _kMoveCursorBackwardByWordIndex = 1 << 20;
// READ THIS: if you add an action here, you MUST update the
// numSemanticsActions value in testing/dart/semantics_test.dart, or tests
// will fail.
/// The numerical value for this action.
/// Each action has one bit set in this bit field.
final int/*!*/ index;
/// The equivalent of a user briefly tapping the screen with the finger
/// without moving it.
static const SemanticsAction tap = SemanticsAction._(_kTapIndex);
/// The equivalent of a user pressing and holding the screen with the finger
/// for a few seconds without moving it.
static const SemanticsAction longPress = SemanticsAction._(_kLongPressIndex);
/// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from right
/// to left.
/// This action should be recognized by controls that are horizontally
/// scrollable.
static const SemanticsAction scrollLeft = SemanticsAction._(_kScrollLeftIndex);
/// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from left
/// to right.
/// This action should be recognized by controls that are horizontally
/// scrollable.
static const SemanticsAction scrollRight = SemanticsAction._(_kScrollRightIndex);
/// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from
/// bottom to top.
/// This action should be recognized by controls that are vertically
/// scrollable.
static const SemanticsAction scrollUp = SemanticsAction._(_kScrollUpIndex);
/// The equivalent of a user moving their finger across the screen from top
/// to bottom.
/// This action should be recognized by controls that are vertically
/// scrollable.
static const SemanticsAction scrollDown = SemanticsAction._(_kScrollDownIndex);
/// A request to increase the value represented by the semantics node.
/// For example, this action might be recognized by a slider control.
static const SemanticsAction increase = SemanticsAction._(_kIncreaseIndex);
/// A request to decrease the value represented by the semantics node.
/// For example, this action might be recognized by a slider control.
static const SemanticsAction decrease = SemanticsAction._(_kDecreaseIndex);
/// A request to fully show the semantics node on screen.
/// For example, this action might be send to a node in a scrollable list that
/// is partially off screen to bring it on screen.
static const SemanticsAction showOnScreen = SemanticsAction._(_kShowOnScreenIndex);
/// Move the cursor forward by one character.
/// This is for example used by the cursor control in text fields.
/// The action includes a boolean argument, which indicates whether the cursor
/// movement should extend (or start) a selection.
static const SemanticsAction moveCursorForwardByCharacter = SemanticsAction._(_kMoveCursorForwardByCharacterIndex);
/// Move the cursor backward by one character.
/// This is for example used by the cursor control in text fields.
/// The action includes a boolean argument, which indicates whether the cursor
/// movement should extend (or start) a selection.
static const SemanticsAction moveCursorBackwardByCharacter = SemanticsAction._(_kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacterIndex);
/// Set the text selection to the given range.
/// The provided argument is a Map<String, int> which includes the keys `base`
/// and `extent` indicating where the selection within the `value` of the
/// semantics node should start and where it should end. Values for both
/// keys can range from 0 to length of `value` (inclusive).
/// Setting `base` and `extent` to the same value will move the cursor to
/// that position (without selecting anything).
static const SemanticsAction setSelection = SemanticsAction._(_kSetSelectionIndex);
/// Copy the current selection to the clipboard.
static const SemanticsAction copy = SemanticsAction._(_kCopyIndex);
/// Cut the current selection and place it in the clipboard.
static const SemanticsAction cut = SemanticsAction._(_kCutIndex);
/// Paste the current content of the clipboard.
static const SemanticsAction paste = SemanticsAction._(_kPasteIndex);
/// Indicates that the node has gained accessibility focus.
/// This handler is invoked when the node annotated with this handler gains
/// the accessibility focus. The accessibility focus is the
/// green (on Android with TalkBack) or black (on iOS with VoiceOver)
/// rectangle shown on screen to indicate what element an accessibility
/// user is currently interacting with.
/// The accessibility focus is different from the input focus. The input focus
/// is usually held by the element that currently responds to keyboard inputs.
/// Accessibility focus and input focus can be held by two different nodes!
static const SemanticsAction didGainAccessibilityFocus = SemanticsAction._(_kDidGainAccessibilityFocusIndex);
/// Indicates that the node has lost accessibility focus.
/// This handler is invoked when the node annotated with this handler
/// loses the accessibility focus. The accessibility focus is
/// the green (on Android with TalkBack) or black (on iOS with VoiceOver)
/// rectangle shown on screen to indicate what element an accessibility
/// user is currently interacting with.
/// The accessibility focus is different from the input focus. The input focus
/// is usually held by the element that currently responds to keyboard inputs.
/// Accessibility focus and input focus can be held by two different nodes!
static const SemanticsAction didLoseAccessibilityFocus = SemanticsAction._(_kDidLoseAccessibilityFocusIndex);
/// Indicates that the user has invoked a custom accessibility action.
/// This handler is added automatically whenever a custom accessibility
/// action is added to a semantics node.
static const SemanticsAction customAction = SemanticsAction._(_kCustomAction);
/// A request that the node should be dismissed.
/// A [Snackbar], for example, may have a dismiss action to indicate to the
/// user that it can be removed after it is no longer relevant. On Android,
/// (with TalkBack) special hint text is spoken when focusing the node and
/// a custom action is available in the local context menu. On iOS,
/// (with VoiceOver) users can perform a standard gesture to dismiss it.
static const SemanticsAction dismiss = SemanticsAction._(_kDismissIndex);
/// Move the cursor forward by one word.
/// This is for example used by the cursor control in text fields.
/// The action includes a boolean argument, which indicates whether the cursor
/// movement should extend (or start) a selection.
static const SemanticsAction moveCursorForwardByWord = SemanticsAction._(_kMoveCursorForwardByWordIndex);
/// Move the cursor backward by one word.
/// This is for example used by the cursor control in text fields.
/// The action includes a boolean argument, which indicates whether the cursor
/// movement should extend (or start) a selection.
static const SemanticsAction moveCursorBackwardByWord = SemanticsAction._(_kMoveCursorBackwardByWordIndex);
/// The possible semantics actions.
/// The map's key is the [index] of the action and the value is the action
/// itself.
static const Map<int, SemanticsAction> values = <int, SemanticsAction>{
_kTapIndex: tap,
_kLongPressIndex: longPress,
_kScrollLeftIndex: scrollLeft,
_kScrollRightIndex: scrollRight,
_kScrollUpIndex: scrollUp,
_kScrollDownIndex: scrollDown,
_kIncreaseIndex: increase,
_kDecreaseIndex: decrease,
_kShowOnScreenIndex: showOnScreen,
_kMoveCursorForwardByCharacterIndex: moveCursorForwardByCharacter,
_kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacterIndex: moveCursorBackwardByCharacter,
_kSetSelectionIndex: setSelection,
_kCopyIndex: copy,
_kCutIndex: cut,
_kPasteIndex: paste,
_kDidGainAccessibilityFocusIndex: didGainAccessibilityFocus,
_kDidLoseAccessibilityFocusIndex: didLoseAccessibilityFocus,
_kCustomAction: customAction,
_kDismissIndex: dismiss,
_kMoveCursorForwardByWordIndex: moveCursorForwardByWord,
_kMoveCursorBackwardByWordIndex: moveCursorBackwardByWord,
String toString() {
switch (index) {
case _kTapIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.tap';
case _kLongPressIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.longPress';
case _kScrollLeftIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.scrollLeft';
case _kScrollRightIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.scrollRight';
case _kScrollUpIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.scrollUp';
case _kScrollDownIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.scrollDown';
case _kIncreaseIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.increase';
case _kDecreaseIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.decrease';
case _kShowOnScreenIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.showOnScreen';
case _kMoveCursorForwardByCharacterIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByCharacter';
case _kMoveCursorBackwardByCharacterIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByCharacter';
case _kSetSelectionIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.setSelection';
case _kCopyIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.copy';
case _kCutIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.cut';
case _kPasteIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.paste';
case _kDidGainAccessibilityFocusIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.didGainAccessibilityFocus';
case _kDidLoseAccessibilityFocusIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.didLoseAccessibilityFocus';
case _kCustomAction:
return 'SemanticsAction.customAction';
case _kDismissIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.dismiss';
case _kMoveCursorForwardByWordIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByWord';
case _kMoveCursorBackwardByWordIndex:
return 'SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByWord';
assert(false, 'Unhandled index: $index');
return '';
/// A Boolean value that can be associated with a semantics node.
// When changes are made to this class, the equivalent APIs in
// `lib/ui/semantics/semantics_node.h` and in each of the embedders *must* be
// updated.
class SemanticsFlag {
static const int _kHasCheckedStateIndex = 1 << 0;
static const int _kIsCheckedIndex = 1 << 1;
static const int _kIsSelectedIndex = 1 << 2;
static const int _kIsButtonIndex = 1 << 3;
static const int _kIsTextFieldIndex = 1 << 4;
static const int _kIsFocusedIndex = 1 << 5;
static const int _kHasEnabledStateIndex = 1 << 6;
static const int _kIsEnabledIndex = 1 << 7;
static const int _kIsInMutuallyExclusiveGroupIndex = 1 << 8;
static const int _kIsHeaderIndex = 1 << 9;
static const int _kIsObscuredIndex = 1 << 10;
static const int _kScopesRouteIndex= 1 << 11;
static const int _kNamesRouteIndex = 1 << 12;
static const int _kIsHiddenIndex = 1 << 13;
static const int _kIsImageIndex = 1 << 14;
static const int _kIsLiveRegionIndex = 1 << 15;
static const int _kHasToggledStateIndex = 1 << 16;
static const int _kIsToggledIndex = 1 << 17;
static const int _kHasImplicitScrollingIndex = 1 << 18;
static const int _kIsMultilineIndex = 1 << 19;
static const int _kIsReadOnlyIndex = 1 << 20;
static const int _kIsFocusableIndex = 1 << 21;
static const int _kIsLinkIndex = 1 << 22;
// READ THIS: if you add a flag here, you MUST update the numSemanticsFlags
// value in testing/dart/semantics_test.dart, or tests will fail.
const SemanticsFlag._(this.index) : assert(index != null);
/// The numerical value for this flag.
/// Each flag has one bit set in this bit field.
final int/*!*/ index;
/// The semantics node has the quality of either being "checked" or "unchecked".
/// This flag is mutually exclusive with [hasToggledState].
/// For example, a checkbox or a radio button widget has checked state.
/// See also:
/// * [SemanticsFlag.isChecked], which controls whether the node is "checked" or "unchecked".
static const SemanticsFlag hasCheckedState = SemanticsFlag._(_kHasCheckedStateIndex);
/// Whether a semantics node that [hasCheckedState] is checked.
/// If true, the semantics node is "checked". If false, the semantics node is
/// "unchecked".
/// For example, if a checkbox has a visible checkmark, [isChecked] is true.
/// See also:
/// * [SemanticsFlag.hasCheckedState], which enables a checked state.
static const SemanticsFlag isChecked = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsCheckedIndex);
/// Whether a semantics node is selected.
/// If true, the semantics node is "selected". If false, the semantics node is
/// "unselected".
/// For example, the active tab in a tab bar has [isSelected] set to true.
static const SemanticsFlag isSelected = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsSelectedIndex);
/// Whether the semantic node represents a button.
/// Platforms have special handling for buttons, for example Android's TalkBack
/// and iOS's VoiceOver provides an additional hint when the focused object is
/// a button.
static const SemanticsFlag isButton = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsButtonIndex);
/// Whether the semantic node represents a text field.
/// Text fields are announced as such and allow text input via accessibility
/// affordances.
static const SemanticsFlag isTextField = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsTextFieldIndex);
/// Whether the semantic node is read only.
/// Only applicable when [isTextField] is true.
static const SemanticsFlag isReadOnly = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsReadOnlyIndex);
/// Whether the semantic node is an interactive link.
/// Platforms have special handling for links, for example iOS's VoiceOver
/// provides an additional hint when the focused object is a link, as well as
/// the ability to parse the links through another navigation menu.
static const SemanticsFlag isLink = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsLinkIndex);
/// Whether the semantic node is able to hold the user's focus.
/// The focused element is usually the current receiver of keyboard inputs.
static const SemanticsFlag isFocusable = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsFocusableIndex);
/// Whether the semantic node currently holds the user's focus.
/// The focused element is usually the current receiver of keyboard inputs.
static const SemanticsFlag isFocused = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsFocusedIndex);
/// The semantics node has the quality of either being "enabled" or
/// "disabled".
/// For example, a button can be enabled or disabled and therefore has an
/// "enabled" state. Static text is usually neither enabled nor disabled and
/// therefore does not have an "enabled" state.
static const SemanticsFlag hasEnabledState = SemanticsFlag._(_kHasEnabledStateIndex);
/// Whether a semantic node that [hasEnabledState] is currently enabled.
/// A disabled element does not respond to user interaction. For example, a
/// button that currently does not respond to user interaction should be
/// marked as disabled.
static const SemanticsFlag isEnabled = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsEnabledIndex);
/// Whether a semantic node is in a mutually exclusive group.
/// For example, a radio button is in a mutually exclusive group because
/// only one radio button in that group can be marked as [isChecked].
static const SemanticsFlag isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsInMutuallyExclusiveGroupIndex);
/// Whether a semantic node is a header that divides content into sections.
/// For example, headers can be used to divide a list of alphabetically
/// sorted words into the sections A, B, C, etc. as can be found in many
/// address book applications.
static const SemanticsFlag isHeader = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsHeaderIndex);
/// Whether the value of the semantics node is obscured.
/// This is usually used for text fields to indicate that its content
/// is a password or contains other sensitive information.
static const SemanticsFlag isObscured = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsObscuredIndex);
/// Whether the value of the semantics node is coming from a multi-line text
/// field.
/// This is used for text fields to distinguish single-line text fields from
/// multi-line ones.
static const SemanticsFlag isMultiline = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsMultilineIndex);
/// Whether the semantics node is the root of a subtree for which a route name
/// should be announced.
/// When a node with this flag is removed from the semantics tree, the
/// framework will select the last in depth-first, paint order node with this
/// flag. When a node with this flag is added to the semantics tree, it is
/// selected automatically, unless there were multiple nodes with this flag
/// added. In this case, the last added node in depth-first, paint order
/// will be selected.
/// From this selected node, the framework will search in depth-first, paint
/// order for the first node with a [namesRoute] flag and a non-null,
/// non-empty label. The [namesRoute] and [scopesRoute] flags may be on the
/// same node. The label of the found node will be announced as an edge
/// transition. If no non-empty, non-null label is found then:
/// * VoiceOver will make a chime announcement.
/// * TalkBack will make no announcement
/// Semantic nodes annotated with this flag are generally not a11y focusable.
/// This is used in widgets such as Routes, Drawers, and Dialogs to
/// communicate significant changes in the visible screen.
static const SemanticsFlag scopesRoute = SemanticsFlag._(_kScopesRouteIndex);
/// Whether the semantics node label is the name of a visually distinct
/// route.
/// This is used by certain widgets like Drawers and Dialogs, to indicate
/// that the node's semantic label can be used to announce an edge triggered
/// semantics update.
/// Semantic nodes annotated with this flag will still receive a11y focus.
/// Updating this label within the same active route subtree will not cause
/// additional announcements.
static const SemanticsFlag namesRoute = SemanticsFlag._(_kNamesRouteIndex);
/// Whether the semantics node is considered hidden.
/// Hidden elements are currently not visible on screen. They may be covered
/// by other elements or positioned outside of the visible area of a viewport.
/// Hidden elements cannot gain accessibility focus though regular touch. The
/// only way they can be focused is by moving the focus to them via linear
/// navigation.
/// Platforms are free to completely ignore hidden elements and new platforms
/// are encouraged to do so.
/// Instead of marking an element as hidden it should usually be excluded from
/// the semantics tree altogether. Hidden elements are only included in the
/// semantics tree to work around platform limitations and they are mainly
/// used to implement accessibility scrolling on iOS.
static const SemanticsFlag isHidden = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsHiddenIndex);
/// Whether the semantics node represents an image.
/// Both TalkBack and VoiceOver will inform the user the semantics node
/// represents an image.
static const SemanticsFlag isImage = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsImageIndex);
/// Whether the semantics node is a live region.
/// A live region indicates that updates to semantics node are important.
/// Platforms may use this information to make polite announcements to the
/// user to inform them of updates to this node.
/// An example of a live region is a [SnackBar] widget. On Android and iOS,
/// live region causes a polite announcement to be generated automatically,
/// even if the widget does not have accessibility focus. This announcement
/// may not be spoken if the OS accessibility services are already
/// announcing something else, such as reading the label of a focused
/// widget or providing a system announcement.
static const SemanticsFlag isLiveRegion = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsLiveRegionIndex);
/// The semantics node has the quality of either being "on" or "off".
/// This flag is mutually exclusive with [hasCheckedState].
/// For example, a switch has toggled state.
/// See also:
/// * [SemanticsFlag.isToggled], which controls whether the node is "on" or "off".
static const SemanticsFlag hasToggledState = SemanticsFlag._(_kHasToggledStateIndex);
/// If true, the semantics node is "on". If false, the semantics node is
/// "off".
/// For example, if a switch is in the on position, [isToggled] is true.
/// See also:
/// * [SemanticsFlag.hasToggledState], which enables a toggled state.
static const SemanticsFlag isToggled = SemanticsFlag._(_kIsToggledIndex);
/// Whether the platform can scroll the semantics node when the user attempts
/// to move focus to an offscreen child.
/// For example, a [ListView] widget has implicit scrolling so that users can
/// easily move the accessibility focus to the next set of children. A
/// [PageView] widget does not have implicit scrolling, so that users don't
/// navigate to the next page when reaching the end of the current one.
static const SemanticsFlag hasImplicitScrolling = SemanticsFlag._(_kHasImplicitScrollingIndex);
/// The possible semantics flags.
/// The map's key is the [index] of the flag and the value is the flag itself.
static const Map<int, SemanticsFlag> values = <int, SemanticsFlag>{
_kHasCheckedStateIndex: hasCheckedState,
_kIsCheckedIndex: isChecked,
_kIsSelectedIndex: isSelected,
_kIsButtonIndex: isButton,
_kIsTextFieldIndex: isTextField,
_kIsFocusedIndex: isFocused,
_kHasEnabledStateIndex: hasEnabledState,
_kIsEnabledIndex: isEnabled,
_kIsInMutuallyExclusiveGroupIndex: isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup,
_kIsHeaderIndex: isHeader,
_kIsObscuredIndex: isObscured,
_kScopesRouteIndex: scopesRoute,
_kNamesRouteIndex: namesRoute,
_kIsHiddenIndex: isHidden,
_kIsImageIndex: isImage,
_kIsLiveRegionIndex: isLiveRegion,
_kHasToggledStateIndex: hasToggledState,
_kIsToggledIndex: isToggled,
_kHasImplicitScrollingIndex: hasImplicitScrolling,
_kIsMultilineIndex: isMultiline,
_kIsReadOnlyIndex: isReadOnly,
_kIsFocusableIndex: isFocusable,
_kIsLinkIndex: isLink,
String toString() {
switch (index) {
case _kHasCheckedStateIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.hasCheckedState';
case _kIsCheckedIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isChecked';
case _kIsSelectedIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isSelected';
case _kIsButtonIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isButton';
case _kIsTextFieldIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isTextField';
case _kIsFocusedIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isFocused';
case _kHasEnabledStateIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.hasEnabledState';
case _kIsEnabledIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isEnabled';
case _kIsInMutuallyExclusiveGroupIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup';
case _kIsHeaderIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isHeader';
case _kIsObscuredIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isObscured';
case _kScopesRouteIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.scopesRoute';
case _kNamesRouteIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.namesRoute';
case _kIsHiddenIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isHidden';
case _kIsImageIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isImage';
case _kIsLiveRegionIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isLiveRegion';
case _kHasToggledStateIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.hasToggledState';
case _kIsToggledIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isToggled';
case _kHasImplicitScrollingIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.hasImplicitScrolling';
case _kIsMultilineIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isMultiline';
case _kIsReadOnlyIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isReadOnly';
case _kIsFocusableIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isFocusable';
case _kIsLinkIndex:
return 'SemanticsFlag.isLink';
assert(false, 'Unhandled index: $index');
return '';
/// An object that creates [SemanticsUpdate] objects.
/// Once created, the [SemanticsUpdate] objects can be passed to
/// [Window.updateSemantics] to update the semantics conveyed to the user.
class SemanticsUpdateBuilder extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// Creates an empty [SemanticsUpdateBuilder] object.
SemanticsUpdateBuilder() { _constructor(); }
void _constructor() native 'SemanticsUpdateBuilder_constructor';
/// Update the information associated with the node with the given `id`.
/// The semantics nodes form a tree, with the root of the tree always having
/// an id of zero. The `childrenInTraversalOrder` and `childrenInHitTestOrder`
/// are the ids of the nodes that are immediate children of this node. The
/// former enumerates children in traversal order, and the latter enumerates
/// the same children in the hit test order. The two lists must have the same
/// length and contain the same ids. They may only differ in the order the
/// ids are listed in. For more information about different child orders, see
/// [DebugSemanticsDumpOrder].
/// The system retains the nodes that are currently reachable from the root.
/// A given update need not contain information for nodes that do not change
/// in the update. If a node is not reachable from the root after an update,
/// the node will be discarded from the tree.
/// The `flags` are a bit field of [SemanticsFlag]s that apply to this node.
/// The `actions` are a bit field of [SemanticsAction]s that can be undertaken
/// by this node. If the user wishes to undertake one of these actions on this
/// node, the [Window.onSemanticsAction] will be called with `id` and one of
/// the possible [SemanticsAction]s. Because the semantics tree is maintained
/// asynchronously, the [Window.onSemanticsAction] callback might be called
/// with an action that is no longer possible.
/// The `label` is a string that describes this node. The `value` property
/// describes the current value of the node as a string. The `increasedValue`
/// string will become the `value` string after a [SemanticsAction.increase]
/// action is performed. The `decreasedValue` string will become the `value`
/// string after a [SemanticsAction.decrease] action is performed. The `hint`
/// string describes what result an action performed on this node has. The
/// reading direction of all these strings is given by `textDirection`.
/// The fields `textSelectionBase` and `textSelectionExtent` describe the
/// currently selected text within `value`. A value of -1 indicates no
/// current text selection base or extent.
/// The field `maxValueLength` is used to indicate that an editable text
/// field has a limit on the number of characters entered. If it is -1 there
/// is no limit on the number of characters entered. The field
/// `currentValueLength` indicates how much of that limit has already been
/// used up. When `maxValueLength` is >= 0, `currentValueLength` must also be
/// >= 0, otherwise it should be specified to be -1.
/// The field `platformViewId` references the platform view, whose semantics
/// nodes will be added as children to this node. If a platform view is
/// specified, `childrenInHitTestOrder` and `childrenInTraversalOrder` must
/// be empty. A value of -1 indicates that this node is not associated with a
/// platform view.
/// For scrollable nodes `scrollPosition` describes the current scroll
/// position in logical pixel. `scrollExtentMax` and `scrollExtentMin`
/// describe the maximum and minimum in-rage values that `scrollPosition` can
/// be. Both or either may be infinity to indicate unbound scrolling. The
/// value for `scrollPosition` can (temporarily) be outside this range, for
/// example during an overscroll. `scrollChildren` is the count of the
/// total number of child nodes that contribute semantics and `scrollIndex`
/// is the index of the first visible child node that contributes semantics.
/// The `rect` is the region occupied by this node in its own coordinate
/// system.
/// The `transform` is a matrix that maps this node's coordinate system into
/// its parent's coordinate system.
/// The `elevation` describes the distance in z-direction between this node
/// and the `elevation` of the parent.
/// The `thickness` describes how much space this node occupies in the
/// z-direction starting at `elevation`. Basically, in the z-direction the
/// node starts at `elevation` above the parent and ends at `elevation` +
/// `thickness` above the parent.
void updateNode({
/*required*/ int/*!*/ id,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ flags,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ actions,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ maxValueLength,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ currentValueLength,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ textSelectionBase,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ textSelectionExtent,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ platformViewId,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ scrollChildren,
/*required*/ int/*!*/ scrollIndex,
/*required*/ double/*!*/ scrollPosition,
/*required*/ double/*!*/ scrollExtentMax,
/*required*/ double/*!*/ scrollExtentMin,
/*required*/ double/*!*/ elevation,
/*required*/ double/*!*/ thickness,
/*required*/ Rect/*!*/ rect,
/*required*/ String/*!*/ label,
/*required*/ String/*!*/ hint,
/*required*/ String/*!*/ value,
/*required*/ String/*!*/ increasedValue,
/*required*/ String/*!*/ decreasedValue,
TextDirection/*?*/ textDirection,
/*required*/ Float64List/*!*/ transform,
/*required*/ Int32List/*!*/ childrenInTraversalOrder,
/*required*/ Int32List/*!*/ childrenInHitTestOrder,
/*required*/ Int32List/*!*/ additionalActions,
}) {
scrollChildren == 0 || scrollChildren == null || (scrollChildren > 0 && childrenInHitTestOrder != null),
'If a node has scrollChildren, it must have childrenInHitTestOrder',
textDirection != null ? textDirection.index + 1 : 0,
void _updateNode(
int/*!*/ id,
int/*!*/ flags,
int/*!*/ actions,
int/*!*/ maxValueLength,
int/*!*/ currentValueLength,
int/*!*/ textSelectionBase,
int/*!*/ textSelectionExtent,
int/*!*/ platformViewId,
int/*!*/ scrollChildren,
int/*!*/ scrollIndex,
double/*!*/ scrollPosition,
double/*!*/ scrollExtentMax,
double/*!*/ scrollExtentMin,
double/*!*/ left,
double/*!*/ top,
double/*!*/ right,
double/*!*/ bottom,
double/*!*/ elevation,
double/*!*/ thickness,
String/*!*/ label,
String/*!*/ hint,
String/*!*/ value,
String/*!*/ increasedValue,
String/*!*/ decreasedValue,
int/*!*/ textDirection,
Float64List/*!*/ transform,
Int32List/*!*/ childrenInTraversalOrder,
Int32List/*!*/ childrenInHitTestOrder,
Int32List/*!*/ additionalActions,
) native 'SemanticsUpdateBuilder_updateNode';
/// Update the custom semantics action associated with the given `id`.
/// The name of the action exposed to the user is the `label`. For overridden
/// standard actions this value is ignored.
/// The `hint` should describe what happens when an action occurs, not the
/// manner in which a tap is accomplished. For example, use "delete" instead
/// of "double tap to delete".
/// The text direction of the `hint` and `label` is the same as the global
/// window.
/// For overridden standard actions, `overrideId` corresponds with a
/// [SemanticsAction.index] value. For custom actions this argument should not be
/// provided.
void updateCustomAction({/*required*/ int/*!*/ id, String/*?*/ label, String/*?*/ hint, int/*!*/ overrideId = -1}) {
assert(id != null);
assert(overrideId != null);
_updateCustomAction(id, label, hint, overrideId);
void _updateCustomAction(
int/*!*/ id,
String/*?*/ label,
String/*?*/ hint,
int/*!*/ overrideId) native 'SemanticsUpdateBuilder_updateCustomAction';
/// Creates a [SemanticsUpdate] object that encapsulates the updates recorded
/// by this object.
/// The returned object can be passed to [Window.updateSemantics] to actually
/// update the semantics retained by the system.
SemanticsUpdate/*!*/ build() {
final SemanticsUpdate semanticsUpdate = SemanticsUpdate._();
return semanticsUpdate;
void _build(SemanticsUpdate/*!*/ outSemanticsUpdate) native 'SemanticsUpdateBuilder_build';
/// An opaque object representing a batch of semantics updates.
/// To create a SemanticsUpdate object, use a [SemanticsUpdateBuilder].
/// Semantics updates can be applied to the system's retained semantics tree
/// using the [Window.updateSemantics] method.
class SemanticsUpdate extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// To create a SemanticsUpdate object, use a [SemanticsUpdateBuilder].
/// Releases the resources used by this semantics update.
/// After calling this function, the semantics update is cannot be used
/// further.
void dispose() native 'SemanticsUpdate_dispose';