blob: 9f34530e0ab5963161f7f4ac7cb6774c64d2ab14 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/testing/test_metal_surface_impl.h"
#include <Metal/Metal.h>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"
namespace flutter {
TestMetalSurfaceImpl::TestMetalSurfaceImpl(SkISize surface_size) {
if (surface_size.isEmpty()) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Size of test Metal surface was empty.";
auto device = fml::scoped_nsobject{[MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() retain]};
if (!device) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not acquire Metal device.";
auto command_queue = fml::scoped_nsobject{[device.get() newCommandQueue]};
if (!command_queue) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create the default command queue.";
auto texture_descriptor = fml::scoped_nsobject{
[[MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm
mipmapped:NO] retain]};
// The most pessimistic option and disables all optimizations but allows tests
// the most flexible access to the surface. They may read and write to the
// surface from shaders or use as a pixel view.
texture_descriptor.get().usage = MTLTextureUsageUnknown;
if (!texture_descriptor) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid texture descriptor.";
auto texture =
fml::scoped_nsobject{[device.get() newTextureWithDescriptor:texture_descriptor.get()]};
if (!texture) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create texture from texture descriptor.";
auto skia_context = GrContext::MakeMetal(device.get(), command_queue.get());
if (skia_context) {
// Skia wants ownership of the device and queue. If a context was created,
// we now no longer own the argument. Release the arguments only on
// successful creation of the context.
} else {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create the GrContext from the Metal Device "
"and command queue.";
GrMtlTextureInfo skia_texture_info;
skia_texture_info.fTexture = sk_cf_obj<const void*>{[texture.get() retain]};
auto backend_render_target = GrBackendRenderTarget{
surface_size.width(), // width
surface_size.height(), // height
1, // sample count
skia_texture_info // texture info
auto surface = SkSurface::MakeFromBackendRenderTarget(
skia_context.get(), // context
backend_render_target, // backend render target
kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin, // surface origin
kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, // color type
nullptr, // color space
nullptr, // surface properties
nullptr, // release proc (texture is already ref counted in sk_cf_obj)
nullptr // release context
if (!surface) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Skia surface from a Metal texture.";
surface_ = std::move(surface);
context_ = std::move(skia_context);
is_valid_ = true;
// |TestMetalSurface|
TestMetalSurfaceImpl::~TestMetalSurfaceImpl() = default;
// |TestMetalSurface|
bool TestMetalSurfaceImpl::IsValid() const {
return is_valid_;
// |TestMetalSurface|
sk_sp<GrContext> TestMetalSurfaceImpl::GetGrContext() const {
return IsValid() ? context_ : nullptr;
// |TestMetalSurface|
sk_sp<SkSurface> TestMetalSurfaceImpl::GetSurface() const {
return IsValid() ? surface_ : nullptr;
} // namespace flutter