blob: 7b77b03a1b5c0d60f027d6134771ab074eacc7ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/single_frame_codec.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/frame_info.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/logging/dart_invoke.h"
namespace flutter {
SingleFrameCodec::SingleFrameCodec(ImageDecoder::ImageDescriptor descriptor)
: status_(Status::kNew), descriptor_(std::move(descriptor)) {}
SingleFrameCodec::~SingleFrameCodec() = default;
int SingleFrameCodec::frameCount() const {
return 1;
int SingleFrameCodec::repetitionCount() const {
return 0;
Dart_Handle SingleFrameCodec::getNextFrame(Dart_Handle callback_handle) {
if (!Dart_IsClosure(callback_handle)) {
return tonic::ToDart("Callback must be a function");
if (status_ == Status::kComplete) {
tonic::DartInvoke(callback_handle, {tonic::ToDart(cached_frame_)});
return Dart_Null();
// This has to be valid because this method is called from Dart.
auto dart_state = UIDartState::Current();
pending_callbacks_.emplace_back(dart_state, callback_handle);
if (status_ == Status::kInProgress) {
// Another call to getNextFrame is in progress and will invoke the
// pending callbacks when decoding completes.
return Dart_Null();
auto decoder = dart_state->GetImageDecoder();
if (!decoder) {
return tonic::ToDart("Image decoder not available.");
// The SingleFrameCodec must be deleted on the UI thread. Allocate a RefPtr
// on the heap to ensure that the SingleFrameCodec remains alive until the
// decoder callback is invoked on the UI thread. The callback can then
// drop the reference.
fml::RefPtr<SingleFrameCodec>* raw_codec_ref =
new fml::RefPtr<SingleFrameCodec>(this);
decoder->Decode(descriptor_, [raw_codec_ref](auto image) {
std::unique_ptr<fml::RefPtr<SingleFrameCodec>> codec_ref(raw_codec_ref);
fml::RefPtr<SingleFrameCodec> codec(std::move(*codec_ref));
auto state = codec->pending_callbacks_.front().dart_state().lock();
if (!state) {
// This is probably because the isolate has been terminated before the
// image could be decoded.
tonic::DartState::Scope scope(state.get());
if (image.get()) {
auto canvas_image = fml::MakeRefCounted<CanvasImage>();
codec->cached_frame_ = fml::MakeRefCounted<FrameInfo>(
std::move(canvas_image), 0 /* duration */);
// The cached frame is now available and should be returned to any future
// callers.
codec->status_ = Status::kComplete;
// Invoke any callbacks that were provided before the frame was decoded.
Dart_Handle frame = tonic::ToDart(codec->cached_frame_);
for (const DartPersistentValue& callback : codec->pending_callbacks_) {
tonic::DartInvoke(callback.value(), {frame});
// The encoded data is no longer needed now that it has been handed off
// to the decoder.;
status_ = Status::kInProgress;
return Dart_Null();
size_t SingleFrameCodec::GetAllocationSize() const {
const auto& data =;
const auto data_byte_size = data ? data->size() : 0;
const auto frame_byte_size = (cached_frame_ && cached_frame_->image())
? cached_frame_->image()->GetAllocationSize()
: 0;
return data_byte_size + frame_byte_size + sizeof(this);
} // namespace flutter