blob: f258fe79f7f2b79be59cfaebfcd47289cb07432e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart';
import 'line_breaker_test_data.dart';
void main() {
group('nextLineBreak', () {
test('Does not go beyond the ends of a string', () {
expect(split('foo'), <Line>[
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
final LineBreakResult result = nextLineBreak('foo', 'foo'.length);
expect(result.index, 'foo'.length);
expect(result.type, LineBreakType.endOfText);
test('whitespace', () {
expect(split('foo bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split(' foo bar '), <Line>[
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('foo ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar ', LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('single-letter lines', () {
expect(split('foo a bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('a ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('a b c'), <Line>[
Line('a ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('b ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('c', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split(' a b '), <Line>[
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('a ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('b ', LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('new line characters', () {
final String bk = String.fromCharCode(0x000B);
// Can't have a line break between CR×LF.
expect(split('foo\r\nbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
// Any other new line is considered a line break on its own.
expect(split('foo\n\nbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\r\rbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk${bk}bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\n\rbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk\rbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\r${bk}bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk\nbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\n${bk}bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
// New lines at the beginning and end.
expect(split('foo\n'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\r'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('\nfoo'), <Line>[
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('\rfoo'), <Line>[
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('${bk}foo'), <Line>[
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
// Whitespace with new lines.
expect(split('foo \n'), <Line>[
Line('foo \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo \n '), <Line>[
Line('foo \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo \n bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('\n foo'), <Line>[
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split(' \n foo'), <Line>[
Line(' \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('comprehensive test', () {
for (int t = 0; t < data.length; t++) {
final TestCase testCase = data[t];
final String text = testCase.toText();
int lastLineBreak = 0;
int surrogateCount = 0;
// `s` is the index in the `testCase.signs` list.
for (int s = 0; s < testCase.signs.length; s++) {
// `i` is the index in the `text`.
final int i = s + surrogateCount;
if (s < testCase.chars.length && testCase.chars[s].isSurrogatePair) {
final Sign sign = testCase.signs[s];
final LineBreakResult result = nextLineBreak(text, lastLineBreak);
if (sign.isBreakOpportunity) {
// The line break should've been found at index `i`.
reason: 'Failed at test case number $t:\n'
'\nExpected line break at {$lastLineBreak - $i} but found line break at {$lastLineBreak - ${result.index}}.',
lastLineBreak = i;
} else {
// This isn't a line break opportunity so the line break should be
// somewhere after index `i`.
reason: 'Failed at test case number $t:\n'
'\nUnexpected line break found at {$lastLineBreak - $i}.',
/// Holds information about how a line was split from a string.
class Line {
Line(this.text, this.breakType);
final String text;
final LineBreakType breakType;
int get hashCode => hashValues(text, breakType);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Line
&& other.text == text
&& other.breakType == breakType;
String get escapedText {
final String bk = String.fromCharCode(0x000B);
final String nl = String.fromCharCode(0x0085);
return text
.replaceAll('"', '\\"')
.replaceAll('\n', '\\n')
.replaceAll('\r', '\\r')
.replaceAll(bk, '{BK}')
.replaceAll(nl, '{NL}');
String toString() {
return '"$escapedText" ($breakType)';
List<Line> split(String text) {
final List<Line> lines = <Line>[];
int i = 0;
LineBreakType breakType;
while (breakType != LineBreakType.endOfText) {
final LineBreakResult result = nextLineBreak(text, i);
lines.add(Line(text.substring(i, result.index), result.type));
i = result.index;
breakType = result.type;
return lines;