blob: f571b3256e360613607296322bbf36505f5e0687 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "byte_streams.h"
#include "encodable_value.h"
namespace flutter {
// Encapsulates the logic for encoding/decoding EncodableValues to/from the
// standard codec binary representation.
// This can be subclassed to extend the standard codec with support for new
// types.
class StandardCodecSerializer {
virtual ~StandardCodecSerializer();
// Returns the shared serializer instance.
static const StandardCodecSerializer& GetInstance();
// Prevent copying.
StandardCodecSerializer(StandardCodecSerializer const&) = delete;
StandardCodecSerializer& operator=(StandardCodecSerializer const&) = delete;
// Reads and returns the next value from |stream|.
EncodableValue ReadValue(ByteStreamReader* stream) const;
// Writes the encoding of |value| to |stream|, including the initial type
// discrimination byte.
// Can be overridden by a subclass to extend the codec.
virtual void WriteValue(const EncodableValue& value,
ByteStreamWriter* stream) const;
// Codecs require long-lived serializers, so clients should always use
// GetInstance().
// Reads and returns the next value from |stream|, whose discrimination byte
// was |type|.
// The discrimination byte will already have been read from the stream when
// this is called.
// Can be overridden by a subclass to extend the codec.
virtual EncodableValue ReadValueOfType(uint8_t type,
ByteStreamReader* stream) const;
// Reads the variable-length size from the current position in |stream|.
size_t ReadSize(ByteStreamReader* stream) const;
// Writes the variable-length size encoding to |stream|.
void WriteSize(size_t size, ByteStreamWriter* stream) const;
// Reads a fixed-type list whose values are of type T from the current
// position in |stream|, and returns it as the corresponding EncodableValue.
// |T| must correspond to one of the supported list value types of
// EncodableValue.
template <typename T>
EncodableValue ReadVector(ByteStreamReader* stream) const;
// Writes |vector| to |stream| as a fixed-type list. |T| must correspond to
// one of the supported list value types of EncodableValue.
template <typename T>
void WriteVector(const std::vector<T> vector, ByteStreamWriter* stream) const;
} // namespace flutter