blob: 8dd5f65bb113fd8f244cd6a6ae78b6431932b42b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart';
import 'line_breaker_test_helper.dart';
import 'line_breaker_test_raw_data.dart';
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() {
group('nextLineBreak', () {
test('Does not go beyond the ends of a string', () {
expect(split('foo'), <Line>[
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
final LineBreakResult result = nextLineBreak('foo', 'foo'.length);
expect(result.index, 'foo'.length);
expect(result.type, LineBreakType.endOfText);
test('whitespace', () {
expect(split('foo bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split(' foo bar '), <Line>[
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('foo ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar ', LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('single-letter lines', () {
expect(split('foo a bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('a ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('a b c'), <Line>[
Line('a ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('b ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('c', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split(' a b '), <Line>[
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('a ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('b ', LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('new line characters', () {
final String bk = String.fromCharCode(0x000B);
// Can't have a line break between CR×LF.
expect(split('foo\r\nbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
// Any other new line is considered a line break on its own.
expect(split('foo\n\nbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\r\rbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk${bk}bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\n\rbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk\rbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\r${bk}bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk\nbar'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\n${bk}bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
// New lines at the beginning and end.
expect(split('foo\n'), <Line>[
Line('foo\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo\r'), <Line>[
Line('foo\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo$bk'), <Line>[
Line('foo$bk', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('\nfoo'), <Line>[
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('\rfoo'), <Line>[
Line('\r', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('${bk}foo'), <Line>[
Line(bk, LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
// Whitespace with new lines.
expect(split('foo \n'), <Line>[
Line('foo \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line('', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo \n '), <Line>[
Line('foo \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('foo \n bar'), <Line>[
Line('foo \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('bar', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split('\n foo'), <Line>[
Line('\n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
expect(split(' \n foo'), <Line>[
Line(' \n', LineBreakType.mandatory),
Line(' ', LineBreakType.opportunity),
Line('foo', LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('trailing spaces and new lines', () {
findBreaks('foo bar '),
LineBreakResult(4, 4, 3, LineBreakType.opportunity),
LineBreakResult(9, 9, 7, LineBreakType.endOfText),
findBreaks('foo \nbar\nbaz \n'),
LineBreakResult(6, 5, 3, LineBreakType.mandatory),
LineBreakResult(10, 9, 9, LineBreakType.mandatory),
LineBreakResult(17, 16, 13, LineBreakType.mandatory),
LineBreakResult(17, 17, 17, LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('leading spaces', () {
findBreaks(' foo'),
LineBreakResult(1, 1, 0, LineBreakType.opportunity),
LineBreakResult(4, 4, 4, LineBreakType.endOfText),
findBreaks(' foo'),
LineBreakResult(3, 3, 0, LineBreakType.opportunity),
LineBreakResult(6, 6, 6, LineBreakType.endOfText),
findBreaks(' foo bar'),
LineBreakResult(2, 2, 0, LineBreakType.opportunity),
LineBreakResult(8, 8, 5, LineBreakType.opportunity),
LineBreakResult(11, 11, 11, LineBreakType.endOfText),
findBreaks(' \n foo'),
LineBreakResult(3, 2, 0, LineBreakType.mandatory),
LineBreakResult(6, 6, 3, LineBreakType.opportunity),
LineBreakResult(9, 9, 9, LineBreakType.endOfText),
test('comprehensive test', () {
final List<TestCase> testCollection = parseRawTestData(rawLineBreakTestData);
for (int t = 0; t < testCollection.length; t++) {
final TestCase testCase = testCollection[t];
final String text = testCase.toText();
int lastLineBreak = 0;
int surrogateCount = 0;
// `s` is the index in the `testCase.signs` list.
for (int s = 0; s < testCase.signs.length; s++) {
// `i` is the index in the `text`.
final int i = s + surrogateCount;
if (s < testCase.chars.length && testCase.chars[s].isSurrogatePair) {
final Sign sign = testCase.signs[s];
final LineBreakResult result = nextLineBreak(text, lastLineBreak);
if (sign.isBreakOpportunity) {
// The line break should've been found at index `i`.
reason: 'Failed at test case number $t:\n'
'\nExpected line break at {$lastLineBreak - $i} but found line break at {$lastLineBreak - ${result.index}}.',
lastLineBreak = i;
} else {
// This isn't a line break opportunity so the line break should be
// somewhere after index `i`.
reason: 'Failed at test case number $t:\n'
'\nUnexpected line break found at {$lastLineBreak - $i}.',
/// Holds information about how a line was split from a string.
class Line {
Line(this.text, this.breakType);
final String text;
final LineBreakType breakType;
int get hashCode => hashValues(text, breakType);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Line && other.text == text && other.breakType == breakType;
String get escapedText {
final String bk = String.fromCharCode(0x000B);
final String nl = String.fromCharCode(0x0085);
return text
.replaceAll('"', '\\"')
.replaceAll('\n', '\\n')
.replaceAll('\r', '\\r')
.replaceAll(bk, '{BK}')
.replaceAll(nl, '{NL}');
String toString() {
return '"$escapedText" ($breakType)';
List<Line> split(String text) {
final List<Line> lines = <Line>[];
int lastIndex = 0;
for (LineBreakResult brk in findBreaks(text)) {
lines.add(Line(text.substring(lastIndex, brk.index), brk.type));
lastIndex = brk.index;
return lines;
List<LineBreakResult> findBreaks(String text) {
final List<LineBreakResult> breaks = <LineBreakResult>[];
LineBreakResult brk = nextLineBreak(text, 0);
while (brk.type != LineBreakType.endOfText) {
brk = nextLineBreak(text, brk.index);
return breaks;