blob: 6524a26e2594a2ec1662bbef0bda6ee30ee2fc38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
// A directional range of text.
// A |TextRange| describes a range of text with |base| and |extent| positions.
// In the case where |base| == |extent|, the range is said to be collapsed, and
// when |base| > |extent|, the range is said to be reversed.
class TextRange {
explicit TextRange(size_t position) : base_(position), extent_(position) {}
explicit TextRange(size_t base, size_t extent)
: base_(base), extent_(extent) {}
TextRange(const TextRange&) = default;
TextRange& operator=(const TextRange&) = default;
virtual ~TextRange() = default;
// Returns the base position of the range.
size_t base() const { return base_; }
// Returns the extent position of the range.
size_t extent() const { return extent_; }
// Returns the lesser of the base and extent positions.
size_t start() const { return std::min(base_, extent_); }
// Returns the greater of the base and extent positions.
size_t end() const { return std::max(base_, extent_); }
// Returns the position of a collapsed range.
// Asserts that the range is of length 0.
size_t position() const {
FML_DCHECK(base_ == extent_);
return extent_;
// Returns the length of the range.
size_t length() const { return end() - start(); }
// Returns true if the range is of length 0.
bool collapsed() const { return base_ == extent_; }
size_t base_;
size_t extent_;