blob: e7f819fedaba713c3c8993bac533696dacf5e52b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/unique_object.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_compositor.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_context.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
struct UniqueEngineTraits {
static FlutterEngine InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
static bool IsValid(const FlutterEngine& value) { return value != nullptr; }
static void Free(FlutterEngine& engine) {
auto result = FlutterEngineShutdown(engine);
FML_CHECK(result == kSuccess);
using UniqueEngine = fml::UniqueObject<FlutterEngine, UniqueEngineTraits>;
class EmbedderConfigBuilder {
enum class InitializationPreference {
EmbedderConfigBuilder(EmbedderTestContext& context,
InitializationPreference preference =
FlutterProjectArgs& GetProjectArgs();
void SetSoftwareRendererConfig(SkISize surface_size = SkISize::Make(1, 1));
void SetOpenGLRendererConfig(SkISize surface_size);
// Used to explicitly set an `open_gl.fbo_callback`. Using this method will
// cause your test to fail since the ctor for this class sets
// `open_gl.fbo_callback_with_frame_info`. This method exists as a utility to
// explicitly test this behavior.
void SetOpenGLFBOCallBack();
// Used to explicitly set an `open_gl.present`. Using this method will cause
// your test to fail since the ctor for this class sets
// `open_gl.present_with_info`. This method exists as a utility to explicitly
// test this behavior.
void SetOpenGLPresentCallBack();
void SetAssetsPath();
void SetSnapshots();
void SetAOTDataElf();
void SetIsolateCreateCallbackHook();
void SetSemanticsCallbackHooks();
void SetLocalizationCallbackHooks();
void SetDartEntrypoint(std::string entrypoint);
void AddCommandLineArgument(std::string arg);
void SetPlatformTaskRunner(const FlutterTaskRunnerDescription* runner);
void SetRenderTaskRunner(const FlutterTaskRunnerDescription* runner);
void SetPlatformMessageCallback(
const std::function<void(const FlutterPlatformMessage*)>& callback);
void SetCompositor();
FlutterCompositor& GetCompositor();
UniqueEngine LaunchEngine() const;
UniqueEngine InitializeEngine() const;
EmbedderTestContext& context_;
FlutterProjectArgs project_args_ = {};
FlutterRendererConfig renderer_config_ = {};
FlutterSoftwareRendererConfig software_renderer_config_ = {};
FlutterOpenGLRendererConfig opengl_renderer_config_ = {};
std::string dart_entrypoint_;
FlutterCustomTaskRunners custom_task_runners_ = {};
FlutterCompositor compositor_ = {};
std::vector<std::string> command_line_arguments_;
UniqueEngine SetupEngine(bool run) const;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter