blob: 821e01e8fa433804e2bebe7118c0be5ee796c6fc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:ui';
void main() {
void sayHi() {
void throwExceptionNow() {
throw 'Hello';
void canRegisterNativeCallback() async {
print('In function canRegisterNativeCallback');
print('Called native method from canRegisterNativeCallback');
void notifyNative() native 'NotifyNative';
void testIsolateShutdown() { }
void testCanSaveCompilationTrace() {
List<int> trace;
try {
trace = saveCompilationTrace();
} catch (exception) {
print('Could not save compilation trace: ' + exception);
notifyResult(trace != null && trace.isNotEmpty);
void notifyResult(bool success) native 'NotifyNative';
void passMessage(String message) native 'PassMessage';
void secondaryIsolateMain(String message) {
print('Secondary isolate got message: ' + message);
passMessage('Hello from code is secondary isolate.');
void testCanLaunchSecondaryIsolate() {
final onExit = RawReceivePort((_) { notifyNative(); });
Isolate.spawn(secondaryIsolateMain, 'Hello from root isolate.', onExit: onExit.sendPort);
void testCanRecieveArguments(List<String> args) {
notifyResult(args != null && args.length == 1 && args[0] == 'arg1');