blob: 4187ee3a7bb7228ce1d0f7447a18b9e5380b0e3a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.12
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'layout_service_helper.dart';
const bool skipWordSpacing = true;
final EngineParagraphStyle ahemStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
ui.ParagraphConstraints constrain(double width) {
return ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: width);
CanvasParagraph plain(
EngineParagraphStyle style,
String text, {
EngineTextStyle? textStyle,
}) {
final CanvasParagraphBuilder builder = CanvasParagraphBuilder(style);
if (textStyle != null) {
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() async {
await ui.webOnlyInitializeTestDomRenderer();
test('preserves whitespace when measuring', () {
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
// leading whitespaces
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, ' abc')..layout(constrain(double.infinity));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 60);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l(' abc', 0, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 60.0),
// trailing whitespaces
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abc ')..layout(constrain(double.infinity));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 60);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc ', 0, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0),
// mixed whitespaces
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, ' ab c ')
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 100);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 20);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l(' ab c ', 0, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 80.0, left: 0.0),
// single whitespace
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, ' ')..layout(constrain(double.infinity));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 10);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 0);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l(' ', 0, 1, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0),
// whitespace only
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, ' ')..layout(constrain(double.infinity));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 50);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 0);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l(' ', 0, 5, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0),
test('uses single-line when text can fit without wrapping', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, '12345')
// Should fit on a single line.
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 50);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 50);
expect(paragraph.width, 50);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('12345', 0, 5, hardBreak: true, width: 50.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
test('simple multi-line text', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'foo bar baz')
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 110);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.width, 70);
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('foo bar ', 0, 8, hardBreak: false, width: 70.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
l('baz', 8, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 18.0),
test('uses multi-line for long text', () {
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
// The long text doesn't fit in 50px of width, so it needs to wrap.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, '1234567890')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 100);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 100);
expect(paragraph.width, 50);
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('12345', 0, 5, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
l('67890', 5, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 50.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 18.0),
// The first word is force-broken twice.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abcdefghijk lm')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 140);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 110);
expect(paragraph.width, 50);
expect(paragraph.height, 30);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcde', 0, 5, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
l('fghij', 5, 10, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 18.0),
l('k lm', 10, 14, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 28.0),
// Constraints enough only for "abcdef" but not for the trailing space.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abcdef gh')..layout(constrain(60.0));
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 90);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 60);
expect(paragraph.width, 60);
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcdef ', 0, 7, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
l('gh', 7, 9, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 18.0),
// Constraints aren't enough even for a single character. In this case,
// we show a minimum of one character per line.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'AA')..layout(constrain(8.0));
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 20);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 20);
expect(paragraph.width, 8);
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('A', 0, 1, hardBreak: false, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
l('A', 1, 2, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 18.0),
// Extremely narrow constraints with new line in the middle.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'AA\nA')..layout(constrain(8.0));
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 20);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 20);
expect(paragraph.width, 8);
expect(paragraph.height, 30);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('A', 0, 1, hardBreak: false, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
l('A', 1, 3, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 18.0),
l('A', 3, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 28.0),
// Extremely narrow constraints with new line in the end.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'AAA\n')..layout(constrain(8.0));
expect(paragraph.alphabeticBaseline, 8);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.width, 8);
expect(paragraph.height, 40);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('A', 0, 1, hardBreak: false, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 8.0),
l('A', 1, 2, hardBreak: false, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 18.0),
l('A', 2, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 28.0),
l('', 4, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0, height: 10.0, baseline: 38.0),
test('uses multi-line for text that contains new-line', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, '12\n34')
// Text containing newlines should always be drawn in multi-line mode.
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 20);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 20);
expect(paragraph.width, 50);
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('12', 0, 3, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
l('34', 3, 5, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
test('empty lines', () {
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
// Empty lines in the beginning.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, '\n\n1234')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.height, 30);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('', 0, 1, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0),
l('', 1, 2, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0),
l('1234', 2, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
// Empty lines in the middle.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, '12\n\n345')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.height, 30);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('12', 0, 3, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
l('', 3, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0),
l('345', 4, 7, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// Empty lines in the end.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, '1234\n\n')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.height, 30);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('1234', 0, 5, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
l('', 5, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0),
l('', 6, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 0.0, left: 0.0),
'wraps multi-line text correctly when constraint width is infinite',
() {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, '123\n456 789')
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 70);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(paragraph.width, double.infinity);
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('123', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('456 789', 4, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 70.0, left: 0.0),
test('takes letter spacing into account', () {
final EngineTextStyle spacedTextStyle =
EngineTextStyle.only(letterSpacing: 3);
final CanvasParagraph spacedText =
plain(ahemStyle, 'abc', textStyle: spacedTextStyle)
expect(spacedText.minIntrinsicWidth, 39);
expect(spacedText.maxIntrinsicWidth, 39);
test('takes word spacing into account', () {
final CanvasParagraph normalText = plain(ahemStyle, 'a b c')
final CanvasParagraph spacedText = plain(ahemStyle, 'a b c',
textStyle: EngineTextStyle.only(wordSpacing: 1.5))
normalText.maxIntrinsicWidth < spacedText.maxIntrinsicWidth,
}, skip: skipWordSpacing);
test('minIntrinsicWidth', () {
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
// Simple case.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abc de fghi')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc ', 0, 4, hardBreak: false, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('de ', 4, 7, hardBreak: false, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
l('fghi', 7, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
// With new lines.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abcd\nef\nghi')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcd', 0, 5, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
l('ef', 5, 8, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
l('ghi', 8, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// With trailing whitespace.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abcd efg')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcd ', 0, 10, hardBreak: false, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
l('efg', 10, 13, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// With trailing whitespace and new lines.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abc \ndefg')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc ', 0, 8, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('defg', 8, 12, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
// Very long text.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'AAAAAAAAAAAA')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 120);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('AAAAA', 0, 5, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('AAAAA', 5, 10, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('AA', 10, 12, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
test('maxIntrinsicWidth', () {
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
// Simple case.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abc de fghi')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 110);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc ', 0, 4, hardBreak: false, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('de ', 4, 7, hardBreak: false, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
l('fghi', 7, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
// With new lines.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abcd\nef\nghi')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcd', 0, 5, hardBreak: true, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
l('ef', 5, 8, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
l('ghi', 8, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// With long whitespace.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abcd efg')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 100);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcd ', 0, 7, hardBreak: false, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
l('efg', 7, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// With trailing whitespace.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abc def ')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 100);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc ', 0, 4, hardBreak: false, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('def ', 4, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// With trailing whitespace and new lines.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abc \ndef ')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 60);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc ', 0, 5, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('def ', 5, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// Very long text.
paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'AAAAAAAAAAAA')..layout(constrain(50.0));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 120);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('AAAAA', 0, 5, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('AAAAA', 5, 10, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('AA', 10, 12, hardBreak: true, width: 20.0, left: 0.0),
test('respects text overflow', () {
final EngineParagraphStyle overflowStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
ellipsis: '...',
// The text shouldn't be broken into multiple lines, so the height should
// be equal to a height of a single line.
final CanvasParagraph longText = plain(
expect(longText.minIntrinsicWidth, 480);
expect(longText.maxIntrinsicWidth, 480);
expect(longText.height, 10);
expectLines(longText, [
l('AA...', 0, 2, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
// The short prefix should make the text break into two lines, but the
// second line should remain unbroken.
final CanvasParagraph longTextShortPrefix = plain(
expect(longTextShortPrefix.minIntrinsicWidth, 450);
expect(longTextShortPrefix.maxIntrinsicWidth, 450);
expect(longTextShortPrefix.height, 20);
expectLines(longTextShortPrefix, [
l('AAA', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('AA...', 4, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
// Constraints only enough to fit "AA" with the ellipsis, but not the
// trailing white space.
final CanvasParagraph trailingSpace = plain(overflowStyle, 'AA AAA')
expect(trailingSpace.minIntrinsicWidth, 30);
expect(trailingSpace.maxIntrinsicWidth, 60);
expect(trailingSpace.height, 10);
expectLines(trailingSpace, [
l('AA...', 0, 2, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
// Tiny constraints.
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = plain(overflowStyle, 'AAAA')
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('...', 0, 0, hardBreak: false, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
// Tinier constraints (not enough for the ellipsis).
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 40);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
// TODO(flutter_web):
// expectLines(paragraph, [
// l('.', 0, 0, hardBreak: false, width: 10.0, left: 0.0),
// ]);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('...', 0, 0, hardBreak: false, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
test('respects max lines', () {
final EngineParagraphStyle maxlinesStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
maxLines: 2,
// The height should be that of a single line.
final CanvasParagraph oneline = plain(maxlinesStyle, 'One line')
expect(oneline.height, 10);
expectLines(oneline, [
l('One line', 0, 8, hardBreak: true, width: 80.0, left: 0.0),
// The height should respect max lines and be limited to two lines here.
final CanvasParagraph threelines =
plain(maxlinesStyle, 'First\nSecond\nThird')
expect(threelines.height, 20);
expectLines(threelines, [
l('First', 0, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('Second', 6, 13, hardBreak: true, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// The height should respect max lines and be limited to two lines here.
final CanvasParagraph veryLong = plain(
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.',
expect(veryLong.height, 20);
expectLines(veryLong, [
l('Lorem ', 0, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('ipsum ', 6, 12, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
// Case when last line is a long unbreakable word.
final CanvasParagraph veryLongLastLine = plain(
expect(veryLongLastLine.height, 20);
expectLines(veryLongLastLine, [
l('AAA ', 0, 4, hardBreak: false, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('AAAAA', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
test('respects text overflow and max lines combined', () {
final EngineParagraphStyle onelineStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
maxLines: 1,
ellipsis: '...',
final EngineParagraphStyle multilineStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
maxLines: 2,
ellipsis: '...',
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
// Simple no overflow case.
paragraph = plain(onelineStyle, 'abcdef')..layout(constrain(60.0));
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcdef', 0, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// Simple overflow case.
paragraph = plain(onelineStyle, 'abcd efg')..layout(constrain(60.0));
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc...', 0, 3, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// Another simple overflow case.
paragraph = plain(onelineStyle, 'a bcde fgh')..layout(constrain(60.0));
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('a b...', 0, 3, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// The ellipsis is supposed to go on the second line, but because the
// 2nd line doesn't overflow, no ellipsis is shown.
paragraph = plain(multilineStyle, 'abcdef ghijkl')..layout(constrain(60.0));
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcdef ', 0, 7, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
l('ghijkl', 7, 13, hardBreak: true, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// But when the 2nd line is long enough, the ellipsis is shown.
paragraph = plain(multilineStyle, 'abcd efghijkl')..layout(constrain(60.0));
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcd ', 0, 5, hardBreak: false, width: 40.0, left: 0.0),
l('efg...', 5, 8, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// Even if the second line can be broken, we don't break it, we just
// insert the ellipsis.
paragraph = plain(multilineStyle, 'abcde f gh ijk')
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcde ', 0, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('f g...', 6, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// First line overflows but second line doesn't.
paragraph = plain(multilineStyle, 'abcdefg hijk')..layout(constrain(60.0));
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcdef', 0, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
l('g hijk', 6, 12, hardBreak: true, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
// Both first and second lines overflow.
paragraph = plain(multilineStyle, 'abcdefg hijklmnop')
expect(paragraph.height, 20);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcdef', 0, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
l('g h...', 6, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 60.0, left: 0.0),
test('handles textAlign', () {
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
EngineParagraphStyle createStyle(ui.TextAlign textAlign) {
return EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
textAlign: textAlign,
textDirection: ui.TextDirection.ltr,
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.start), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.end), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 20.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 40.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(, 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 10.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 20.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.left), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.right), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 20.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 40.0),
test('handles rtl with textAlign', () {
CanvasParagraph paragraph;
EngineParagraphStyle createStyle(ui.TextAlign textAlign) {
return EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
textAlign: textAlign,
textDirection: ui.TextDirection.rtl,
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.start), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 20.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 40.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.end), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(, 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 10.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 20.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.left), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 0.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0),
paragraph = plain(createStyle(ui.TextAlign.right), 'abc\ndefghi')
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abc', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 30.0, left: 20.0),
l('defgh', 4, 9, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('i', 9, 10, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 40.0),