blob: 370e3d87db607d4a04d97554f8bdd84f6628ba22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_context.h"
#include "flutter/testing/test_gl_surface.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
class EmbedderTestContextGL : public EmbedderTestContext {
using GLGetFBOCallback = std::function<void(FlutterFrameInfo frame_info)>;
using GLPresentCallback = std::function<void(uint32_t fbo_id)>;
EmbedderTestContextGL(std::string assets_path = "");
~EmbedderTestContextGL() override;
size_t GetSurfacePresentCount() const override;
/// @brief Sets a callback that will be invoked (on the raster task
/// runner) when the engine asks the embedder for a new FBO ID at
/// the updated size.
/// @attention The callback will be invoked on the raster task runner. The
/// callback can be set on the tests host thread.
/// @param[in] callback The callback to set. The previous callback will be
/// un-registered.
void SetGLGetFBOCallback(GLGetFBOCallback callback);
uint32_t GetWindowFBOId() const;
/// @brief Sets a callback that will be invoked (on the raster task
/// runner) when the engine presents an fbo that was given by the
/// embedder.
/// @attention The callback will be invoked on the raster task runner. The
/// callback can be set on the tests host thread.
/// @param[in] callback The callback to set. The previous callback will be
/// un-registered.
void SetGLPresentCallback(GLPresentCallback callback);
virtual void SetupCompositor() override;
// This allows the builder to access the hooks.
friend class EmbedderConfigBuilder;
std::unique_ptr<TestGLSurface> gl_surface_;
size_t gl_surface_present_count_ = 0;
std::mutex gl_callback_mutex_;
GLGetFBOCallback gl_get_fbo_callback_;
GLPresentCallback gl_present_callback_;
void SetupSurface(SkISize surface_size) override;
bool GLMakeCurrent();
bool GLClearCurrent();
bool GLPresent(uint32_t fbo_id);
uint32_t GLGetFramebuffer(FlutterFrameInfo frame_info);
bool GLMakeResourceCurrent();
void* GLGetProcAddress(const char* name);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter