blob: f39b0b54ff22106fa5db5c93d68c1eca7f493951 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_key_event_plugin.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_binary_messenger_private.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_engine_private.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/testing/fl_test.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/testing/mock_text_input_plugin.h"
const char* expected_value = nullptr;
gboolean expected_handled = FALSE;
// Called when the message response is received in the send_key_event test.
static void echo_response_cb(GObject* object,
FlValue* message,
bool handled,
gpointer user_data) {
EXPECT_NE(message, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fl_value_get_type(message), FL_VALUE_TYPE_MAP);
EXPECT_STREQ(fl_value_to_string(message), expected_value);
EXPECT_EQ(handled, expected_handled);
static gboolean handle_keypress(FlTextInputPlugin* plugin, GdkEventKey* event) {
return TRUE;
static gboolean ignore_keypress(FlTextInputPlugin* plugin, GdkEventKey* event) {
return FALSE;
// Test sending a letter "A";
TEST(FlKeyEventPluginTest, SendKeyEvent) {
g_autoptr(GMainLoop) loop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, 0);
g_autoptr(FlEngine) engine = make_mock_engine();
FlBinaryMessenger* messenger = fl_binary_messenger_new(engine);
g_autoptr(FlTextInputPlugin) text_input_plugin =
g_autoptr(FlKeyEventPlugin) plugin = fl_key_event_plugin_new(
messenger, text_input_plugin, echo_response_cb, "test/echo");
char string[] = "A";
GdkEventKey key_event = GdkEventKey{
GDK_KEY_PRESS, // event type
nullptr, // window (not needed)
FALSE, // event was sent explicitly
12345, // time
0x0, // modifier state
GDK_KEY_A, // key code
1, // length of string representation
reinterpret_cast<gchar*>(&string[0]), // string representation
0x04, // scan code
0, // keyboard group
0, // is a modifier
expected_value =
"{type: keydown, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, keyCode: 65, "
"modifiers: 0, unicodeScalarValues: 65}";
expected_handled = FALSE;
fl_key_event_plugin_send_key_event(plugin, &key_event, loop);
// Blocks here until echo_response_cb is called.
key_event = GdkEventKey{
GDK_KEY_RELEASE, // event type
nullptr, // window (not needed)
FALSE, // event was sent explicitly
23456, // time
0x0, // modifier state
GDK_KEY_A, // key code
1, // length of string representation
reinterpret_cast<gchar*>(&string[0]), // string representation
0x04, // scan code
0, // keyboard group
0, // is a modifier
expected_value =
"{type: keyup, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, keyCode: 65, "
"modifiers: 0, unicodeScalarValues: 65}";
expected_handled = FALSE;
bool handled = fl_key_event_plugin_send_key_event(plugin, &key_event, loop);
// Blocks here until echo_response_cb is called.
void test_lock_event(guint key_code,
const char* down_expected,
const char* up_expected) {
g_autoptr(GMainLoop) loop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, 0);
g_autoptr(FlEngine) engine = make_mock_engine();
FlBinaryMessenger* messenger = fl_binary_messenger_new(engine);
g_autoptr(FlTextInputPlugin) text_input_plugin =
g_autoptr(FlKeyEventPlugin) plugin = fl_key_event_plugin_new(
messenger, text_input_plugin, echo_response_cb, "test/echo");
GdkEventKey key_event = GdkEventKey{
GDK_KEY_PRESS, // event type
nullptr, // window (not needed)
FALSE, // event was sent explicitly
12345, // time
0x10, // modifier state
key_code, // key code
1, // length of string representation
nullptr, // string representation
0x04, // scan code
0, // keyboard group
0, // is a modifier
expected_value = down_expected;
expected_handled = FALSE;
bool handled = fl_key_event_plugin_send_key_event(plugin, &key_event, loop);
// Blocks here until echo_response_cb is called.
key_event.type = GDK_KEY_RELEASE;
expected_value = up_expected;
expected_handled = FALSE;
fl_key_event_plugin_send_key_event(plugin, &key_event, loop);
// Blocks here until echo_response_cb is called.
// Test sending a "NumLock" keypress.
TEST(FlKeyEventPluginTest, SendNumLockKeyEvent) {
"{type: keydown, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, "
"keyCode: 65407, modifiers: 16}",
"{type: keyup, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, "
"keyCode: 65407, modifiers: 0}");
// Test sending a "CapsLock" keypress.
TEST(FlKeyEventPluginTest, SendCapsLockKeyEvent) {
"{type: keydown, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, "
"keyCode: 65509, modifiers: 2}",
"{type: keyup, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, "
"keyCode: 65509, modifiers: 0}");
// Test sending a "ShiftLock" keypress.
TEST(FlKeyEventPluginTest, SendShiftLockKeyEvent) {
"{type: keydown, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, "
"keyCode: 65510, modifiers: 2}",
"{type: keyup, keymap: linux, scanCode: 4, toolkit: gtk, "
"keyCode: 65510, modifiers: 0}");
TEST(FlKeyEventPluginTest, TestKeyEventHandledByFramework) {
g_autoptr(GMainLoop) loop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, 0);
g_autoptr(FlEngine) engine = make_mock_engine();
FlBinaryMessenger* messenger = fl_binary_messenger_new(engine);
g_autoptr(FlTextInputPlugin) text_input_plugin =
g_autoptr(FlKeyEventPlugin) plugin = fl_key_event_plugin_new(
messenger, text_input_plugin, echo_response_cb, "test/key-event-handled");
GdkEventKey key_event = GdkEventKey{
GDK_KEY_PRESS, // event type
nullptr, // window (not needed)
FALSE, // event was sent explicitly
12345, // time
0x10, // modifier state
GDK_KEY_A, // key code
1, // length of string representation
nullptr, // string representation
0x04, // scan code
0, // keyboard group
0, // is a modifier
expected_value = "{handled: true}";
expected_handled = TRUE;
bool handled = fl_key_event_plugin_send_key_event(plugin, &key_event, loop);
// Should always be true, because the event was delayed.
// Blocks here until echo_response_cb is called.
TEST(FlKeyEventPluginTest, TestKeyEventHandledByTextInputPlugin) {
g_autoptr(GMainLoop) loop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, 0);
g_autoptr(FlEngine) engine = make_mock_engine();
FlBinaryMessenger* messenger = fl_binary_messenger_new(engine);
g_autoptr(FlTextInputPlugin) text_input_plugin =
g_autoptr(FlKeyEventPlugin) plugin =
fl_key_event_plugin_new(messenger, text_input_plugin, echo_response_cb,
GdkEventKey key_event = GdkEventKey{
GDK_KEY_PRESS, // event type
nullptr, // window (not needed)
FALSE, // event was sent explicitly
12345, // time
0x10, // modifier state
GDK_KEY_A, // key code
1, // length of string representation
nullptr, // string representation
0x04, // scan code
0, // keyboard group
0, // is a modifier
expected_value = "{handled: false}";
expected_handled = TRUE;
bool handled = fl_key_event_plugin_send_key_event(plugin, &key_event, loop);
// Should always be true, because the event was delayed.
// Blocks here until echo_response_cb is called.
TEST(FlKeyEventPluginTest, TestKeyEventNotHandledByTextInputPlugin) {
g_autoptr(GMainLoop) loop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, 0);
g_autoptr(FlEngine) engine = make_mock_engine();
FlBinaryMessenger* messenger = fl_binary_messenger_new(engine);
g_autoptr(FlTextInputPlugin) text_input_plugin =
g_autoptr(FlKeyEventPlugin) plugin =
fl_key_event_plugin_new(messenger, text_input_plugin, echo_response_cb,
GdkEventKey key_event = GdkEventKey{
GDK_KEY_PRESS, // event type
nullptr, // window (not needed)
FALSE, // event was sent explicitly
12345, // time
0x10, // modifier state
GDK_KEY_A, // key code
1, // length of string representation
nullptr, // string representation
0x04, // scan code
0, // keyboard group
0, // is a modifier
expected_value = "{handled: false}";
expected_handled = FALSE;
bool handled = fl_key_event_plugin_send_key_event(plugin, &key_event, loop);
// Should always be true, because the event was delayed.
// Blocks here until echo_response_cb is called.