blob: b7268023a8e2186fe624a1d37b0d584e8a265314 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/cpp/client_wrapper/include/flutter/binary_messenger.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/cpp/client_wrapper/include/flutter/method_channel.h"
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
namespace flutter {
class FlutterWindowsView;
// Handler for internal system channels.
class PlatformHandler {
explicit PlatformHandler(BinaryMessenger* messenger);
virtual ~PlatformHandler();
// Creates a new platform handler using the given messenger and view.
static std::unique_ptr<PlatformHandler> Create(BinaryMessenger* messenger,
FlutterWindowsView* view);
// Gets plain text from the clipboard and provides it to |result| as the
// value in a dictionary with the given |key|.
virtual void GetPlainText(
std::unique_ptr<MethodResult<rapidjson::Document>> result,
std::string_view key) = 0;
// Sets the clipboard's plain text to |text|, and reports the result (either
// an error, or null for success) to |result|.
virtual void SetPlainText(
const std::string& text,
std::unique_ptr<MethodResult<rapidjson::Document>> result) = 0;
// A error type to use for error responses.
static constexpr char kClipboardError[] = "Clipboard error";
// Called when a method is called on |channel_|;
void HandleMethodCall(
const MethodCall<rapidjson::Document>& method_call,
std::unique_ptr<MethodResult<rapidjson::Document>> result);
// The MethodChannel used for communication with the Flutter engine.
std::unique_ptr<MethodChannel<rapidjson::Document>> channel_;
} // namespace flutter