blob: 8f8ecbb5e91cd65ab46145993379b459593ddf1b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/layers/physical_shape_layer.h"
#include "flutter/flow/paint_utils.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/SkShadowUtils.h"
namespace flutter {
const SkScalar kLightHeight = 600;
const SkScalar kLightRadius = 800;
PhysicalShapeLayer::PhysicalShapeLayer(SkColor color,
SkColor shadow_color,
float elevation,
const SkPath& path,
Clip clip_behavior)
: color_(color),
clip_behavior_(clip_behavior) {}
void PhysicalShapeLayer::Preroll(PrerollContext* context,
const SkMatrix& matrix) {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "PhysicalShapeLayer::Preroll");
Layer::AutoPrerollSaveLayerState save =
Layer::AutoPrerollSaveLayerState::Create(context, UsesSaveLayer());
SkRect child_paint_bounds;
PrerollChildren(context, matrix, &child_paint_bounds);
if (elevation_ == 0) {
} else {
// We will draw the shadow in Paint(), so add some margin to the paint
// bounds to leave space for the shadow. We fill this whole region and clip
// children to it so we don't need to join the child paint bounds.
set_paint_bounds(ComputeShadowBounds(path_.getBounds(), elevation_,
void PhysicalShapeLayer::Paint(PaintContext& context) const {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "PhysicalShapeLayer::Paint");
if (elevation_ != 0) {
DrawShadow(context.leaf_nodes_canvas, path_, shadow_color_, elevation_,
SkColorGetA(color_) != 0xff, context.frame_device_pixel_ratio);
// Call drawPath without clip if possible for better performance.
SkPaint paint;
if (clip_behavior_ != Clip::antiAliasWithSaveLayer) {
context.leaf_nodes_canvas->drawPath(path_, paint);
int saveCount = context.internal_nodes_canvas->save();
switch (clip_behavior_) {
case Clip::hardEdge:
context.internal_nodes_canvas->clipPath(path_, false);
case Clip::antiAlias:
context.internal_nodes_canvas->clipPath(path_, true);
case Clip::antiAliasWithSaveLayer:
context.internal_nodes_canvas->clipPath(path_, true);
context.internal_nodes_canvas->saveLayer(paint_bounds(), nullptr);
case Clip::none:
if (UsesSaveLayer()) {
// If we want to avoid the bleeding edge artifact
// (
// using saveLayer, we have to call drawPaint instead of drawPath as
// anti-aliased drawPath will always have such artifacts.
if (UsesSaveLayer()) {
if (context.checkerboard_offscreen_layers) {
DrawCheckerboard(context.internal_nodes_canvas, paint_bounds());
SkRect PhysicalShapeLayer::ComputeShadowBounds(const SkRect& bounds,
float elevation,
float pixel_ratio) {
// The shadow offset is calculated as follows:
// .--- (kLightRadius)
// -------/ (light)
// | /
// | /
// |/
// |O
// /| (kLightHeight)
// / |
// / |
// / |
// / |
// ------------- (layer)
// /| |
// / | | (elevation)
// A / | |B
// ------------------------------------------------ (canvas)
// --- (extent of shadow)
// E = lt } t = (r + w/2)/h
// } =>
// r + w/2 = ht } E = (l/h)(r + w/2)
// Where: E = extent of shadow
// l = elevation of layer
// r = radius of the light source
// w = width of the layer
// h = light height
// t = tangent of AOB, i.e., multiplier for elevation to extent
// tangent for x
double tx =
(kLightRadius * pixel_ratio + bounds.width() * 0.5) / kLightHeight;
// tangent for y
double ty =
(kLightRadius * pixel_ratio + bounds.height() * 0.5) / kLightHeight;
SkRect shadow_bounds(bounds);
shadow_bounds.outset(elevation * tx, elevation * ty);
return shadow_bounds;
void PhysicalShapeLayer::DrawShadow(SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkPath& path,
SkColor color,
float elevation,
bool transparentOccluder,
SkScalar dpr) {
const SkScalar kAmbientAlpha = 0.039f;
const SkScalar kSpotAlpha = 0.25f;
SkShadowFlags flags = transparentOccluder
? SkShadowFlags::kTransparentOccluder_ShadowFlag
: SkShadowFlags::kNone_ShadowFlag;
const SkRect& bounds = path.getBounds();
SkScalar shadow_x = (bounds.left() + bounds.right()) / 2;
SkScalar shadow_y = - 600.0f;
SkColor inAmbient = SkColorSetA(color, kAmbientAlpha * SkColorGetA(color));
SkColor inSpot = SkColorSetA(color, kSpotAlpha * SkColorGetA(color));
SkColor ambientColor, spotColor;
SkShadowUtils::ComputeTonalColors(inAmbient, inSpot, &ambientColor,
canvas, path, SkPoint3::Make(0, 0, dpr * elevation),
SkPoint3::Make(shadow_x, shadow_y, dpr * kLightHeight),
dpr * kLightRadius, ambientColor, spotColor, flags);
} // namespace flutter