blob: 8e181eab37e6083036871218d7bcd16bc20d59d8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:http_multi_server/http_multi_server.dart';
import 'package:image/image.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import 'package:shelf_static/shelf_static.dart';
import 'package:shelf_web_socket/shelf_web_socket.dart';
import 'package:shelf_packages_handler/shelf_packages_handler.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import 'package:web_test_utils/goldens.dart';
import 'package:web_test_utils/image_compare.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/suite_platform.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/runner_suite.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/platform.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/util/stack_trace_mapper.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/utils.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/suite.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/plugin/platform_helpers.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/environment.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/util/io.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/configuration.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'browser.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'environment.dart' as env;
import 'screenshot_manager.dart';
import 'supported_browsers.dart';
class BrowserPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
/// Starts the server.
/// [root] is the root directory that the server should serve. It defaults to
/// the working directory.
static Future<BrowserPlatform> start(String name,
{String root, bool doUpdateScreenshotGoldens: false}) async {
var server = shelf_io.IOServer(await HttpMultiServer.loopback(0));
return BrowserPlatform._(
p.fromUri(await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(
root: root,
doUpdateScreenshotGoldens: doUpdateScreenshotGoldens,
/// The test runner configuration.
final Configuration _config;
/// The underlying server.
final shelf.Server _server;
/// Name for the running browser. Not final on purpose can be mutated later.
String browserName;
/// A randomly-generated secret.
/// This is used to ensure that other users on the same system can't snoop
/// on data being served through this server.
final _secret = Uri.encodeComponent(randomBase64(24));
/// The URL for this server.
Uri get url => _server.url.resolve(_secret + '/');
/// A [OneOffHandler] for servicing WebSocket connections for
/// [BrowserManager]s.
/// This is one-off because each [BrowserManager] can only connect to a single
/// WebSocket,
final OneOffHandler _webSocketHandler = OneOffHandler();
/// A [PathHandler] used to serve compiled JS.
final PathHandler _jsHandler = PathHandler();
/// The root directory served statically by this server.
final String _root;
/// The HTTP client to use when caching JS files in `pub serve`.
final HttpClient _http;
/// Handles taking screenshots during tests.
/// Implementation will differ depending on the browser.
ScreenshotManager _screenshotManager;
/// Whether [close] has been called.
bool get _closed => _closeMemo.hasRun;
/// Whether to update screenshot golden files.
final bool doUpdateScreenshotGoldens;
String name, this._server, Configuration config, String faviconPath,
{String root, this.doUpdateScreenshotGoldens})
: this.browserName = name,
_config = config,
_root = root == null ? p.current : root,
_http = config.pubServeUrl == null ? null : HttpClient() {
var cascade = shelf.Cascade().add(_webSocketHandler.handler);
if (_config.pubServeUrl == null) {
// We server static files from here (JS, HTML, etc)
final String staticFilePath =
config.suiteDefaults.precompiledPath ?? _root;
cascade = cascade
// Precompiled directories often contain symlinks
config.suiteDefaults.precompiledPath != null))
// Screenshot tests are only enabled in Chrome and Safari iOS for now.
if (browserName == 'chrome' || browserName == 'ios-safari') {
cascade = cascade.add(_screeshotHandler);
_screenshotManager = ScreenshotManager.choose(browserName);
var pipeline = shelf.Pipeline()
Future<shelf.Response> _screeshotHandler(shelf.Request request) async {
if (browserName != 'chrome' && browserName != 'ios-safari') {
throw Exception('Screenshots tests are only available in Chrome '
'and in Safari-iOS.');
if (!request.requestedUri.path.endsWith('/screenshot')) {
return shelf.Response.notFound(
'This request is not handled by the screenshot handler');
final String payload = await request.readAsString();
final Map<String, dynamic> requestData =
json.decode(payload) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final String filename = requestData['filename'] as String;
final bool write = requestData['write'] as bool;
final double maxDiffRate = requestData.containsKey('maxdiffrate')
? (requestData['maxdiffrate'] as num)
.toDouble() // can be parsed as either int or double
: kMaxDiffRateFailure;
final Map<String, dynamic> region =
requestData['region'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final PixelComparison pixelComparison = PixelComparison.values.firstWhere(
(value) => value.toString() == requestData['pixelComparison']);
final String result = await _diffScreenshot(
filename, write, maxDiffRate, region, pixelComparison);
return shelf.Response.ok(json.encode(result));
Future<String> _diffScreenshot(
String filename,
bool write,
double maxDiffRateFailure,
Map<String, dynamic> region,
PixelComparison pixelComparison) async {
if (doUpdateScreenshotGoldens) {
write = true;
filename =
filename.replaceAll('.png', '${_screenshotManager.filenameSuffix}.png');
String goldensDirectory;
if (filename.startsWith('__local__')) {
filename = filename.substring('__local__/'.length);
goldensDirectory = p.join(
} else {
goldensDirectory = p.join(
final Rectangle regionAsRectange = Rectangle(
region['x'] as num,
region['y'] as num,
region['width'] as num,
region['height'] as num,
// Take screenshot.
final Image screenshot = await _screenshotManager.capture(regionAsRectange);
return compareImage(
goldensDirectory: goldensDirectory,
write: write);
/// A handler that serves wrapper files used to bootstrap tests.
shelf.Response _wrapperHandler(shelf.Request request) {
var path = p.fromUri(request.url);
if (path.endsWith('.html')) {
var test = p.withoutExtension(path) + '.dart';
// Link to the Dart wrapper.
var scriptBase = htmlEscape.convert(p.basename(test));
var link = '<link rel="x-dart-test" href="$scriptBase">';
return shelf.Response.ok('''
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>${htmlEscape.convert(test)} Test</title>
<script src="packages/test/dart.js"></script>
''', headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
return shelf.Response.notFound('Not found.');
/// Loads the test suite at [path] on the platform [platform].
/// This will start a browser to load the suite if one isn't already running.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if `platform.platform` isn't a browser.
Future<RunnerSuite> load(String path, SuitePlatform platform,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig, Object message) async {
if (suiteConfig.precompiledPath == null) {
throw Exception('This test platform only supports precompiled JS.');
var browser = platform.runtime;
if (!browser.isBrowser) {
throw ArgumentError('$browser is not a browser.');
if (_closed) {
return null;
Uri suiteUrl = url.resolveUri(
p.toUri(p.withoutExtension(p.relative(path, from: _root)) + '.html'));
if (_closed) {
return null;
var browserManager = await _browserManagerFor(browser);
if (_closed || browserManager == null) {
return null;
var suite = await browserManager.load(path, suiteUrl, suiteConfig, message);
if (_closed) {
return null;
return suite;
StreamChannel loadChannel(String path, SuitePlatform platform) =>
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<BrowserManager> _browserManager;
/// Returns the [BrowserManager] for [runtime], which should be a browser.
/// If no browser manager is running yet, starts one.
Future<BrowserManager> _browserManagerFor(Runtime browser) {
if (_browserManager != null) {
return _browserManager;
var completer = Completer<WebSocketChannel>.sync();
var path = _webSocketHandler.create(webSocketHandler(completer.complete));
var webSocketUrl = url.replace(scheme: 'ws').resolve(path);
var hostUrl = (_config.pubServeUrl == null ? url : _config.pubServeUrl)
.replace(queryParameters: <String, dynamic>{
'managerUrl': webSocketUrl.toString(),
'debug': _config.pauseAfterLoad.toString()
var future = BrowserManager.start(browser, hostUrl, completer.future,
debug: _config.pauseAfterLoad);
// Store null values for browsers that error out so we know not to load them
// again.
_browserManager = future.catchError((dynamic _) => null);
return future;
/// Close all the browsers that the server currently has open.
/// Note that this doesn't close the server itself. Browser tests can still be
/// loaded, they'll just spawn new browsers.
Future<void> closeEphemeral() async {
final BrowserManager result = await _browserManager;
if (result != null) {
await result.close();
/// Closes the server and releases all its resources.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes once the server is closed and its
/// resources have been fully released.
Future<void> close() {
return _closeMemo.runOnce(() async {
final List<Future<void>> futures = <Future<void>>[];
futures.add(Future<void>.microtask(() async {
final BrowserManager result = await _browserManager;
if (result != null) {
await result.close();
await Future.wait(futures);
if (_config.pubServeUrl != null) {
final AsyncMemoizer<dynamic> _closeMemo = AsyncMemoizer<dynamic>();
/// A Shelf handler that provides support for one-time handlers.
/// This is useful for handlers that only expect to be hit once before becoming
/// invalid and don't need to have a persistent URL.
class OneOffHandler {
/// A map from URL paths to handlers.
final _handlers = Map<String, shelf.Handler>();
/// The counter of handlers that have been activated.
var _counter = 0;
/// The actual [shelf.Handler] that dispatches requests.
shelf.Handler get handler => _onRequest;
/// Creates a new one-off handler that forwards to [handler].
/// Returns a string that's the URL path for hitting this handler, relative to
/// the URL for the one-off handler itself.
/// [handler] will be unmounted as soon as it receives a request.
String create(shelf.Handler handler) {
var path = _counter.toString();
_handlers[path] = handler;
return path;
/// Dispatches [request] to the appropriate handler.
FutureOr<shelf.Response> _onRequest(shelf.Request request) {
var components = p.url.split(request.url.path);
if (components.isEmpty) {
return shelf.Response.notFound(null);
var path = components.removeAt(0);
var handler = _handlers.remove(path);
if (handler == null) {
return shelf.Response.notFound(null);
return handler(request.change(path: path));
/// A handler that routes to sub-handlers based on exact path prefixes.
class PathHandler {
/// A trie of path components to handlers.
final _paths = _Node();
/// The shelf handler.
shelf.Handler get handler => _onRequest;
/// Returns middleware that nests all requests beneath the URL prefix
/// [beneath].
static shelf.Middleware nestedIn(String beneath) {
return (handler) {
var pathHandler = PathHandler()..add(beneath, handler);
return pathHandler.handler;
/// Routes requests at or under [path] to [handler].
/// If [path] is a parent or child directory of another path in this handler,
/// the longest matching prefix wins.
void add(String path, shelf.Handler handler) {
var node = _paths;
for (var component in p.url.split(path)) {
node = node.children.putIfAbsent(component, () => _Node());
node.handler = handler;
FutureOr<shelf.Response> _onRequest(shelf.Request request) {
shelf.Handler handler;
int handlerIndex;
var node = _paths;
var components = p.url.split(request.url.path);
for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
node = node.children[components[i]];
if (node == null) {
if (node.handler == null) {
handler = node.handler;
handlerIndex = i;
if (handler == null) {
return shelf.Response.notFound('Not found.');
return handler(
request.change(path: p.url.joinAll(components.take(handlerIndex + 1))));
/// A trie node.
class _Node {
shelf.Handler handler;
final children = Map<String, _Node>();
/// A class that manages the connection to a single running browser.
/// This is in charge of telling the browser which test suites to load and
/// converting its responses into [Suite] objects.
class BrowserManager {
/// The browser instance that this is connected to via [_channel].
final Browser _browser;
/// The [Runtime] for [_browser].
final Runtime _runtime;
/// The channel used to communicate with the browser.
/// This is connected to a page running `static/host.dart`.
MultiChannel _channel;
/// A pool that ensures that limits the number of initial connections the
/// manager will wait for at once.
/// This isn't the *total* number of connections; any number of iframes may be
/// loaded in the same browser. However, the browser can only load so many at
/// once, and we want a timeout in case they fail so we only wait for so many
/// at once.
final _pool = Pool(8);
/// The ID of the next suite to be loaded.
/// This is used to ensure that the suites can be referred to consistently
/// across the client and server.
int _suiteID = 0;
/// Whether the channel to the browser has closed.
bool _closed = false;
/// The completer for [_BrowserEnvironment.displayPause].
/// This will be `null` as long as the browser isn't displaying a pause
/// screen.
CancelableCompleter _pauseCompleter;
/// The controller for [_BrowserEnvironment.onRestart].
final _onRestartController = StreamController<dynamic>.broadcast();
/// The environment to attach to each suite.
Future<_BrowserEnvironment> _environment;
/// Controllers for every suite in this browser.
/// These are used to mark suites as debugging or not based on the browser's
/// pings.
final _controllers = Set<RunnerSuiteController>();
// A timer that's reset whenever we receive a message from the browser.
// Because the browser stops running code when the user is actively debugging,
// this lets us detect whether they're debugging reasonably accurately.
RestartableTimer _timer;
/// Starts the browser identified by [runtime] and has it connect to [url].
/// [url] should serve a page that establishes a WebSocket connection with
/// this process. That connection, once established, should be emitted via
/// [future]. If [debug] is true, starts the browser in debug mode, with its
/// debugger interfaces on and detected.
/// The [settings] indicate how to invoke this browser's executable.
/// Returns the browser manager, or throws an [Exception] if a
/// connection fails to be established.
static Future<BrowserManager> start(
Runtime runtime, Uri url, Future<WebSocketChannel> future,
{bool debug = false}) {
var browser = _newBrowser(url, runtime, debug: debug);
var completer = Completer<BrowserManager>();
// For the cases where we use a delegator such as `adb` (for Android) or
// `xcrun` (for IOS), these delegator processes can shut down before the
// websocket is available. Therefore do not throw an error if proccess
// exits with exitCode 0. Note that `browser` will throw and error if the
// exit code was not 0, which will be processed by the next callback.
browser.onExit.catchError((dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (completer.isCompleted) {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
future.then((webSocket) {
if (completer.isCompleted) {
completer.complete(BrowserManager._(browser, runtime, webSocket));
}).catchError((dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (completer.isCompleted) {
return null;
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
return completer.future;
/// Starts the browser identified by [browser] using [settings] and has it load [url].
/// If [debug] is true, starts the browser in debug mode.
static Browser _newBrowser(Uri url, Runtime browser, {bool debug = false}) {
return SupportedBrowsers.instance.getBrowser(browser, url, debug: debug);
/// Creates a new BrowserManager that communicates with [browser] over
/// [webSocket].
BrowserManager._(this._browser, this._runtime, WebSocketChannel webSocket) {
// The duration should be short enough that the debugging console is open as
// soon as the user is done setting breakpoints, but long enough that a test
// doing a lot of synchronous work doesn't trigger a false positive.
// Start this canceled because we don't want it to start ticking until we
// get some response from the iframe.
_timer = RestartableTimer(Duration(seconds: 3), () {
for (var controller in _controllers) {
// Whenever we get a message, no matter which child channel it's for, we the
// know browser is still running code which means the user isn't debugging.
_channel = MultiChannel<dynamic>(
webSocket.cast<String>().transform(jsonDocument).changeStream((stream) {
return {
if (!_closed) {
for (var controller in _controllers) {
return message;
_environment = _loadBrowserEnvironment();
.listen((dynamic message) => _onMessage(message as Map), onDone: close);
/// Loads [_BrowserEnvironment].
Future<_BrowserEnvironment> _loadBrowserEnvironment() async {
return _BrowserEnvironment(this, await _browser.observatoryUrl,
await _browser.remoteDebuggerUrl,;
/// Tells the browser the load a test suite from the URL [url].
/// [url] should be an HTML page with a reference to the JS-compiled test
/// suite. [path] is the path of the original test suite file, which is used
/// for reporting. [suiteConfig] is the configuration for the test suite.
Future<RunnerSuite> load(String path, Uri url, SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig,
Object message) async {
url = url.replace(
fragment: Uri.encodeFull(jsonEncode(<String, dynamic>{
'metadata': suiteConfig.metadata.serialize(),
'browser': _runtime.identifier
var suiteID = _suiteID++;
RunnerSuiteController controller;
void closeIframe() {
if (_closed) {
_channel.sink.add({'command': 'closeSuite', 'id': suiteID});
// The virtual channel will be closed when the suite is closed, in which
// case we should unload the iframe.
var virtualChannel = _channel.virtualChannel();
var suiteChannelID =;
var suiteChannel = virtualChannel.transformStream(
StreamTransformer<dynamic, dynamic>.fromHandlers(handleDone: (sink) {
return await _pool.withResource<RunnerSuite>(() async {
'command': 'loadSuite',
'url': url.toString(),
'id': suiteID,
'channel': suiteChannelID
try {
controller = deserializeSuite(path, currentPlatform(_runtime),
suiteConfig, await _environment, suiteChannel, message);
final String sourceMapFileName =
final String pathToTest = p.dirname(path);
final String mapPath = p.join(env.environment.webUiRootDir.path,
'build', pathToTest, sourceMapFileName);
PackageConfig packageConfig =
await loadPackageConfigUri(await Isolate.packageConfig);
Map<String, Uri> packageMap = {
for (var p in packageConfig.packages) p.packageUriRoot
final JSStackTraceMapper mapper = JSStackTraceMapper(
await File(mapPath).readAsString(),
mapUrl: p.toUri(mapPath),
packageMap: packageMap,
sdkRoot: p.toUri(sdkDir),
return await controller.suite;
} catch (_) {
/// An implementation of [Environment.displayPause].
CancelableOperation _displayPause() {
if (_pauseCompleter != null) {
return _pauseCompleter.operation;
_pauseCompleter = CancelableCompleter<void>(onCancel: () {
_channel.sink.add({'command': 'resume'});
_pauseCompleter = null;
_pauseCompleter.operation.value.whenComplete(() {
_pauseCompleter = null;
_channel.sink.add({'command': 'displayPause'});
return _pauseCompleter.operation;
/// The callback for handling messages received from the host page.
void _onMessage(Map message) {
switch (message['command'] as String) {
case 'ping':
case 'restart':
case 'resume':
if (_pauseCompleter != null) {
// Unreachable.
/// Closes the manager and releases any resources it owns, including closing
/// the browser.
Future close() => _closeMemoizer.runOnce(() {
_closed = true;
if (_pauseCompleter != null) {
_pauseCompleter = null;
return _browser.close();
final AsyncMemoizer<dynamic> _closeMemoizer = AsyncMemoizer<dynamic>();
/// An implementation of [Environment] for the browser.
/// All methods forward directly to [BrowserManager].
class _BrowserEnvironment implements Environment {
final BrowserManager _manager;
final supportsDebugging = true;
final Uri observatoryUrl;
final Uri remoteDebuggerUrl;
final Stream onRestart;
_BrowserEnvironment(this._manager, this.observatoryUrl,
this.remoteDebuggerUrl, this.onRestart);
CancelableOperation displayPause() => _manager._displayPause();
bool get isCirrus => Platform.environment['CIRRUS_CI'] == 'true';