blob: 334887d873c3de042bf1cb49489358ccbb36e49e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library defines the web equivalent of the native dart:ui.
/// All types in this library are public.
// @dart = 2.12
library ui;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' as collection;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'src/engine.dart' as engine;
part 'src/ui/annotations.dart';
part 'src/ui/canvas.dart';
part 'src/ui/channel_buffers.dart';
part 'src/ui/compositing.dart';
part 'src/ui/geometry.dart';
part 'src/ui/hash_codes.dart';
part 'src/ui/initialization.dart';
part 'src/ui/key.dart';
part 'src/ui/lerp.dart';
part 'src/ui/natives.dart';
part 'src/ui/painting.dart';
part 'src/ui/path.dart';
part 'src/ui/path_metrics.dart';
part 'src/ui/platform_dispatcher.dart';
part 'src/ui/pointer.dart';
part 'src/ui/semantics.dart';
part 'src/ui/test_embedding.dart';
part 'src/ui/text.dart';
part 'src/ui/tile_mode.dart';
part 'src/ui/window.dart';
/// Provides a compile time constant to customize flutter framework and other
/// users of ui engine for web runtime.
const bool isWeb = true;
/// Web specific SMI. Used by bitfield. The 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF used on VM
/// is not supported on Web platform.
const int kMaxUnsignedSMI = -1;
void webOnlyInitializeEngine() {
void webOnlySetPluginHandler(Future<void> Function(String, ByteData?, PlatformMessageResponseCallback?) handler) {
engine.pluginMessageCallHandler = handler;
// TODO(yjbanov): The code below was temporarily moved from lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/platform_views.dart
// during the NNBD migration so that `dart:ui` does not have to export `dart:_engine`. NNBD
// does not allow exported non-migrated libraries from migrated libraries. When `dart:_engine`
// is migrated, we can move it back.
/// A registry for factories that create platform views.
class PlatformViewRegistry {
final Map<String, PlatformViewFactory> registeredFactories =
<String, PlatformViewFactory>{};
final Map<int, html.Element> _createdViews = <int, html.Element>{};
/// Private constructor so this class can be a singleton.
/// Register [viewTypeId] as being creating by the given [factory].
bool registerViewFactory(String viewTypeId, PlatformViewFactory factory) {
if (registeredFactories.containsKey(viewTypeId)) {
return false;
registeredFactories[viewTypeId] = factory;
return true;
/// Returns the view that has been created with the given [id], or `null` if
/// no such view exists.
html.Element? getCreatedView(int id) {
return _createdViews[id];
/// A function which takes a unique [id] and creates an HTML element.
typedef PlatformViewFactory = html.Element Function(int viewId);
/// The platform view registry for this app.
final PlatformViewRegistry platformViewRegistry = PlatformViewRegistry._();
/// Handles a platform call to `flutter/platform_views`.
/// Used to create platform views.
void handlePlatformViewCall(
ByteData data,
PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback,
) {
const engine.MethodCodec codec = engine.StandardMethodCodec();
final engine.MethodCall decoded = codec.decodeMethodCall(data);
switch (decoded.method) {
case 'create':
_createPlatformView(decoded, callback);
case 'dispose':
_disposePlatformView(decoded, callback);
void _createPlatformView(
engine.MethodCall methodCall, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> args = methodCall.arguments;
final int id = args['id'];
final String viewType = args['viewType'];
const engine.MethodCodec codec = engine.StandardMethodCodec();
// TODO(het): Use 'direction', 'width', and 'height'.
final PlatformViewFactory? platformViewFactory = platformViewRegistry.registeredFactories[viewType];
if (platformViewFactory == null) {
code: 'Unregistered factory',
message: "No factory registered for viewtype '$viewType'",
// TODO(het): Use creation parameters.
final html.Element element = platformViewFactory(id);
platformViewRegistry._createdViews[id] = element;
void _disposePlatformView(
engine.MethodCall methodCall, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
final int id = methodCall.arguments;
const engine.MethodCodec codec = engine.StandardMethodCodec();
// Remove the root element of the view from the DOM.
// TODO(yjbanov): remove _Callback, _Callbacker, and _futurize. They are here only
// because the analyzer wasn't able to infer the correct types during
// NNBD migration.
typedef _Callback<T> = void Function(T result);
typedef _Callbacker<T> = String? Function(_Callback<T> callback);
Future<T> _futurize<T>(_Callbacker<T> callbacker) {
final Completer<T> completer = Completer<T>.sync();
final String? error = callbacker((T t) {
if (t == null) {
completer.completeError(Exception('operation failed'));
} else {
if (error != null) {
throw Exception(error);
return completer.future;